Getting Started... Again...

January of my senior in high school, my appendix had to be removed. When I went in a month later for a check up on my stitches, the doctor weighed me. I was 236 .pounds I decided right then and there I was going to make a change. I was able to lose almost 60 pounds before I had a fall out with one of my friends. Since we all used the gym together and went around the same time (since I worked every night at 5), it made going to the gym extremely difficult and stressful (to the point where I simply stopped going). I just graduated from college with my Bachelors Degree but at my heaviest yet. I now weigh 271 pounds. I want to get back to my weight in high school when I was playing water polo, softball, and doing marching band. I know what I need to do, but it all just seems so overwhelming. It seems harder getting started for the second time. How did I let this get so bad? Getting started for the second time almost seems like I have failed myself. My goal weight is 150 pounds, but I know I shouldn't focus on that; I do have some mini goals. Any thoughts, advice, or support would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, everyone! :happy:


  • rdyne1
    rdyne1 Posts: 53
    I find having a buddy or someone to hold you accountable works wonders.
  • When you set a goal try and reach it! Hang on in there
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    The good news is you're young and you can do this. Be patient stick to the plan. Don't depend on others to work out with you, that's a recipe for failure. If you want company sign up for a Zumbz or Jazzercise class. There are all kinds if things you can do for exercise., and you can meet new friends at the same time.

    Good luck
  • pjarellano
    pjarellano Posts: 18
    Don't look back to long. I know how you feel. I have been in front of that mirror. I actually had to struggle for years after having my now 27 year old son. For me it turned out fertility pills turned my system into a gaining machine. Little did I know my system never recovered. So I struggled for 24 years. Sure I was doing everything wrong. I work at it every day, some days better then others. But every day is a work on weight loss day. 4 surgeries (read my bio) and a lot learned along the way. Down 34 plus pounds

    If I could suggest one thing to you. Go to your doctor, take their wisdom home with you. And realize you can do one of two things. Worry about yesterdays mistakes, or celebrate tomorrows victories. I know you can turn your tomorrows into a healthier you. Just don't let to many tomorrows go bye thinking about what could of/ should of/ or might of been. Yay you for being here today.
  • cdlaperle
    cdlaperle Posts: 2
    I'm starting this Weight Loss thing myself, I find it easier not to look at my goal weight to hard. I just bought food that should last for a month for under $100. It is all about eating right and exercising everyday. I am on this program:

    It is working so far. Also do not worry if you cheat a few times just make sure to make it up the next day. When you first start you will see much progress but then you will see it start to slow down. This is suppose to happen so do not get down about it. Just stick with a plan and stay to it. We all have to start somewhere.
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    check with a nutritionist who can help you with food and an exercise routine. as others have stated, work with small attainable goals so it's not so overwhelming. log all your food, good & bad. drink LOTS of water.

    and remember... this is a lifestyle... a marathon, not a sprint. you'll come upon bumps in the road but don't let yourself down and quit.

    Good luck and if you feel like it feel free to visit a post I wrote the other day:

  • bonzarelli1
    bonzarelli1 Posts: 3 Member
    If you can afford a personal trainer, possibly find another gym and sign up to have sessions with a trainer so you will have a person to meet you there and help make and achieve goals, etc., or meet with a trainer at the same gym and work through your emotions if you see someone that brings up negative feelings. Because you are young and were very active at one time, your body will remember how it was when it was fit once you get moving again. I just started zumba classes which has been fun and works everything (I am big and uncoordinated - started at 220 lbs 2 weeks ago and am 41 years old) and a few lbs have come off. It mostly is a head thing to get going. Know that you are beautiful as-is, valuable as-is, don't compare and judge yourself to others or to your past, and start moving to get in a healthier place. You were an athlete and are still so young. I am sure the discipline and confidence will come back to you once you get going. You can do this!
  • Jkn921
    Jkn921 Posts: 309 Member
    I went through the same thing of gaining and feel like I've completely let myself go. Honestly, the first week is the hardest but once you get through it you'll get into the rhythm. The three things you should focus on are:

    1) What you put in your mouth - track everything down using MFP
    2) Exercise - Minimum should be 30 minutes a day, if you struggle with this - do a bit less but the main thing is doing it everyday
    3) A LOT of patience - hardest trait of weight loss but if you solely focus on the first two which are in YOUR control, you'll be fine. That is what it takes. Forget weight loss, where you want to be, let these things happen on its own just focus on entirely what is in your control - if you stick to those two things, results will begin to present themselves to you.

    You can do it :)
  • OMG! I am feeling the same way today. I actually said to myself this morning that I feel defeated today and I want to make today a "new" Beginning! I really have no excuse. I am a 42 yr old woman with 4 children and a supportive husband. I know what I have to do to loss the weight. I just can not get motivated and stay motivated. I AM TIRED OF DIETING! I want nutrition, exercising and meditation to become a way of life...........Something has to give because I was 162 at the beginning of this year and now I am 185. So sad......... but true! I wish that we can connect online and motivate each other. Let me know......
  • jlshea
    jlshea Posts: 494 Member
    Its such a vicious cycle...the biggest thing I have learned is you cannot "diet" for months, get to a goal and then go back to the old ways. Its cliche but its got to be a lifestyle change forever.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    The past is the past.

    You're young and have so much Life ahead of you. Time to learn new lifestyle changes that move forward with you.

    Having a friend at the gym helped as a teen.
    Now you can have friends here to help encourage you, keep you moving, etc. A long with your boyfriend.

    you CAN do this! You can do it at home, and don't need a gym. You just need the desire to CHANGE.
