Here we go...

I am 31 years old, I have been in the military for 12 years. I have 2 beautiful daughters and a wife that I love very much.

Last June I weighed about 210 lbs, I got into a strict workout routine and started logging everything into MFP. I worked up to where I was running 3 miles a day for 3-4 days a week, and even ran in my first 5K where I finished in about 25 minutes. I was down to 170 lbs and felt great....then for some reason I fell right back into my old ways during the holidays... ya know, Thanksgiving through Memorial Day :)

Even though it is frustrating to fall back into the 200s, I know I need to start over again and get back in my training. I know it is definietely possible.

If anyone wants to "friend" me go ahead, I may need the encouragement starting back, and I will offer motivation as well.


  • mikejsmith87
    mikejsmith87 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey Soldier. I know how you feel. As I said in my intro post (a couple of min ago) I went from my ideal low 200lbs to my pre Basic/AIT weight of 245. Passing AFPT and Body Fat Tape is becoming a MAJOR struggle. We can do this though. You sound like you are in better shape (literally and figuratively!) than me, but we both have our goals - Its time for us to soldier up!

  • Thanks man, I understand the stress of having to pass APFT and Body Fat Tape that is also a big factor for me.