Look at my diary


I am looking for polite(but true) suggestions on how to better prepare myself for losing some much needed flab. Last week I started going to the gym, and I have been counting my calories, and doing lots of exercise.

Today I hopped on the scale at the same time as most days (After my workout and lunch) and yet I am just peaking above 200 lbs again. I'm trying to get down to 165.

Am I doing something wrong? Should I not be doing as much "strength" wise or more cardio?

I'm trying to push myself, as I want to look great again for my wife, and for my well being. Please help, I am open to pointers and suggestions, I just request to please not be rude about it.

Thank you for your time.


  • sianquin
    sianquin Posts: 86 Member
    As you exercise (especially strength training) your muscles tear and your body sends glycine and water to them to help repair them, as you've only started this you may find that you won't loss for a while as your retaining water and building muscle (which is heavier than fat)

    Get a measuring tape and try keep track that way.

    I can't see your dairy you need to make it public.
  • JonnyMacAwesome
    JonnyMacAwesome Posts: 770 Member
    Sorry, fixed now...that I did that with changing my Profile, didn't realize it was a separate setting.

    That is a good tip though, thank you so far.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Go here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/account/diary_settings

    Scroll towards the bottom and choose Public.

    Save changes.
  • JonnyMacAwesome
    JonnyMacAwesome Posts: 770 Member
    Go here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/account/diary_settings

    Scroll towards the bottom and choose Public.

    Save changes.

    I did that, it should be public now... but thank you :)
  • amyllu
    amyllu Posts: 432 Member
    Hi Jonny, Good points made by Diane there.. I would add perhaps if you could weigh yourself first thing in the morning preferably before you get dressed you will get a much better reading of your weight and much more accurate.
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    I feel for a male the 1250 calories a day you have set for yourself is low. I'm new at this but that is what I noticed. Also you don't drink your recommended amount of water.
  • sianquin
    sianquin Posts: 86 Member
    Your eating alot of sugar again this will cause you to retain water. However since most of it's coming from milk you will need to decide if your willing to cut that down. I really struggled with that at the start but now I really only drink milk after a big gym session if i need to get my calories up and for the protein for recovery.I will have some if coffee.

    Your meals are also abit light on veggies, try to half fill your plate with veggies or salad and you will naturally consume less of the more calorie dense foods :)
  • hiphopbunnie

    I am looking for polite(but true) suggestions on how to better prepare myself for losing some much needed flab. Last week I started going to the gym, and I have been counting my calories, and doing lots of exercise.

    Today I hopped on the scale at the same time as most days (After my workout and lunch) and yet I am just peaking above 200 lbs again. I'm trying to get down to 165.

    Am I doing something wrong? Should I not be doing as much "strength" wise or more cardio?

    I'm trying to push myself, as I want to look great again for my wife, and for my well being. Please help, I am open to pointers and suggestions, I just request to please not be rude about it.

    Thank you for your time.

    ok to be completely honest (this is prob not MFP approved advice) this is what has worked for me if i want to lose weight i just diet first and once i get down to a size that i'm happy with i'll start toning and working on muscle building. this is what i always do and i've never had a problem with gaining back the weight. other people will probably argue against this but this is honestly what i do and what works for me. it's just really hard to restrict your calories while you're trying to build muscle at the same time. having said that, i have never been overweight so i have no experience in losing >10 lbs.

    go leafs go!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Your calorie goal seems really low to me. I'll never understand why MFP sets males so low. I would suggest looking into some of the alternate methods to deciding your calorie goals: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/819055-setting-your-calorie-and-macro-targets
  • littlefoot612
    littlefoot612 Posts: 156 Member
    I took a look at your diary for the past few days and I didn't see any fruits or vegetables. It looks like you eat on the go like many of us. Try to eat some protein at breakfast...oatmeal, eggs...it will stay with you longer than just coffee or milk. For my lunch and dinner, I try to have 1 serving lean protein, 2 vegetables and 1 grain. I try to have 2 fruits a day for a morning and evening snack. Oh... and you might want to lose that sweater and hat, they will turn your brain to mush and mush weighs more than fat or muscle. No, j/k..well, maybe not.
    btw I was surprised at how many calories in my Tims x lg decaf with 2 creams compared to a McD's lg decaf with 2 creams, Tim's uses 18%cream, McD's I believe is 10%.
  • frickhead
    frickhead Posts: 17
    Hi there! Congrats on your decision to change your lifestyle :)
    Looking at your diary from just today, I don't see too many problems. It's important to start slow and not dramatically cut down how much we eat so we don't put our bodies into some kind of shock I guess. How about maybe for future, instead of getting an extra large coffee, go down to a large instead. This is a minor difference that will make a difference in calories that you will see.
    Also, I think it's great that you've decided to go to the gym and you were wondering about whether to do more cardio than "strength" work outs and just remember, when you are doing strength work outs you will be building muscle and muscle is heavier than fat. So, if you are totally ripped, you're gonna weigh more than someone who is scrawny just because muscle is heavier than fat. If your biggest concern is to lose weight rather than be "built" then I would personally recommend doing more cardio activity than strength. BUT do it in moderation! Only do what your body can handle. Don't push yourself too hard. Remember to start slow. An athlete doesn't run a marathon without preparation first. Don't do more than you can take. Results may come slow, but a great way to stay motivated is to take photos of yourself every 30 days. You may not see the numbers on the scale drop too much, but you will see the physical difference in your body based on your photos.

    Good luck! :) I wish you well.
  • JonnyMacAwesome
    JonnyMacAwesome Posts: 770 Member
    @firecat - I couldn't drink 8 cups of water a day if I tried...and believe me, I try... lol Can't stand the stuff, the only time it doesn't make me gag is when I'm exercising...but I am getting better at it, hopefully that will help. The 1250 calorie goal is what MFP told me when I set my goal of losing 2 lbs/week. It's a bit extreme, but I gotta get healthy and the quicker the better. Thank you for your insight, I will continue to try to get my daily dose of grossness(water)

    @amyliu - I don't have a scale at home, I use one at the office...and being naked there may get me into trouble, especially since the scale is in the atrium lol... but I do plan to pick one up soon - so I will give that a shot once I have one. Thank you :)

    @sianquin - Milk is my kryptonite, but I(believe it or not) have already toned it down a ton, it's also why I drink Skim because of the ridiculous amount I generally consume... I will keep that in mind and continue to try to limit myself as much as possible to aid this process.

    I also need to cut that breakfast shake and switch to something with less sugar. - I didn't know sugar made you retain water, thanks for the heads up!
  • hiphopbunnie
    also it might help to stop getting cream at Timmies, i heard its like 35% milk fat
  • JonnyMacAwesome
    JonnyMacAwesome Posts: 770 Member
    I think my calorie goal is set so low because of my activity level...I have a desk job, it doesn't burn many calories sitting on my butt all day...I think that's the main driver for the calorie thing...if I change it to light activity it gives me 1,440 or something like that.

    Would that be a more realistic calorie goal?

    You all are posting so fast it's tough to keep up lol.
  • JonnyMacAwesome
    JonnyMacAwesome Posts: 770 Member
    also it might help to stop getting cream at Timmies, i heard its like 35% milk fat

    Without Timmies I may well just die... I have an 11 month old at home...caffeine replaced my blood long ago. lol... I will try to cut down to a regular though...at least as a start
  • jj_jupiter
    jj_jupiter Posts: 23 Member
    Sugar also makes you crave more sugar. It's like heroin.

    You need more vegetables. If you don't like them, try roasting or grilling or making a soup.

    I had a nutritionist tell me once Milk's main purpose it to make baby cows fat. Made sense to me.
  • sianquin
    sianquin Posts: 86 Member
    I think it's easier to drink water from a sports bottle. I know that sounds silly but you just grab it take a mouthful close it and get on with your day. Where as getting a glass and going to a tap involves thought. For that reason I keep a 700ml bottle of water with me at all times. The tap water here is rank aswell so I put it in a old fashioned glass lemonade bottle in the fridge, it's better somehow when it's has settled......Well now i just sound like the crazy water lady! seriously tho I manage atleast 2 1/2- 3 litres a day.

    P.s I also love milk we never drank water at home the choices were milk or sometimes coke, seems healthy as a child but as a dieting adult it's shocking the sugar and calories in a pint of milk you could easily down in 10mins lol.
  • natstar26
    natstar26 Posts: 130 Member
    Your protein is great! You should eat more veggies, they are healthy carbs so this will help boost up numbers in the carb macros for you. I eat all my simple carbs ( boxed cereals, bread ect) in the morning. Lots of other members have given my great advice and one of my favorites is eat biggest meal at breakfast, then drop amount of calories in meals as your day goes along. some people will knock this but it worked for me and many others so it may work for you. If you are a busy guy in the morning just eat within your macros and calories and eat simple carbs with protein at breakfast it will keep you fuller for longer. Keep up the exercise, good work!
  • JonnyMacAwesome
    JonnyMacAwesome Posts: 770 Member
    I think it's easier to drink water from a sports bottle. I know that sounds silly but you just grab it take a mouthful close it and get on with your day. Where as getting a glass and going to a tap involves thought. For that reason I keep a 700ml bottle of water with me at all times. The tap water here is rank aswell so I put it in a old fashioned glass lemonade bottle in the fridge, it's better somehow when it's has settled......Well now i just sound like the crazy water lady! seriously tho I manage atleast 2 1/2- 3 litres a day.

    P.s I also love milk we never drank water at home the choices were milk or sometimes coke, seems healthy as a child but as a dieting adult it's shocking the sugar and calories in a pint of milk you could easily down in 10mins lol.

    I agree, when I actually read the "Nutrition Information" on the milk carton I bought at work, I almost dropped it... and I am the type to cry over spilled milk...or at least lap it up with my tongue(depending where it fell).

    Anyway - I have noticed Milk destroys my sugar intake for the day, consistenly. I will grab a sports bottle from home and see if that helps my water issues, thanks for the tip :)

    I do enjoy vegetables, but with a growing baby she's always the priority and tends to eat them left right and center...Guess I have to stock up a lot more than I have been buying... lol...I miss my veggies, and good fruits.

    Are the following fruits and veggies really good?(They are the ones I enjoy)

    -Apples the odd time.

    -Red, yellow, orange peppers

    I'm just not sure which fruits would be better than others, same for veggies.
  • jim180155
    jim180155 Posts: 769 Member
    Jonny, your diary only seems to go back to 5/26. I'm assuming that's when you started MFP and started tracking your calories. Your ticker says you've lost 3 pounds so far. If all that is correct, I don't see why you're not happy. Three pounds in a week and a half is good.

    I agree with the others that 1250 calories sounds way too low. You're a 200 pound 29 year old. I'm a 154 pound 60 year old and I'm eating more than you are. If MFP only gives you 1250 calories for a 2 lb/week weight loss, I'd consider switching to 1 lb/week. I'm getting hungry just thinking about 1250 calories.

    And get yourself a scale. Your weight will be the most consistent if you weigh in first thing in the morning, before you eat or drink anything but just after a trip to the bathroom.