Help! Haven't lost weight!

Hey guys! I'm new to these boards, so don't be too cruel!

I have been doing T-25 for a little over 2 months now. I do it about 4 days a week, sometimes 5 or on the 5th day i go for a 2 mile walk or 4 mile hike. I eat somewhat healthy but i do like to eat. I have been shooting for about 1500 calories and i burn about 135-140 calories a workout with t-25 (or so my heart rate monitor says).

I am 5'3. Before i started T-25 i was about 121-122 lbs. I now am about 123-124 lbs. I have lost about 1/2 inch in my waist and "lovehandles". I also have been trying to drink more water (i just don't drink enough of anything). My goal is to be under 120 lbs. I am thinking somewhere in the 115- 118 range and/or look more fit.

Any suggestions on what i can do to lose more weight or at least lose inches?


  • tacticalhippie
    tacticalhippie Posts: 596 Member
    If you're losing inches then you are losing body fat.
    Keep it up.

    You may be bloated.
    Too much sodium?
  • michelemahbell
    michelemahbell Posts: 6 Member
    It is quite possible i have too much sodium.
  • michelemahbell
    michelemahbell Posts: 6 Member
    i just thought after 2 months of t-25 i would see more progress.. Not that i have all that much to lose but still. Its just discouraging to see the scale go up and not have much difference in measurements
  • bear2303
    bear2303 Posts: 251 Member
    You get fit in the gym you lose weight in the kitchen. I trained for 12 weeks for a half marathon and ran miles and miles every week and I only lost about 10 pounds after being completely sedentary but I wasn't watching what I was eating. The absolute key to weight loss is watching what you are putting in your mouth. Have you been logging and staying within your calorie goals? You may be over counting the exercise too. MFP is notorious for giving you too many calroies to eat back.
  • bear2303
    bear2303 Posts: 251 Member
    I also have a VERY hard time staying hydrated as well and you may be dehydrated and bloated. It happens to me all the time!
  • michelemahbell
    michelemahbell Posts: 6 Member
    I have been pretty good with the logging. As others, i may underestimate portion sizes though. The calories burned probably are about right since i use a heart rate monitor and i think the rate is a little lower sometimes.

    I probably do need to be eating healthier foods though.
  • bear2303
    bear2303 Posts: 251 Member
    Oh that's great that you use a HRM. I have been meaning to buy one although I don't know how accurate it would be on me since my resting HR is really high and when I work out it is off the charts!! haha

    I would really suggest purchasing a food scale, it has helped me immensely in being better about portions and knowing what you are actually eating.

    Also if you working out a lot and burning a lot you could also be unconsciously eating more, I know I did that when I trained for the half. I still tried to be mindful but it was easier to justify eating things when I was working out so much!

    Also you really don't have that much to lose so if you fee llike you look better and feel better that is all that matters!
  • michelemahbell
    michelemahbell Posts: 6 Member
    i will have to post a picture later of what i am working with. lol
  • dewsmom78
    dewsmom78 Posts: 498 Member
    5'3 and 125 lbs is a very healthy weight. If you're working out and eating healthy, I doubt you will lose much more, and you might even gain due to muscle gain.

    I am 5'3 and trying to get back to 130.
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    5'3 and 125 lbs is a very healthy weight. If you're working out and eating healthy, I doubt you will lose much more, and you might even gain due to muscle gain.

    I am 5'3 and trying to get back to 130.

    Gaining muscle isn't that easy. You have to be in a surplus for muscle growth, have a proper amount of protein and lift heavy. Plus, being a woman, muscle building is minimal at best, even at ideal conditions. With little to lose, slow and steady is best to lose fat and not muscle. I agree 125 is a healthy weight at that height I'm 5'3.5" and 118 lbs.

    Heavy lifting would be great to incorporate with a minor deficit. Read the sexy pants link!