shaky after short workout?

Hi, I'm currently recovering from a restrictive eating disorder and I'm at a healthy BMI of 20 at the moment. I'm a 20 year old female.

I have a question about strength training. I don't do much because I consider myself to be still recovering, so I don't want to put my body under too much stress. But my doctor says I am cleared for light exercise.

Why do I always feel so shaky and nauseated after strength training? Today I did 30 minutes of light cardio and proceeded to lift some 5lbs weights (3 sets of 30). That's all I did and after that I felt like throwing up. My body was shaking so much. But I barely did anything and the weights weren't even that heavy. What's going on? Could it have been caused by insufficient food?


  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    It certainly could have. If you opened your diary, it would help. When did you workout, and what and when did you eat before you worked out? I sometimes don't time my meals quite right, and when I swim for an hour, I like to sit in the hot tub for 20 mins, afterwards, then shower, so it gets close to 2 hrs that I'm there. Occasionally, if I haven't fueled up properly, I get shaky and sweaty when I'm leaving, and have to grab something quick from the coffee place at the pool.
  • falilvx
    falilvx Posts: 52 Member
    hey :)
    First of all,congratz on making change to become more healthy.
    As for ur question,dont worry it's normal at the beginning because of out of shape. next week it'll be better trust me . and make sure to know how much caloried you need a day and the most important is do not eat below ur BMR . Good luck on ur journey :)
  • uglyclub
    uglyclub Posts: 83 Member
    I had a 150 calorie breakfast and waited an hour before starting on cardio.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    I had a 150 calorie breakfast and waited an hour before starting on cardio.

    You could certainly try eating a bit more before exercising. Did eating after you exercised make you feel better?
  • karmac0matic
    karmac0matic Posts: 285
    It may just be since you're starting out now...
    Or it could be too little food. 150 calories might seem like a ton for you to eat as opposed to someone else who thinks that's a super-light breakfast. Maybe, since you're just starting out, you can try eating a little more before working out so that you get that extra energy.
  • sarahmania
    sarahmania Posts: 16 Member
    Sounds like low blood sugar. Have a bigger breakfast porridge/oatmeal would be good as it releases the carbs slowly and a protein source too like natural yogurt or a glass of milk. Keep up the recovery!
  • cwoyto123
    cwoyto123 Posts: 308
    Because you're not eating enough, which probably resulted in low red blood cell count along with low blood pressure.