Be Sure to Get a Body Fat% Eval Before Starting Weight Loss

Hello Everyone! My name is Heather and I am 38 years old as of May this year and trying to lose 25 lbs. That may not seem like a lot, but I have been struggling with this same goal for about 20 years and have never really been able to keep the weight off. I lose 15-20, then gain it back... I am sure some of you can relate! I finally realized that I needed a support system. Being naturally 'curvy' I have never had a major issue attracting mates or fitting in, I have a wonderful adoring husband and life should be good, but I am not comfortable in my body and am extremely insecure. I know that my being at my current size also has to do with some emotional eating issues. My father was a professional body builder, so I grew up always thinking of fitness and started my first 'diet' and exercise regimen around the age of 8. Typing this I realize how messed up that is... no 8 year old should be on a diet... So, this time I want to also work on those emotional issues that have caused me to carry an extra 20-30 lbs my entire, post-pubescent life, and start to reclaim the life I was meant to live... at a healthy weight and having confidence in myself, regardless of what the scale says. I have been reading a lot of the intro posts here, and I see several women who weigh in the 130-140s range and want to get down below 120. I encourage all of you to go and get a professional body fat vs. lean muscle test done before you decide what you should weigh. I am 5 ft 3.5 inches tall and currently weigh 168 lbs (started 2 weeks ago at 170). I had always thought I should weigh about 120-125 based on the charts I have seen listed all over the internet on 'expert' sites. After going in to get a professional body fat/ muscle % evaluation, learned I had a whopping 120 lbs of muscle tissue!! If I had aimed for 120 lbs I would be skin and bone and probably classified as anorexic. Apparently a healthy weight for me is 140, which would put me at about 20% fat- still slightly curvy but a size 6. So, you can weigh 140, be 5'4" and still be a size 6 if you have a lot of muscle! Very eye opening!!! I guess I inherited some of my father's weight lifting genes:). On that note, some women CAN bulk up... so lifting weights is great, but gauge yourself. I personally am able to gain muscle at a rate very close to a typical male though most women will not... I am so excited about joining this community and look forward to what the future holds. Thank you for 'listening':).
