Anyone else doing T25?

Hey guys! And gals! I just joined MFP today! I was wondering if anyone else has been or is doing the T25 workout? I've been doing it for 3 1/2 weeks now and have lost 10 pounds. As much as that makes me happy I feel like I'm not seeing results. I guess I have 6 1/2 more weeks to complete it(before I start over again) so I'm hoping I will see a difference in my body. I was just wondering if anyone else is doing it or has been doing and received great results? Since I started it I've completely dropped fast food and sodas which I was doing about 50% of the time of my week. Fast food was about 3 times a week and usually 5 sodas a day. I guess I'm just anxious to see a change in my body and I'm not seeing it yet despite doing the workout for 3 1/2 weeks. Would love to hear your opinions, answers and advice! Thanks!


  • picotons
    picotons Posts: 14
    I just sent you an email =)
  • picotons
    picotons Posts: 14
    I have been doing T25 for the past 3 months. I am currently doing Beta and LOVE it. If you are not losing the weight, then you need to look into eating more healthy with right portions. But, with the right support and accountability, YOU CAN LOSE the weight!! I promise!! I have tried for so long to lose my pregnancy weight and was never able to untill I started T25. If it can change me, it can change you!
  • lharrop1669
    lharrop1669 Posts: 28 Member
    I start Beta today!
    So excited. I was getting board with Alpha. Can hardly wait!
  • NancyKhuu
    NancyKhuu Posts: 87 Member
    For those who are doing t25, how does it feel compared to insanity. I was doing insanity for a while but got caught up with other schedules, so restricting exercise time to 25 minutes seems like a good idea. I only worry if it will have any visible effect on me as I'm 5'2" and 106lbs
  • I haven't done Insanity but I just started my 5th week of T25, and I have done P90x in the past. I know, at least with P90x, that over the course of an hour, there was a lot of time spent explaining the exercises, time that was spent standing around once I got the hang of it. It also left a lot of time for commentary and jokes, which got old quickly. I liked the exercises, but I started to dislike the DVD's themselves and eventually fell out of it.

    Since T25 is condensed, they don't show you how to do every workout. While this puts you at a disadvantage for the first week or 2, once you get the hang of the exercises you get right into it. The time flies, and you will sweat as long as you are trying to keep up. After a few weeks, it was taking a toll on my knees, so I started to do the modified versions of some of the exercises, and the pain went away (there is a LOT of jumping). I hate the exercises (in a good way), and it is over before you know it. The only negative is that they expect you to double up and do an hour on Fridays, but since Saturday is a rest day, you could break it up into a 6 day program, with 1 per day (not including the optional stretch workout on Sunday).

    I have lost 6 pounds in 4 weeks, largely limiting my calories but not religiously. (had a wedding and rehearsal dinner, a few graduation parties, a beer festival, and a BBQ, so there have been plenty of excess calorie days). I feel better, I'm starting to look better, and I am looking forward to beta phase next week, which is an accomplishment for me since I usually don't stick to workout regimens for more than 4-6 weeks before falling off.
  • Just started T25 today...excited about what's to come!
  • kmsea123
    kmsea123 Posts: 2 Member
    Stephiejesq...I just started today also....the first one wasn't as bad as I expected although I did stay with the modifier for a bit because I have a bad knee and cannot do some of the moves as quickly. Excited to see some results hoping with that and trying to reach my walking goal on fitbit each day some of this weight will fall off.....oh and unlike P90X the instructor is so much easier on the eyes :)
  • mnnelson1875
    mnnelson1875 Posts: 8 Member
    Me my musband and BFF started it today as well, DAY1 DONE!!! I am excited to see some results as well.....let's keep eachother posted!!