What's your maintenance range? Women ~5'

I'm posting this out of curiosity. I know everyone has different wants and needs and body compositions, and frame sizes, etc., so everyone's desired weight will be a little different even at similar heights. But-- that doesn't stop me from being interested!

I'm 5'1" and my goal weight is 105, but I've decided that my maintenance range will be between 102 and 106. I get nervous when I go below 104, then I think, well being a bit thinner won't hurt, I'll look even better, and then I worry that if I got below 103 or 102 I'd be too thin. . . it's a mental game, that's for sure. I've just started maintaining and while learning about that, with the large amount of exercise I get at this time of year, I've been continuing to drop weight. Thus the low end of my acceptable weight range. :)

Anyway, thanks for any contributions!


  • NancyKhuu
    NancyKhuu Posts: 87 Member
    I'm 5'2" and I really want to be at 103lbs - my weight before I started college. I know it may sound unhealthy for some people, but if I've learned anything, it's that I should always aim for a lowers weight as it is a lot easier to gain some weight back than to keep it steady
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    I'm 5'2" and I really want to be at 103lbs - my weight before I started college. I know it may sound unhealthy for some people, but if I've learned anything, it's that I should always aim for a lowers weight as it is a lot easier to gain some weight back than to keep it steady

    I guess it is a lot easier to gain weight than lose it! Though I've lost almost 2 lbs in the past 2 weeks, trying to maintain while doing a huge amount of seasonal exercise. I guess this is why we generally have a range, not a specific weight, to go for!
  • nvpixie
    nvpixie Posts: 483 Member
    I'm 4'11" and my ideal weight is 105-107. I've been as low as 95 (in my 20's), but I've always felt best around 105. Right now, I'm 115, and I'm hoping to get down to 110 by mid July.
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    I'm 4'11" and my ideal weight is 105-107. I've been as low as 95 (in my 20's), but I've always felt best around 105. Right now, I'm 115, and I'm hoping to get down to 110 by mid July.

    Thanks for the reply! :)
  • AHack3
    AHack3 Posts: 173 Member
    I'm 5' 4" my maintenance range is 118pds- 123pds.
  • gemmamummy
    gemmamummy Posts: 185 Member
    4'11 and been at 101lbs for nearly a year. It obs fluctuates a pound but generally sits back at 101. I'll have around 1450 kcal a day to maintain this x
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    I am 5'2.75" (we all know those fractions matter) and usually maintain between 105-110...although I am a bit lower than that now. I have a small frame, but I find if I go below 105, while I might be happy with how my body looks, my face starts getting a bit drawn. If I go over 112 (which may happen around the holidays or on vacation) I know it's time to step it up a notch.
  • I'm 5'2 and my maintenance range is 101-104
    It's sort of low but I've always felt better at a lower weight...
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    I am 5'3", and I am good with 108-113. That seems to be where my body likes it, despite my bad eating.
  • woodml1
    woodml1 Posts: 199 Member
    I'm 5'1" and I like to maintain around 135 lbs. I'm also a bit of a meathead.... I compete in the bikini and figure divisions of women's bodybuilding. In my pictures on my profile, I'm at 128 lbs in my contest pictures and 135 in my training photos.
  • justcat206
    justcat206 Posts: 716 Member
    I'm 5'1" and currently 108ish (fluctuate up and down 5 lbs depending on what I've eaten and time of month). I've been as low as 95 lbs with an eating disorder, but right now I eat well and lift heavy and this is where my body wants to be. I've stopped worrying about weight as much as measurements and how I look in my clothes. I'd love to trade some more bodyfat for muscle, but that definitely won't bring my numbers down on the scale. As long as I'm taking care of myself and feel healthy, I won't worry too much about my weight.
  • cwoyto123
    cwoyto123 Posts: 308
    That feel when losing weight on 5000 calories
  • aserranzana16
    aserranzana16 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm 5'1", and my maintenance range is 105-110, but I feel like I start to look weird and bobblehead-y when I get down to the low end of that.
  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    I'm 5'1, and my range is 95-100..I would say I am an anomaly though, because my bone structure is extremely small compared to the average person (along with size 5 feet..lol). That is the range where I can comfortably stay at while lifting heavy 2-3 times a week and a generally healthy diet, except for the weekends. Everyone is different though..my cousin is the same height and she looks amazing at 125 pounds. At that weight, I didn't feel quite comfortable or look as good as she does. So everyone's range is quite different.

    Edit: I will say though, if I drop any lower than that my head overpowers my body. I've dropped below twice- the flu, and a bad bout of hyperthyroid (hello to consuming 2800 calories a day without exercise). So according to those experiences, definitely something I'd like to avoid again
  • IGbnat24
    IGbnat24 Posts: 520 Member
    I'm 5'4 and 128. I'm happy where I'm at but would be thrilled to be 125…That's where I'm at Beast Mode :) Under 120 is too muscly/scrawny for me and over 130 is too squishy.
  • maicap22
    maicap22 Posts: 433 Member
    I am 5'0". I'd like to be between 83 and 94. I have been 85 before and I didn't look scarily thin so I want it back because that's the time when I had my abs. I want my abs back. You might think these numbers are too small but I am Asian and I have really small frame. Right now I'm at 98.
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    4'11 and been at 101lbs for nearly a year. It obs fluctuates a pound but generally sits back at 101. I'll have around 1450 kcal a day to maintain this x

    You look great! Congrats on maintaining for a year so far!
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    I'm 5'0 and I'd like to get down to 105lbs. I'd be happy with maintenance around 105-108lbs. I'm 110lbs at the moment.
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    I am 5'0". I'd like to be between 83 and 94. I have been 85 before and I didn't look scarily thin so I want it back because that's the time when I had my abs. I want my abs back. You might think these numbers are too small but I am Asian and I have really small frame. Right now I'm at 98.

    Whoa, you are light!!! I have heard that Asian women, if shorter and thin, tend to be much smaller than the Western idea of "healthy" BMI/bodyweight. I guess if you eat healthily and feel good, then good for you!

    To everyone-- thank you all! I appreciate it! It sounds like many people so far are pretty similar to me-- with the exception of the one woman with the amazing weightlifting lifestyle!

    I'm guessing my maintenance range is going to over time be between 102 and 105ish. At this weight (103) I like how I look but I'm also hungry and have been overeating (eating a few hundred cals over maintenance) every day for several days. :/
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I'm 5'5 and my GW is 130lbs. My range according to BMI is 115-150, I'm currently 145lbs.