Strava app has link with MFP option now

In the latest Strava app update (on android and iphone) under Settings - Account - Link Other Services there is an option to link to MyFitnessPal!

No mention of MFP integration on the web version though and I'm not sure it works yet as I'm still waiting on the first sync.

But, at least we know it's coming!


  • MellyMel340
    MellyMel340 Posts: 20 Member
    Thats good news i saw the option but it has not sync for me yet as well.
  • roolmc
    roolmc Posts: 47
    My first sync happened today - a 91 minute cycle.

    The calorie counts differ but not by much. I'm so glad this has finally come.
  • TMattP
    TMattP Posts: 49 Member
    Beware using this.

    Strava calories are all over the place. I also doubled up on my exercise cos I didn't realise that the link between strava was automatic.
  • roolmc
    roolmc Posts: 47
    Well I find MFP usually estimates higher kcal for similar activities so I take it with a pinch of salt. I only eat back a fraction of them and only if I'm hungry.
  • DDDong
    DDDong Posts: 1 Member
    I know strava calories lost calculation is only supposed to be a WAG and tends to be on the high side. But linking strava with MFP gets even crazier results. I"m a slowpoke but for the past couple of rides I've had it linked. MFP used a very high average speed to calculate my calorie loss. So though I was on a ~10mph hilly ride for about an hour. It would make an entry for an hour of 17-20mph cycling. It's a big difference, Strava estimate = 75 calories burned, MFP entry = 941 calories burned, MFP manual entry(cycling<10mph 1 hour) = 290 calories burned.. At this point it's more trouble than not having it linked since I have to delete the extraordinarily high automatic entry.
  • jukedy
    jukedy Posts: 1
    Can anyone enlighten me on how this works?
  • terry__f
    Bottom line, it doesn't.
    Go with an alternate. Endomondo is next on my list.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    It's been working fine for me on a Galaxy S4. Calorie counts as well aren't out of the ordinary either. What isn't working?
  • TheBrolympus
    TheBrolympus Posts: 586 Member
    Strava's calories counts are always way over for me so I just connect my Garmin Connect to MFP and it pulls in calories from my 910xt.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Strava's calories counts are always way over for me so I just connect my Garmin Connect to MFP and it pulls in calories from my 910xt.

    That's odd. Mine is the exact opposite. My Garmin calorie counts are ridiculous, and the Strava app seems to bring them down when transferred over. Lol. Weird.