hello, just joined, have a long way to go!

hi everyone, I found this site last night, so joined and today is my first day of serious intention to loose weighting and get fit. I am 55 yrs old, 5' 8" tall Female with 110lbs to loose, I am married, have three adult children, two dogs and live in the UK. I work as a artist from home.


  • Joannesmith2818
    Joannesmith2818 Posts: 438 Member
    Hi, it is great here and very motivating. I am from UK too!

    Add me if you would like some support. xx
  • greentray
    greentray Posts: 35 Member
    Hi and welcome, great site full of very motivated people, feel free to add me, log in everyday good and bad ones -)
  • 86sarahb
    86sarahb Posts: 84 Member
    This is a great way to lose the pounds. Good luck and feel free to add me :drinker:
  • EvelineUK
    EvelineUK Posts: 97
    *waves* I'm in the UK too and have a similar weightloss/get healthy goal.
    I'm 6 weeks in to using MFP and it's really helped me to be more mindful about what I eat, and to see what exercise does for me.
    Hope you'll find it just as helpful.
  • crush12001
    crush12001 Posts: 10 Member
    Nice to meet you. I'm in the uk too. And patchy about logging in. But the site and the community seem to help. Good luck!
  • DaisyGrammy
    DaisyGrammy Posts: 148 Member
    Welcome!!! Come join our group:
    Fifty, Female and Fun!

    We have alot of ladies in this group that are your age and many have lost the same amount of weight if not more!
    It's a fun supportive group!
  • katheewaterhouse
    thank you so much every body x
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    Hello from Canada,


    Add me
  • jenelijah123
    Hi everyone...I just joined today and I really want to begin my weight loss journey. I am 30 years old and 212 pounds..I am really not sure how to begin to excercise...I have tried several times to begin a weight loss program and I never follow through...maybe 2 weeks if that...does anyone have any pointers???
  • ctorrealba
    I am on a 110 pound journey as well, i started on March 2, 2014 after returning from a work trip to the UK - I barely was able to fasten my seatbelt - I thought "This is not good, I am at the limit of what Air Canada thinks a passenger should measure"

    I started my usual diet when I got home, lost 10 pounds in a couple of weeks.. But i'm sure i was on the road to giving up if it wasn't for MyFitnessPal... I stated using it mid March, and I love it, I always know where I stand at any time of the day. MFP lead me to use a sister APP, FitBit and i have since added a FitBit One (Step Counter) and a FitBit Aria(WiFi Scale) to my routine... which lead to buying a treadmill and moving up my daily step goal to 20,000

    there are days where I start the day off with 45 to 60 minutes on the treadmill, go thru the day and at 8 PM get back on the treadmill to get from 12,500 steps to 20,000 on these days my "Net Calories" are actually negative

    All because of the positive change that having all the info supplied by MFP

    You can ABSOLUTELY do this

    Talk to you in 10 pounds


    As of this morning I have lost 40.2 pounds (In 3 months) and have never been so convinced that i will reach my goal