work, family and diet OMG

Juggling diet, family and work commitments can sometimes be a real task. Sometimes I think I am wonder woman and sometimes I just wonder.


  • Momof52010
    Momof52010 Posts: 48 Member
    I know what you mean. It can be challenging. My kids are my motivation to lose weight and be healthier but at the same time juggling everything does not always lead to healthy food choices
  • mevvies
    mevvies Posts: 21
    Its my daughter who is my motivation, she is 7 and someone in her class said your mum's fat, I think that was the final kick up the bum I needed.
  • erelyl
    erelyl Posts: 48 Member
    Yup you said it! At least chasing my four year old around counts as activity! I'm a single mom, working full time, trying to keep a house and family running. Sadly, it doesn't leave a lot of time for putting my diet on top of the priority list. I am getting better at it, planning ahead, leaving healthy snacks in the fridge here in the office. It definitely takes a lot of effort and organization.
  • kids183
    kids183 Posts: 204 Member
    I know, right!?!? I'm a full time working mother of 4 daughters! Sometimes I'm exhausted! But it has been totally worth it! I'm down 35 pounds and I now shop with my teens in their stores! Freaks them right out!!

    Always looking for more working mother motivational friends!

  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    Me, too...i'm a chef in a very busy hospital, still going to school full-time, with very active kiddos...It's no wonder I am overweight! I sat the family down at the beginning of the year and said I have to start making time for myself. And I am glad I did. They've always handled their own laundry, but now all four of us take turns making dinner (granted DS, 15, only makes Hamburger Helper...shudder), and allowing me time to go to the gym. DD runs/walks with me, and DS goes to the's nice, actually, to have that one-on-one time together doing something healthy, rather than always vegging on the couch, or always driving to the corner ice cream stand. I had to get their buy-in to make it work.
  • schaffermdj
    schaffermdj Posts: 27 Member
    I hear that, working full-time, as well as a second job, have a teenager that needs to be at either wrestling, soccer or lacrosse at some point throughout the day, and finding time to keep the house in order, I should have a superwoman costume under my shirt. I just have started to carve a little time for me to get out and walk or play wii with my son, whatever gets me moving. I am so much happier when I get it in, then everyone seems to be happier, and now I have more energy.
  • m_o_
    m_o_ Posts: 40 Member
    One of my daughter's many friends "reported" to my daughter that she had seen us both at the grocery store and that her Momma was really fat. She informed me that she told the other girl I was not. I told my daughter that I am over weight but it was not a nice thing for her friend to say and she shouldn't worry about it because she's beautiful.

    It still hurts to think that others worry so much about it.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    I'm finally ready to take time for myself again. Sounds like all of you who commented here are in the same boat. If any of you are interested in getting a MFP group going please send me a message. We can encourage each other, share ideas and set goals together. I had lost 80lbs just 3 years ago. I've been sick with inner ear / sinus issues for 18months and slowly gained back the weight. I need to get past feeling sorry for myself and do something about it. We have 2 teenage daughters and I want to get healthy again so I can enjoy these next few years we have with them living at home. I know it can be done. It was a great journey and I'm looking forward to getting back into those size 14 jeans.
  • cwoyto123
    cwoyto123 Posts: 308
    ITT: Excuses.
  • mfp2014mfp
    mfp2014mfp Posts: 689 Member
    ITT: Excuses.

    I dont see people making excuses, I see people talking about succeeding regardless of challenges and lifestyles.
    Maybe one day you will have some of these yourself and appreciate their effort.
  • erelyl
    erelyl Posts: 48 Member
    ITT: Excuses.

    Yeah.. stated like a boy who's momma still does his laundry, makes his bed and pours his cereal.

    Sweetheart when you have a little life experience come back and talk to the grown ups.

    We are people with responsibilities in the real world who are still making it happen. If you are lucky enough to have decent parents who care about your well being go ahead and ask them what kind of sacrifices they've made over the past 18 years so that you can live the life you do. And if you don't, at least appreciate that some of us value our families first.
  • Cby60
    Cby60 Posts: 38 Member
    I can relate to this topic...I have 4 birth children - married and 7 grandkids, 4 foster teenagers (my kids as I've had them 14 years and they are great!) and my parents and in-laws. I try to be there for everyone else and this spring decided I had better get in shape for myself and so I can have energy to be there for them all. My 4 teens all get chores on Saturday for their allowance and this really helps to give me some free time. I make the suppers but they do the clean up. I've trained them all to do their laundry which was a lifesaver as teens change a few times a day! I am running our small family business by answering phones and doing the orders and shipping so that also keeps me busy. It's interesting in that when I decided to get in shape I don't find I have less time - maybe more even! The weight loss and exercise really lifts my spirits and energizes me - although there are days I don't have any of that motivation and have to get on track again. I think the time I "wasted" is now used for bike riding, inline skating and walks and the nice thing is the teens join me many times or they go on their own each evening which is great as only one of the kids was active until then. I have a new appreciation for the outdoors and exercise - before I had to be dragged to do anything "active". I even enjoyed mowing the lawn last week. My husband always said - make the getting in shape a priority and you'll find you have just as much time for the other things. I never believed him and always had excuses but now I have to admit he is right ...again :happy: I just wish I would not have waited 14 years to do this.
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    I'm in for a group...i'm always looking to make new friends here, and learn from what works for others! i've got great tips, from a class i teach, on Grocery Management that others might find a bit helpful.
  • adirianb
    adirianb Posts: 3 Member
    Me too!!!
  • almomnc
    almomnc Posts: 68 Member
    I would love to be in a group, too. I have been trying to lose weight for over a year and have struggled the last few months. I did really well for 7 months and then stalled. I know what my triggers are (emotional eater) and how to exercise for myself. I need to overcome the mental sabotage. I tell myself that I will run tomorrow, eat better tomorrow, I'll just get more tired if I do it ... I know better but I need to stop saying no to myself since no one else is stopping me from losing weight.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    ITT: Excuses.

    Yeah.. stated like a boy who's momma still does his laundry, makes his bed and pours his cereal.

    Sweetheart when you have a little life experience come back and talk to the grown ups.

    We are people with responsibilities in the real world who are still making it happen. If you are lucky enough to have decent parents who care about your well being go ahead and ask them what kind of sacrifices they've made over the past 18 years so that you can live the life you do. And if you don't, at least appreciate that some of us value our families first.

    I see excuses in this thread too, and I am an adult who's been on my own for a long time, works full time, goes to night school and still makes it to the gym 5 times a week. People with kids think they have something over everyone else. I pull 17 hour days and get up at 5 to make things happen. Your kids aren't making you eat poorly.
  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    ITT: Excuses.

    I dont see people making excuses, I see people talking about succeeding regardless of challenges and lifestyles.
    Maybe one day you will have some of these yourself and appreciate their effort.
    He won't because even if he does trick some unlucky lady into having his kids, SHE'LL have the majority of the responsibilities
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    It would be nice to have more Mommy friends that know how hard it is to work full time then come home & work some more & find time to get healthy.
  • jessupbrady
    jessupbrady Posts: 508 Member
    ITT: Excuses.

    Seems to be a discord of folks here on whether or not folk are posting excuses.

    Granted, the OP on the ITT: Excuses. comment is young and hasn't had the privelege of knowing what it is like to have a couple kids, an ex (with one of your kids from that relationship) a 3 hour daily commute for a 9 hour work day. Needing to find time for the horses (or whatever animals are under y'all care). Either you or your spouse (or those few daring families when both of ya) are going back to school to better yourself financially while dealing with the stress of putting a financial burden on the household to pay off the school. Particpate in community activities, and still find some time where you can just relax on your own.

    Excuses are abundant. The longer ya live the more you find.

    Way I see it, this is what this forum is all about. We all have our excuses and that is why we are here to find encouragement from others and find ways past our excuses. We should be here to encourage each other to do more not just riducule them with a one word complaint.

    If anyone wants to add me, then you are more than welcome.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    ITT: Excuses.

    Way I see it, this is what this forum is all about. We all have our excuses and that is why we are here to find encouragement from others and find ways past our excuses. We should be here to encourage each other to do more not just riducule them with a one word complaint.

    DITO - MFP is a SUPPORT site - If you're here to judge people then take it somewhere else.