Frick. I was soooooo close.

Worked my *kitten* off last year. Got within 5 lbs of my GW!! And then I let things slip- stopped my meticulous tracking on here ("Meh. I know the macros of any food now") slowly stopped running ("Meh. Florida summers are too damn hot. And dreadmills suuuuck") gave up heavy lifting ("Meh. Kids are out of school. Can't go to the gym. I'll be fiiiiiiine").

And now I'm right back where I started. High-five!!!



  • kikityme
    kikityme Posts: 472 Member
    I would totally high five you. But my arms are too weak and noodle like from not lifting.

    ( :ohwell: ) Back on the horse you go...
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    Sucks don't it. Love your attitude though - your sarcasm brought a smile to my face.
  • badbcatha05
    badbcatha05 Posts: 200 Member
    Meh... I totally get where you're at. And your attitude about it made my sarcastic little heart skip. :smile:

    Way to get back after it!!
  • patzane67
    patzane67 Posts: 10 Member
    congrats for getting back on the grave train. Use your support well help you much in the restart.
  • donny_smith3
    donny_smith3 Posts: 2 Member
    gotta love the lack of a self-pitying attitude. teach me your ways.
  • mandfree
    mandfree Posts: 15
    I feel you. I was within 10 and gained most of it back using the same reasons/excuses. Here we go again:)
  • kdcj17
    kdcj17 Posts: 73 Member
    Yup. There myself. I was at my goal weight and fit, but now here I am 35 pounds heavier, working once again to get back down to my personal 'ideal' me. Suckkkkkkkks.
  • Chris99mu
    Chris99mu Posts: 352 Member
    I unabashedly admit to taking solace in all your camaraderie! One day at a time....
  • Chris99mu
    Chris99mu Posts: 352 Member
    congrats for getting back on the grave train. Use your support well help you much in the restart.

    I think NOT committing to my goal again would ultimately be the GRAVE train! ;)
  • ziggypop93
    ziggypop93 Posts: 133 Member
    I was just coming on to post the same damn thing. Except I'm up 30 pounds, but I just took my measurements and HOLY CRAP BALLS. I have put on soooooooo many inches. It was the kick in the *kitten* I needed.
  • beezipper
    beezipper Posts: 18 Member
    Me, too! I was fifteen pounds away from my goal last summer, then I started nursing school and just stopped caring. I'm not back where I started, but thank goodness because I've lost over a hundred pounds. I've gained back thirty-five and I feel terrible about it. I want to get back on track for sure, but it's been so hard to get out of the habit of not cooking and grabbing stuff for convenience even though I don't have the insane schedule I had last semester.