Girls only please!

Hi, so this is a bit personal, but we're all females here, and I'd like some answers please.

So it's been a few weeks (around 2/3) since I've lost weight. One day I went on the scale without any clothes on, empty bladder etc. It said I lost 2 pounds. Problem is, I usually wear light clothes and they don't affect the scale too much I'd say. It wouldn't show any loss with light clothes on, and hasn't for weeks now. I have not had my period lately- I put this down to possibly exercising too much or being stressed as I have anxiety- and no amount of medication can take all stresses away, but most.

So getting to the point, do you think the scale won't show the 2 pound loss because my body is preparing for a period? I know I'm going to get it soon, but not sure when, and do you think after it has been, those 2 pounds will show on the scale? I'm just a little stressed about it as I have been working for a half a pound loss each week, and nowadays as I'm so close to my goal weight, my body doesn't lose many inches anymore and not often. It's really frustrating. I've even started eating healthy too. I'm not seeing results right now. I'm going to keep on going but it's just frustrating.


  • framingsammie
    framingsammie Posts: 144 Member
    I think that it's sometimes good to take a step away from the scales, especially around the time your period is due. Some women gain up to 10lbs of water weight before and during their periods (thank god I'm not one of those women, usually between 2-3lbs for me). I'd say wait until a few days after your period before weighing in again.
  • Menix8
    Menix8 Posts: 210 Member
    2 lbs is really nothing to get concerned about given the circumstances. I can jump up 4 pounds in the week before. I find it helpful to track my cycle with my weight, and that helps keep things in perspective. I've also experienced the stalls and whoosh effect of plateauing for three weeks, and then dropping two pounds overnight. Weight loss is weird.

    Just remind yourself that weight loss isn't linear for everyone; there are a lot of ups and downs based on water retention, sodium intake, hard workouts, etc. I know it's frustrating not to see results the way you plan to, but just keep at it.
  • ken_m
    ken_m Posts: 128
    I know you said women only but this article, among others on Lyle McDonald's website answer your question so concisely that I feel like the ends justify the means.

    Sorry if you're offended.