Day 1

Today is my Day 1. :happy:

I hate being over 300lbs and it is not healty for me. I hate they way people look at me.
Im over 40 and I want to enjoy my life.

I would like to shed 100lbs by next year. I have given myself 10lbs target dates.

I live my pain in silence, and Im looking for support



  • austeng12
    austeng12 Posts: 4
    Congrats on starting your weightloss journey :) It's all about making a healthy lifestyle change! It's so easy to pack on weight without even realizing it and I think almost everyone here has hit a weight they said they would never let themselves get to. Just remember, it's only food! It's just nourishment for your body. Don't let it control your life! It's a slow process but don't get discouraged, before you know it a year will have passed and you'll be where you only imagined you could ever be! I've been off and on the healthy lifestyle change for a couple years now and recently made a choice to stick with it and I'm so much happier with myself already. It only takes 21 days to form a habit, so as long as you can keep it up for that long eventually it's gonna become routine for you! Good luck! :)
  • Toddahlie
    Toddahlie Posts: 116 Member
    congratulations, it's a great step in your life!!!

    good luck!
  • terra32907
    terra32907 Posts: 33 Member
    This person is pretty smart in all her advice. She summed it all up beautifully! Congratulations on making that first step towards a healthier you. Not every day will be a success. Just do your best :)
    Congrats on starting your weightloss journey :) It's all about making a healthy lifestyle change! It's so easy to pack on weight without even realizing it and I think almost everyone here has hit a weight they said they would never let themselves get to. Just remember, it's only food! It's just nourishment for your body. Don't let it control your life! It's a slow process but don't get discouraged, before you know it a year will have passed and you'll be where you only imagined you could ever be! I've been off and on the healthy lifestyle change for a couple years now and recently made a choice to stick with it and I'm so much happier with myself already. It only takes 21 days to form a habit, so as long as you can keep it up for that long eventually it's gonna become routine for you! Good luck! :)
  • Chickee8586
    Chickee8586 Posts: 155 Member
    Welcome. The first step is the hardest. Yeah, we've all heard that, but it really is the truth. Don't get overwhelmed. I won't say don't get discouraged, because it happens to all of us. The only difference between discouraged and failure is whether or not you get right back to it afterward.

    Good ultimate goal and good intermediate goals. If it doesn't go all to plan, just keep going. It really doesn't matter if you hit every mark exactly when you plan to hit them, as long as you do eventually hit them.

    Don't be afraid of using weights. Even light ones to start with is better than none at all.

    I have a sign in my office that I look at every day. My 27 year old daughter said it to me when I started (again!) in February...

    You are not too old or too far gone to reach a goal.

    Good luck and own this.
  • Hello. I am fairly new myself. I have logged on this site many tmies and stopped but for the first time i'm on day 15. I can relate to you so much on being over 300lbs. Never in my life did i think i would get this big but I'm here now but it's not where I will be forever. I look forward to your victory weight losses in the future. :)