Hello again.

Here I am again. New Profile looking to build a new me!... I have been on a weight rollercoaster for a long time now and go into crucial detail. I started a desk job after working retail for years in 2010. I started weighing in at 115-120... Over time I realized that the women I worked with LOVED to eat and boy were they amazing cooks! And not realizing what not being on my feel would to me in the time frame I’ve been here I am horrified by what I have become. Now 4 years later I weigh in at 194 pounds. That fluctuates constantly from 191 to 198 being the largest. I had a great routine a year ago and lost 15 pounds and the second I fell off the wagon it all piled back on. I can’t lose it to save my life now at this point but boy will it continue to pile on. After a long depression I think I’m ready to move forward and get this going again. I am going to start counting my calories again and now I am doing a cardio kickboxing class 2 days a week and yoga on occasion and walking every night at least 30 minutes and jump rope every other day. I want to see changes and I want to be happy with myself again. I realize I may not ever reach 115lbs gain but boy would I be happy with 130-140. I have two beautiful daughters I need to better myself for and I’m seeing on a daily bases changes in my body that aren’t changes I am happy to see. I’ve got to do this! Wish me luck. If there are any strong women out there that can offer support and need support as well please feel free to friend me.


  • krubio58
    krubio58 Posts: 11
    Good luck on your new attempt. It sounds like you are really motivated!
  • cohare55
    cohare55 Posts: 3
    Hi it seems like you and me are on the same page... I want to be 155 145 and ill be comfortable... I too flutuate at 197 to 205... and i too was at 187 185 and then went right back up.... I too have a someone to take care of but i need to take care of myself... I need motiviation and communication..can't afford ww and am done with FB.... so here go 's fitness pal... nice to meet u