Need help on young hypertension


I am 27 yrs old, male. I am suffering from high BP and on med from past 1 yr. I am normal weight (72kgs - 158 lbs) ,taking good diet, going to gym 4 days a week, but still my mercury level is not coming down. Even with med its always between 130/90 - 145/100). I have get few test done and everything is fine except high BP. this is hereditery problem in our family.

- I dont drink, smoke or take caffine
- go to gym around 4 days a week
- 6-7 hrs of sleep daily
- good diet (low fat and low sodium)

Could anyone please help me and advice me what else can be done to reduce my BP.? Also, this high BP thing is in my head most of the time which makes my concious all the time.

Also, is it ok to lift medium to slight heavy weights in gym? Does lifting heavy weights also have any connection with high BP?



  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I'd love to see the responses as well. This runs in our family too and while my doctor has expressed a wish for me to lose weight to get it down, I've explained to her that my mother developed it at the same age and weight as me, lost all of the weight and the BP didn't budge. So I'm not especially optimistic. :frown:
  • Fit_Chef_NE
    Fit_Chef_NE Posts: 110 Member
    Losing weight isn't a magic pill for health. Some damage once done can't really be "undone" which is why blood thinners and meds are needed. Losing weight doesn't clean the plaque out of your body. Health doesn't care about what you think is "fair". Some people can drop weight and go back to normal. Others have genetic per-dispositions and will need meds for their whole lives.

    I can tell you that just giving up will guarantee that it will not get better. That seems to be the attitude these days. "If it doesn't do EXACTLY what I want and make me perfect, why bother?" Consequences from poor diet are real and life isn't a TV show where everything goes back to normal at the end of the episode. Try to halt the damage now instead of letting it continue to snowball.

    I don't mean to sound rude at all, but people are far too cavalier about their health. Not liking the truth won't change it and sugar coating it is deadly.

    Lifting weights won't increase your BP in general. While you are working out, you will see a rise in BP during the exercise but overtime it can help to lower it. It will also lower your resting heart rate which will put a lot less strain on your cardiovascular system. Also try eating more potassium instead of just lowering sodium. Magnesium is also helpful. Cut out as much stress as you can too. Don't make the excuse that de-stressing is impossible. Everything will be impossible if you die from a heart attack. Your health should take priority over just about everything. If you have a high stress job, it really isn't compatible with your body. Be honest and don't think that you can live like every other person in their 20's. Again, because it is unfair doesn't mean it isn't happening.

    I had pre-hypertension after gaining weight after pregnancy. I went on a VLC diet and my BP went back to normal within weeks. Maybe it's time to enlist the help of a nutritionist? Let them take a look at your diet on MFP and see if they can find any patterns.

    Again, I don't mean to be rude, but I see so many excuses made by people who have serious health problems. HBP is the number one killer in the modern world. It IS serious and your health is more important than not having your feelings hurt. Take it seriously. For example, drinking tons of coke zero isn't going to help blood pressure because caffeine isn't good for your heart. If you actually want to live a long life, give up the soda and realize that health is more than a number on the scale.
  • JustYandy
    JustYandy Posts: 221 Member
    Anxiety will cause hypertension...
  • RabbitLost
    RabbitLost Posts: 333 Member
    I am 49 and was diagnosed almost exactly the same at about 29. And very similar fact patterns. Here is my sincerest, heart felt advice to you - Check with your doctor on weight lifting. Mine took two years to clear me. This is serious stuff. You are asking great questions, but in the wrong place. Take these questions and ask your doctor. If you are not happy with your doctor's advice, get a second opinion. I did and the second doctor confirmed the first doctor.

    After several years of doctor supervised progressions in activity and exertion, I am now lifting, jogging and hiking. But I stuck to doctors with a good reputation and the occasional second opinion.

    Best of luck.
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    Would you be willing to open up your diary so we can get a better idea of your diet?

    It's different for everyone, but I can definitely say that exercise, including strength training, can help reduce blood pressure over time. Swimming is a good bet as well. And, believe what you like, but things like cinnamon, apple cider vinegar, spinach and sunflower seeds (and other foods rich in potassium and magnesium) are said to help as well. Lowering sodium is good, but it's important to pay attention to what low sodium choices you are making.
  • lisameister13
    lisameister13 Posts: 10 Member
    Make sure you're talking to your health care provider-- hypertension should be taken seriously and you want to get it under control. If the meds you're on aren't working, they may want to add an other. I second the suggestion to consult a nutritionist -- they can help you introduce some heart healthy foods into your life! 130/90 is high, but not crazy high. However, if you're on meds (HCTZ??) it should be under control-- which is why it's important to talk to your dr. Also, have you tried any stress reduction activities? It sounds like you're frustrated over this and you may find that yoga, meditation, acupuncture, therapy, massage, etc (whatever your escape is) will help with your BP and your BP concerns.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    You need to work with your doctor to get a better medication, or combination of medications to get it down. Diet, exercise, etc doesn't help everyone.
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member

    I am 27 yrs old, male. I am suffering from high BP and on med from past 1 yr. I am normal weight (72kgs - 158 lbs) ,taking good diet, going to gym 4 days a week, but still my mercury level is not coming down. Even with med its always between 130/90 - 145/100). I have get few test done and everything is fine except high BP. this is hereditery problem in our family.

    - I dont drink, smoke or take caffine
    - go to gym around 4 days a week
    - 6-7 hrs of sleep daily
    - good diet (low fat and low sodium)

    Could anyone please help me and advice me what else can be done to reduce my BP.? Also, this high BP thing is in my head most of the time which makes my concious all the time.

    Also, is it ok to lift medium to slight heavy weights in gym? Does lifting heavy weights also have any connection with high BP?


    Yes, it's okay to lift weights in the gym. Lifting heavy might spike your blood pressure but it will come back down and lifting heavy is good for you in the long run. Just double check with your doctor on lifting. Anxiety and stress don't help with the blood pressure. Do you have a blood pressure monitor at home? You should probably invest in one. Some people get nervous at the doctor and their blood pressure goes up. It's called "white coat hypertension".

    Caffeine can increase your blood pressure but you said you don't have caffeine. No coffee, tea, soda or energy drinks? Do you drink alcohol? Is your anger under control? Those can raise your blood pressure. Make sure you keep taking the medicine the doctor prescribes and keeping your doctor appointments.

    I'm 39 and have had high blood pressure for a long time. It also runs in my family. I'm trying to lose weight and hopefully it will help. I take two different pills a day for it.

    Sometimes you do everything right and it still happens. :( There are also natural remedies out there. I'm not sure if they work at all and you should always ask your doctor if it's okay to take them.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Again, I don't mean to be rude, but I see so many excuses made by people who have serious health problems. HBP is the number one killer in the modern world. It IS serious and your health is more important than not having your feelings hurt. Take it seriously. For example, drinking tons of coke zero isn't going to help blood pressure because caffeine isn't good for your heart. If you actually want to live a long life, give up the soda and realize that health is more than a number on the scale.

    I'm not sure if you're addressing me or the OP. He didn't make ANY excuses so if it's him I'm not sure why you're giving him such a hard time. If it's me, based on my Coke Zero ticker, you have no idea how much of it I drink. (Hint: it's not "tons", it's an amount that's been discussed with my physician.) And other than that, you know NOTHING about me or what I am doing to get the weight off and the BP under control. So yes, you come off as incredibly rude because you made a crapload of assumptions about people you know nothing about.