Ladies who started at 200+ pounds!



  • I'm 6' myself and started at 245....down to 230 right now. My first goal is 180 lbs, but once I hit that I want to keep going to about 160.
  • AubrieJo328
    AubrieJo328 Posts: 35 Member
    Started at 210
    current weight 161
    goal weight 125

    Feel free to add me :smile:
  • tarcotti
    tarcotti Posts: 205 Member
    Did some roller coastering for a couple years while depressed. But now I'm feeling better and very motivated to lose weight now. Started at 206. Now down to 191! I hope to keep losing more so I can be healthy for when my husband and I start to get pregnant :)
  • ChristinaOrtiz23
    ChristinaOrtiz23 Posts: 1,546 Member
    Wow i was wondering why I had so many new friend requests lately! I had no idea this thread was still around, but sadly I'm still stuck in my rut! I got pregnant and it ended with my third miscarriage and i spiraled out of control after that. I'm back at it and already getting some of this weight off (slowly!) so feel free to keep adding me I'd love to hear your success stories or help each other vent frustrations!

    aww hun im so sorry for your loss!!!! I know its a lot but i know you can do this!! stay focused and just keep looking forward!!! Start fresh! I did today!! ;-)
  • nlions87
    nlions87 Posts: 1
    I'm new to MFP. I've had a hard time getting started, every time I've started to lose I end up slipping up and gaining it all back. I'm making a lifestyle change -- I've started to watch what I eat, portion control and exercise. I'm so tired of feeling uncomfortable, it's time to change that. My CW is 205, I need all of the support I can get (these posts really help). Thanks everyone!
  • JenniferIsLosingIt
    JenniferIsLosingIt Posts: 595 Member
    I am at 380 now started at 412. Joined MFP at 387. I have lost 7 pounds since starting. I have discovered that a big part of my problem was I was not measuring food properly at the beginning so now that I have a better idea of what I am doing and making sure i log religiously! I am sure I will see even more results.
  • haepifeet
    haepifeet Posts: 20 Member
    Hi ladies! Came across your posts and wanted to reach out. Needing some support here. Weighed in at my dsr's appt this morning at 218 and am feeling low, low, low. This is an all-time high for me and on my 5'1 frame I feel stuck, guilty and shameful for letting it get to this point and frustrated that I'm becoming a classic yo-yo'er. Would love to find friends on similar journeys to stay motivated and accountable. One step, one meal at a time right?!
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I started at about 270ish!!!! Goal is 170!!!!! 30 more to go yay!!!! :)
    This has been such a mental journey for me. I never realized how hard mentally it would be. Without my group here on MFP, I would never have stuck with it!!!
  • mlhhite
    mlhhite Posts: 2 Member
    Started at 192 lbs. On week five! Lost 7.5 lbs so far. Counting calories and exercising for 30 minutes at least 4 times a week. The weekends have been the worst. It's easy to log sitting at a computer all day. Out and about on the weekends - not so much. We all need support and this site has been great for me.

    You can add me.
  • decgirl63
    decgirl63 Posts: 15
    ADD ME
  • upmommyof5
    upmommyof5 Posts: 21 Member
    I started out at 259 in December 2013, when I finally decided enough is enough. I'm now almost under 200, which I haven't been that since about 15 years ago. It's been a hard struggle every day, but worth it! I hope by October to be at my goal weight and I plan on using myfitnesspal even after that to help me maintain my goal weight. Feel free to add me! I can use all the support I can get and I'm always on to help cheer everyone else on! Good luck to everyone!! :happy:
  • rachelk12345
    rachelk12345 Posts: 1 Member
    Ive just started at 213 pounds. Im finding it really hard at the moment. but im sticking with it, I never want to see that number on the scale again. Add me :)x
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Wow i was wondering why I had so many new friend requests lately! I had no idea this thread was still around, but sadly I'm still stuck in my rut! I got pregnant and it ended with my third miscarriage and i spiraled out of control after that. I'm back at it and already getting some of this weight off (slowly!) so feel free to keep adding me I'd love to hear your success stories or help each other vent frustrations!

    I'm really sorry about your miscarriage [hugs]. :flowerforyou:

    I started at 236 and am down to 157-162 and kinda stuck there but my eating has been all over the place lately and I had surgery. As soon as I'm all healed up I will start heavy lifting and really get back on track. My ultimate goal is between 128-134 or around 20% body fat. I've very active and use my horse as motivation to keep me going, I feel a lot less guilty riding him now.
  • Ulwaz
    Ulwaz Posts: 380 Member
    i went from 220llbs too 125llbs now :)
    here if you need advice/motivation
  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    Started at 250 lbs almost 3 years ago. Got down to 135 and then intentionally built muscle up to 140, but still staying the same size 2-4. You can do it.
  • maryoracle
    maryoracle Posts: 62 Member
    I would appreciate everyone's support. Just joined, starting at 265#. This seems to be my "No Way!" point as I have reached this weight twice before and was able to twice lose 100#. Hoping this is the LAST time and I can set a new healthier permanent weight point. Part of my problem is that as I get older (in my 50s), I am more comfortable with being overweight as my metabolism SLOWS down. The focus now is being more active and stronger for the future. Would like to hear from other women in their 50s and older for mutual support.
  • mgleason01
    mgleason01 Posts: 78 Member
    Feel free to add me! I am at 224 and want to lose another 44 lbs. I would like to reach my goal by Thanksgiving of this year so that I am in maintenance mode by the holidays - at 200 by end of August and 180 by Thanksgiving.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    I started out at 300+ pounds in September 2012 (not sure on actual weight but knew it was over 300+ pounds) & lost around 50 on my own & was 250 in February 2013. In February 2013 I hit a plateau & decided myfitnesspal could be a tool to break through my plateau. I started in February 2013 & have lost around another 90+ pounds & range anywhere from 154-158 depending on the day.

    I don't do any crazy diet, fads, pills, etc. I eat whatever I want, but still could eat healthier (especially eating more veggies). I also need to exercise more.
  • CourtneyK8586
    CourtneyK8586 Posts: 37 Member
    You can add me! I'm friendly! I am at 308 and started at 320! We can motivate each other!! :)
  • jenlinkitty
    jenlinkitty Posts: 4 Member
    Oh my goodness - do I need support as well lol!

    I've been on and off this weightloss journey due to a garden variety of life events.

    I started a couple years ago here (SW 224), and I had some GREAT progress (got down to193), but then life slapped me in the face and I gained some of it back.

    Unfortunately, my family's version of coping with stress is through food... and you see how well that affects a diet LOL

    My current SW is 215.
    CW 214
    Short term - 200,
    Long term -130 since I'm 5'0"

    I wish the best of luck to everyone! :) Feel free to add if you please!