Lacking Faith/Hope in Yourself? Read this.

First off, I'm going to say that you need to clear up all of that dust in your head! It's clouding your mind!

You've got this!

I'm being completely serious. Don't the way you look stop you from going for a run, or even a walk! Heck, go for a swim if you can!

I've seen a lot of people use periods that they're injured as "break" weeks. Don't do that!

I hurt my foot by over exerting it during a game of ultimate frisbee yesterday, but did that stop me from doing anything?

I'll give you second to guess my answer. HELL NO, I DIDN'T.

Today, I went to a spin class and I owned that bike. And then I did a killer abs workout!

And I can promise you, I am definitely not in the best of shape. But I'm getting there. I may have been the fattest person in the exercise class, but I was also the proudest! I actually made it through the whole workout without leaving or quitting.

Taking short breaks are ok, but don't give up and take long ones!

If you're looking for some motivating people to help you stay on track, look around this section and see who all are here! Me included. You can add me, and I'd be glad to pep talk you and yell at you and encourage you (^_^)d

Hope to meet some of you, and best of luck in your journeys!

You guys all got this!


  • karak80
    karak80 Posts: 19
    Thanks for this--I really needed it today! :happy:
  • timewiz13
    timewiz13 Posts: 37 Member
    You got it! Rock that health! I'm proud of you :)

    And I will too!
  • kamiept
    kamiept Posts: 15
    loved your pep talk :)
  • sugarlemonpie
    sugarlemonpie Posts: 311 Member
    Thanks!!! Needed a pick me up tonight to motivate my butt to go to the gym in the morning. Not been a good day, so just gotta not let things cloud up my head and focus on my goals.

    Hope you're doing well and you heal up soon! :)