Two Years In... My Random Thoughts...

jbalistriere Posts: 300 Member
Okay, story time. Two years ago I went shopping because I had a work event and none of my clothes fit. After going through the "big girl" section and actually finding a cute pair of jeans (no small task in the "big girl section"), I realized they were a little snug but I said "muffin top be damned, I'm buying them". That night I took Jinx on a four mile walk (NOT planned but a good story) and joined My Fitness Pal. The next day, I tried on those same jeans (I'm impatient) and they fit perfect! But, I was like hmmm, I'm turning 30 in just under a year, I should really get my **** together. With that, my journey began. Over the course of two years, I've lost about 80 pounds (it depends on the day), reduced my insulin intake, got myself off the cholesterol meds, and just feel better all around. Am I at my goal? No. Ideally, I would like to hit the 100lb mark and made a real plea to People mag for their "new year, new you" issue so I can showcase how challenging - but possible - it is as a diabetic to make changes (I can't tell you how many issues, doctor visits, near emergencies I have had trying to find my "new normal" and then having my new normal change because I hit another weight loss milestone). Am I stressed about it? No. Do I still have my bad image days? You betcha. The only difference is now I can look back and see how far I've come. Just this morning (and I promise this isn't an ego thing because I hate myself 98% of the time), I looked in the mirror and could not believe that I was looking at myself! I started this journey trying to get a little healthier. Instead, I not only became healthier but happier, too. Thank you to everyone who supported me! And, thank you to everyone who managed to make it through this never ending post. :)

More than willing to load pics if someone tells me how :)


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