Boob Job/BreastAugmentation

(wasn't sure where this would go so apologise if its in wrong place.)
Hello MFP's Just wanting a lil advice if possible
Soo I was always roughly a 34DD/E before I started puttin weight on at 17 & went upto a Mahoosive 36/38 G/GG at my biggest now am a D/DD which is mainly just excess skin and awful.. I am finally on my last stretch of my weight loss.. I've lost 91lb and a size 10-12 just another 9lb to lose to make me a comfy size 10, unfortunately despite how proud of my self I am for losing the weight it has left me with very saggy boobage which is making me feel like this was all a waste of time as I'm still really unhappy, and thats the only past of my body I can't exercise into shape GRRR! So after serious consideration I have decided to treat myself to boob job and booked in for my consultation on Saturday, I know numerous people who have had boob jobs done and are really happy but not for the same reasons..

I just wondered is there anyone else who has had one done after extreme weight loss or no anyone who has.. what was your results like? any before and after pics? any reasons why I should have second thorts? will I need an uplift and implants or will just the implants be enough?


  • MeganAnne89
    MeganAnne89 Posts: 271 Member
    If what you're suffering from is sag I think that the best solution would be to have a breast lift and not implants since you seem to be a larger size anyways.

    But your doctor will be able to tell you how much of it is leftover skin and what part of your chest is your actual mammary glands. You should listen to what they recommend but also see if you can get testimonials from past patients of theirs.
  • RozzeleS
    RozzeleS Posts: 65 Member
    I'd say 80% is now skin whats left its really not pretty I'd say without it I'd be maybe a C, and I'm really gunna take note of what they say and been doing a lot of research my sister had hers done with the same surgeon I'm going for she's had hers 5 years and had no problem and loves hers but for different reasons trying to find people who've done it for weight loss reasons is hard lol thanks for the information x
  • MeganAnne89
    MeganAnne89 Posts: 271 Member
    oh yeah, I know what you mean.

    My mom lost about 100 pounds and her breasts got a lot smaller. I've never been overweight though, and I've always have smaller breasts so if it makes you feel any better, even if you did wind up with a smaller cup size I can guarantee that you're bigger than me lol

    All that really matters is that you feel good about yourself. You've come so far and you deserve to be confident.
  • Aihs808
    Aihs808 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm sort of in the same boat as you. After most of my weight has been lost, my boobs are not lookin good. They were in the high Ds and now a very low 32C. I want a breast lift too .. someday. I don't think you need implants. Definitely listen to what the surgeon has to say, but I think you should do what you're going to be happy with for the rest of your life. It's ultimately up to you :) Good luck!
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    I had a reduction, and I wish I would the insurance would have covered to "lift" them too.

    Seriously, if you are doing it all on your dime or you get to choose, absolutely absolutely get them lifted.
  • SteampunkSongbird
    SteampunkSongbird Posts: 826 Member
    On one hand, I desperately want a breast lift, as mine are DD (some places swear I'm an E) and not at all perky because of how heavy they are, and as a woman of 28 with no children, I don't like looking like I've breast fed three kids. I feel a lift would really increase my confidence in that area. However, on the other hand, I know a large lady who had a lift, and after seeing the results, I'm wary of such an operation because I personally think the nipples looked very strangely stretched (and I'd dislike that more than I dislike the lack of gravity with mine.) I could handle a few scars, but not dreadful-looking nipples.
  • RozzeleS
    RozzeleS Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks, I'm so excited and feel 91lb loss is def a valid reason to treat myself, I'm gunna take everything in and looking at so many reviews before and afters etc try and get as much information..
    I'm kinda worried about the scaring if I have to have my nipple moved I think thats my main worry, but on the other hand even if They look good in a bra its better then they do now.. Roll on Saturday can't wait to get more information and the ball rolling :)
  • DucklingtoSwan
    DucklingtoSwan Posts: 169 Member
    let us know how it goes with the Dr., I am curious as to how it will play out... I'm already planning on getting the girls some help once I'm at goal... I've only lost 35 of my planned 150 and they are already deflating rather alarmingly :grumble:

    :drinker: Woot-woot on the 91 pounds!!!
  • RozzeleS
    RozzeleS Posts: 65 Member
    I will do, I'll give an update soon as I've been am sure it will be all I want to talk about, am so nervous but excited.. this week is going to take forever to come round to Saturday.. I was pretty lucky to start off with I lost around 70lb before any weight started to come of my boobs but then they seemed to vanish within weeks.

    Thanks, its took a long time but I finally see the light :bigsmile:
  • alysha_x
    alysha_x Posts: 8 Member

    I was the same wanted new boobs so much after going down two cup sizes they were so deflated and saggy.
    I found this supplement pueraria mirifica, it has changed my life! I've been on it two weeks and they aren't deflated anymore and have lifted where my boobs were drapped in at the sides.

    Have a little look, it's really helped me and is good for female hormones too
  • RozzeleS
    RozzeleS Posts: 65 Member
    Hey, Thankyou I will have a look now :)
    Anything will be a bonus to me at the moment. x
  • caspercb
    caspercb Posts: 33 Member
    As a child I was always bigger than average and was very unhappy in my school. I ate, at 16 I was at my largest. I changed school, was much happier and the weight started coming off. From a UK size 20 to a size 14 over 18 months (in my profile is my old school pic next to a pic of me now - similar to the size I was at 18). When I lost the weight my breasts just drooped down to my navel. I had to lift and place them into a bra, fold them in. I lacked confidence, was ashamed, sports were tricky and uncomfortable as they were still heavy. I used to stoop over and my shoulders were always sore.

    I made the decision that I wanted them reduced, so for my 18 birthday I had breast reduction. I had enough breast tissue that the surgeon said he'd be able to recreate a C/D cup without the need for an implant. I may or may not be able to breast feed as when he removed the nipple he was able to keep it attached to the internal breast tissue. Bra size 12 years on, either UK 36D or 34DD.

    Having the breast reduction was a life changer for me.
  • april979
    april979 Posts: 39
    I had mine done, only got implants not a lift though when I got them done it was just post breast feeding so I was sagging. After the implants tho they stood up really well, no sag. That was six years ago now and now I feel like I could really use a lift because I think eventually the weight of the implants cause sagging. A word of warning though when you first get them done they are quite swelled and hard for about six weeks during which time I fell away from my excercise routine because it was too uncomfortable and I eventually gained weight back, it took me till now to get back into the habit. Its a commitment for life which I never thought of when I got them done, wish I would have though cause cant afford the surgery twice. Eventually the implants will ripple, mine are now. (Think of a sandwich bag filled with water and you hold it closed, the ripple you would get along the side of the bag, that eventually shows through the skin.
  • RozzeleS
    RozzeleS Posts: 65 Member
    April, I think I will def go for the uplift and implant for that exact reason it is wayy to pricey to be paying out twice, I know am expected to change them after around 15years, but I'm not even thinking about that far to the future just yet..
    I've been looking int the Fat transfer boob jobs as well but can't garuntee my weight wont fluctuate which is a risk of them dissapearing again if i lose any more..
    Thanks again for the information :D