How much weight did you lose before family/friends noticed?



  • running_tall
    running_tall Posts: 213 Member
    About 18-20 pounds:)
  • Oxxygi
    Oxxygi Posts: 250 Member
    No one has noticed yet. But, maybe just no one has said anything....I don't know.
  • ItsJordanNicole
    ItsJordanNicole Posts: 110 Member
    I started in Feb around 230 and I am now 206. People started noticing about a month ago when I was about 211. I think sometimes it's because weight is sort of a touchy topic. I've had someone ask me in a whisper if I was losing weight like it was a dirty secret. Just because they haven't said anything doesn't mean they don't notice.
  • madisonsmith1297
    For me people began noticing shortly after I had lost 10 pounds. I always lose weight first in my face and chest, which has now proved to be annoying (even after losing 65 pounds I can barely see a difference in the rest of my body) although it was nice to have compliments early. I am also lucky to be surrounded by a lot of people who notice and give me very nice compliments, instead of those sad back handed ones.
  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 698 Member
    My mom and my husband notice whenever I lose anything, but they both always tell me I look good. :smile: After losing 20 lbs (168 to 148 at 5'1"), the only other people who commented were my grandma and one person at work.

    NOTE - Many people are too polite (especially at work) to mention anything about weight. When my co-worker asked me about it, my boss was right next to him and said, "I noticed too, I just didn't want to say anything." My close friends will just say I look really good. People are very touchy about weight. But if I bring it up, as when I finally got to a weight below what I had ever been as an adult (I was ecstatic), THEN they commented on how they noticed. Moral of the story? Don't depend on others noticing as motivation. What you see/know is all that really matters.
  • turkeyhunter60
    turkeyhunter60 Posts: 319 Member
    I started at 221, lost 25 pounds before much was said.
  • yayamom3
    yayamom3 Posts: 939 Member
    No one ever says anything about my weight loss (including family members). I've always thought it was petty jealousy. However, just this morning, a friend told me that when her husband saw me on Saturday, he couldn't believe the drastic change in my figure. But he didn't say anything, because he thought he would seem creepy. lol I'm soooo glad she told me, though. It was so motivating to hear it and it made my whole day. I'm still smiling.
  • pattykaye33
    pattykaye33 Posts: 177 Member
    About 10-12 lbs people started noticing and saying stuff.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    About 25 lbs, and people noticed my face first. Now I get double-takes which throws me completely and makes me think I have food on my shirt or my jeans are undone or something equally embarrassing.

    I hadn't seen my boss in 3 months and she said I looked like a teenager last week, which was the sweetest thing anyone has said.
  • oChristyo
    oChristyo Posts: 61 Member
    15 pounds. I started at 195 and I'm 5'6. My face slimmed first and I think that's why people noticed. I am down nearly 30 pounds and there are still certain people that refuse to say anything. I know it's noticeable. I went down 7 inches in my waist alone.
  • ximenia
    ximenia Posts: 62 Member
    I'm down 5 pounds so far and a few inches, I haven't noticed anything but my boyfriend said my waist is noticeably smaller, not sure if he means it or just being nice though.
  • eeriesilence
    eeriesilence Posts: 73 Member
    13 lbs down, and my girlfriend has repeatedly told me she can feel it when she hugs me. Her mother has also made a "when you wear clothes like ______, you look a lot thinner!" last week. Little did she know it's because I am thinner.

    My family remain unaware, though my sister (who just recently lost a lot of weight) has been giving me weird looks. She just has to resign herself to the fact that she isn't going to be the only fit one in the family for much longer. :)
  • H0llyG0lightly
    H0llyG0lightly Posts: 214 Member
    Around 15 lbs, from 175 to 160. (I'm 5'7".)
  • Pasharain
    Pasharain Posts: 3
    I lost about 30 lbs. before I started getting comments. One person said you "look younger," I pointed out the weight loss and they said "yeah that's what it is, your face is definitely smaller.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Not one person I work with or am friends with has said they noticed!

    1 - have you read any of the numerous threads here with people complaining about others commenting on their weight loss? Talking about someone's weight tends to be rather taboo...right up there with religion and politics...a lot of people probably notice but aren't going to say anything.

    Give those threads a read and you will find that a great many people take offense at what is meant to be a compliment when somebody says, "'ve lost look great." Many people interpret that as, " used to look like a big fat piece of ****." Just give those threads a read and you'll see what I mean. Intuitively, others realize that many people can't take a compliment and turn it into something negative...people just don't tend to comment on other people's weight whether good or bad.

    2 - You are correct in your assessment that the early Lbs aren't that noticeable when you have a lot to lose...even if you don't have a ton to lose, it can take awhile before physical changes occur. You have to remember that in addition to the visible fat that we see, there is fat around your organs and muscles that isn't really visible and you lose that too.

    My first 40 Lbs didn't make for any drastic changes in neck and extremities were a little thinner and so was my face...but my gut was pretty much unchanged and I still had quite a bit of fat on my face. People don't notice when you lose fat around your fingers and's just not that apparent. My last 20 Lbs was another story...night and day. The last 20 Lbs dramatically changed in my face and that's when I lost the gut and started dropping pant sizes at a pretty good clip. At that point it was hard for people not to comment regardless of whether it was taboo or not.
  • Plornt
    Plornt Posts: 3 Member
    I was 15 Stone, when people started noticing it was around the 14 stone mark but I think that was just because they knew I was dieting. People at my work (who had no idea) only really noticed when I got down to 12 stone.
  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    Maybe it isn't a case of no one noticing but no one wanting to say anything. I found out some of my girls at work were noticing before anything was said to me. Margaret who I traveled with told me one evening that they were talking about me. She mentioned that she was on her way to start walking (she did give up ). The girls mentioned that they noticed I was loosing not know that I was the one who talked her into trying to walk. Turns out they didn't want to say anything to me because they didn't know if I was trying and they we worried I might get embarrassed if something was said. It wasn't until she spoke up and told them no that I was walking that they finally said something to me.

    I can't remember how much I weight when the first person from work mentioned something but I was about a month and a half in. By the end of two months, around 20lbs, just about everyone I worked with noticed.

    There is a quote that says : It takes 4 weeks for you to notice your body changing, 8 weeks for your friends to notice and 12 weeks for the rest of the world. Give it 12 weeks. Don't quit.
  • RobPA1
    RobPA1 Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks for the great discussion - I'm not really discouraged, nor am I expected random people at work to stop me in the hall and exclaim "damn, look at you with all that weight loss!" I'm not giving up by a long shot !! Just curious! What some people said about wearing the same clothes makes a big difference.

    Keep on everyone!
  • MeowSkull
    MeowSkull Posts: 101 Member
    Thank you for posting this question, great input here!
  • Wookinpanub
    Wookinpanub Posts: 635 Member
    OP - you seem similar to me except I started at 255. A couple friends I see regularly noticed after about 20 lbs - said they noticed in my face. Another friend mentioned something at the pool last weekend (down 32 lbs). Nobody at work has said anything but as you mentioned I am still wearing the same clothes for the most part and maybe they just look big and baggy on me. I have worn a couple shirts that I haven't been able to fit in for a few years. I am not going shopping for clothes until I hit my goal weight.