Sick Kids!

My family has some sort of virus. my kids started with it on Wed. I'm concerned because my daughter is only 15 months, and is very tiny to begin with. She won't eat, or drink. I think she she had a total of 1oz today of pedialite. she has lost 2lbs since this started. (down to 15lbs) She hasn't thrown up today, and symptoms seem to be improving, except she is sleeping alot. I think she was only awake for a total of 3 hrs today. she just wants to be held and falls asleep. She hardly has any energy to even cry.

When do I start to worry about her becoming dehyrated? I try to give her fluids, but she hardly takes a sip. and food, she hasn't eating anything but like 10 cherrios since WED!

My son is almost 3, and he seems to be alot better. he will take sips through-out the day. and nipple on food a bit. he has been sleeping more than normal, but nothing compaired to my daughter.

The doctor says its a virus going around. and we have to wait it out. I'm just concerned about her not getting enough fluids, since its been 4 days already. and she is very tiny to begin with.

anyone know what to look for? or how long is safe to wait it out?

My husband and both have it too, but we seem to be handling it better. I can only assume, because we are bigger, and children are more fragile.


  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    look at the soft spots on your daughters head. if they are sunken in worry. If she can't produce tears when she crys... worry... If her skin around her collarbone stays up after you pinch it worry. (test nurses do)
    Is she running fever? I would say go with your gut. if you think she is having trouble get her to a doctor. parents know best
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    oh and check her gums/mouth.. if it looks healthy, wet and pink that is good. if it seems off, white or grey get her to a doctor
  • traycee313
    I have always been told that if a baby has at least 3 wet diapers a day then they are not dehydrated. If it she goes less than that I would suggest you take her into your ER and have her checked out. She may need fluids. She could also be very sleepy because she is dehydrated. I hope this helps!
  • oplik
    oplik Posts: 16 Member

    I think I can help here. I am in the uk but am a paediatric nurse (yes a man) and I am a little concerned.
    She needs to have at least half of her normal fluid. Has she had a wet nappy? She should. That's the first thing to stop.
    She sounds fairly dry to me. Lack of energy, refusing fluid, lost weight. Also she has lost more than 10% of her body weight. I would get her assessed. Sounds like this virus/illness is taking it's toll on her.

    Hope that helps.
  • oplik
    oplik Posts: 16 Member
    look at the soft spots on your daughters head. if they are sunken in worry. If she can't produce tears when she crys... worry... If her skin around her collarbone stays up after you pinch it worry. (test nurses do)
    Is she running fever? I would say go with your gut. if you think she is having trouble get her to a doctor. parents know best

    Actually it's bait of a misconception about the fontanelle (soft spots). Only ithe later part of severe dehydration do they sink, as the body absorbs water frothe spinal fluid. Skin turgor (pinch test) is also a late stage as is no tears. In fact I can honestly say that if she has any of them then get her to a hospital.
  • oplik
    oplik Posts: 16 Member
    I have always been told that if a baby has at least 3 wet diapers a day then they are not dehydrated. If it she goes less than that I would suggest you take her into your ER and have her checked out. She may need fluids. She could also be very sleepy because she is dehydrated. I hope this helps!

    Spot on! Gold star to you.
  • goaliema
    goaliema Posts: 150 Member
    ahhhh!!! I hope you all feel better soon. One thing to keep on eye on is when they cry... If they have no tears and are crying...then you definitely know that they are dehydrated!

    My young one wouldn't take pedialite from a cup or popsicle. So I would take a suringe and put it toward the back of their mouth. Try whatever you can. Eating is not as important as the intake of fluids!

    If you have a digital scale..weigh yourself with each of them and then yourself. Record what they weigh and then you will know if you go to the emerg (you will be able to tell them that over the past few days..they have lost this much.. Ounces matter with petite children!

    all the best!
  • oplik
    oplik Posts: 16 Member
    What is pedialite? Is it a rehydration solution.
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    it's an OTC oral rehydration solution.
  • goaliema
    goaliema Posts: 150 Member
    What is pedialite? Is it a rehydration solution.

    It is an oral electrolyte solution the pediatrians recommend
  • MichelleFirestone
    MichelleFirestone Posts: 212 Member
    well I have noticed her lips are dry. but I didn't know if that was from throwing up. as for crying. she hardly has any energy to cry. she just whimpers. so I haven't noticed if their are any tears or not. I have been trying to baby her as much as possible, so she doesn't cry.
  • oplik
    oplik Posts: 16 Member
    Ah ok. We use diorolyte in the uk.
    Any fluids are good. Ice lolly, jelly (jello I believe you call it), yoghurts. Also try some paracetamol as she may have a sore throat or mild fever which would not help her.
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    2 lbs on a 15 lb baby is a lot. I would suggest getting her checked out as soon as possible. the list I gave you is signs and symptoms of sever dehydration. Given that she has been sick since wednesday, it would be better to error on the side of caution, however I am only a student nurse and not a mother myself yet so I know textbooks but not as much in real life experience.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I would be concerned. She should be drinking a lot more, even if she's sick. Since it's the weekend I would take her to urgent care. Yes, colds are going around, but she needs a thorough check to make sure it's not something more serious. Even if she's still having the same number of wet diapers and isn't displaying signs of dehydration it sounds like there still cause for concern. There's no harm in taking her in and at least it will give you peace of mind.

    My 8 month old little boy is sick. He's had a fever since last night and has been snotty and drooly all day. He won't really eat his baby food but he's drinking his normal amount of formula. He's teething right now, working on 6 teeth at once, but I think he may also have a sinus infection. I just had one and he's acting the way I felt. :(
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    Please get her to the doctor. If nothing else, they can help rehydrate you all via IV (if need be), and no matter how sick you're getting, you don't have to worry about keeping down the fluids.

    Keep us updated, but not until you're back from the emergency room. Good luck and I hope you all feel better!
  • MichelleFirestone
    MichelleFirestone Posts: 212 Member
    thank you for your advice. I did taker her to the ER then last night. They did say she was dehyraded. they gave her a pill to help with nausua, and then we forced her to drink some juice. thankfully it worked and they didn't have to do IV's. They sent another pill home with me, for today. and gave me a list of stuff to watch for, if she continues not to drink. if so, I'm suppose to take her back. if she improves just follow up with her regular doctor on Monday. They did say more than 3 days of little to no fluids isn't good. and it was a good thing I came in. If I would have waited another day, she would have needed the iv's.

    We were there for 3 hrs last night. You know how hospitals are, 45min to get your a room, 30 min till a doctor comes, 30 min, to see if it worked, and then another 45 min before they get you the paper work to let you go home.
    BUT it was WELL WORTH IT!

    thank you everyone for your advice!
  • lauralonglocks
    Great to hear she's doing okay...!

    Hope she's right as rain very soon :)