I have decided to get the gastric sleeve surgery

Hello all my name is Jaime. I have recently decided to get gastric surgery to give me the push I need. I went to a seminar last night. Learned about all 3 surgeries and I'm leaning towards the gastric sleeve. I have filled out my paper work last night when I was there and turned it in to them before I left now I'm waiting on the call to schedule an appointment with the doctor. I've also called my doctor to sign the PCP letter and they said they'll be sending it in for me. I've struggled with weight all my life. When I was in high school my lowest was 160lbs. Through the years I got married a few times and gained weight. My last marriage I was so depressed with my life that I tried to eat myself to death. I ended up leaving my last husband and divorced him. Two months after that I decided that I wanted to get back into shape. I was in and out of the hospital for my weight as well. Back in the beginning of 2010 I was around 530lbs. It was bad. I couldn't do anything without being tired and short of breath. I quit eating bad, no soda, no liquor or beer and only drank mainly water. Since then I've been on the roller coaster but I have lost 160lbs. I know if I wasn't on the roller coaster that I could have lost more weight. Before I lost this weight I was pre diabetic, on oxygen, and had polycystic ovary syndrome. I also had sleep apnea but never had the insurance to get a sleep study. Now all I have is sleep apnea, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I also have asthma which I've had all my life but this year has been one of the worst for my asthma. I'm so drained from it to where going to take my dogs outside and back to the living room I'm out of breath. Which I know the weight doesn't help me either. I want to get myself healthier so I can go out and do things with my boyfriend without being winded.

Has anyone else gotten this done? Any tips on after the surgery?


  • jlynn0422
    jlynn0422 Posts: 8 Member
    I to am about to have the surgery done. My surgery date is April 24, 2014 and I couldn't be more excited!! You have the right mind set. We need to use this as a tool to help us succeed our goals! I to have children and right now I can't hardly do anything with them because of my weight. It is hard for me to even go grocery shopping without my knee throbbing. I am glad that there are so many people out there that have had it done or are going to have it done. That makes for a great support system. Congrats on your recent weight loss! I will post more throughout this whole process.
  • lemon629
    lemon629 Posts: 501 Member
    Congratulations on losing 160 pounds and improving your eating habits!

    I haven't had the surgery, but know several who have. Most re-gained the weight back which I think is very sad.
    So... strictly follow your doctor's orders about your diet.
    Get some professional counseling. Over-eating usually has a large emotional component, as you alluded to when you talked about your previous marriage. So you need to develop some new tools.

    Best of luck to you!
  • PamelaAnneMeyer
    hi Jamie, hope all has went well with your gastric sleeve surgery, I am schedule for mine on June 6. I was looking for support from someone who has had it, close to my time. my name is Pamela I am 53 yrs old live in Plant City, Florida I work from home, helping run my husbands two companies. He lives in Maryland, so I only see him about every other month for about 10 days. I am down in Florida watching 4 of our 6 grandchildren grow up. I do have one pet a dog Fancy she is #161.1 pounds who is over weight by 30 pounds, so exercise will be to walk her. I am 5' 5" and my weight is 264 lbs. I am having my gastric sleeve surgery done by Dr. Renker at Palms of Passead in St. Pete Florida about 50 miles west of me. I am told I am 125 pounds over weight. I know I did not gain it all at one time, so not planning on losing it all at once. Just thought you could help me with pre-op and post-op. How I am going to feel, what works for you, and what did not work for you. But if you don't I understand.
    please fill free to email me and give me any guideness you have to offer. thank you ahead of time. Pamela
  • KDar1988
    KDar1988 Posts: 650 Member
    Congrats on your decision and your loss! I am considering it, but I haven't decided. Good luck!
  • Teriguen
    Teriguen Posts: 2 Member
    I am in the process of deciding whether or not to get the gastric sleeve. My doctor said if it was just a weight issue he would not do it. But the main reason for me is Metabolic Syndrome. I had my Endoscopy today and he said he feels even more positive I should have the surgery. My digestive system is not working correctly. perhaps nerve damage from the Diabetes. The surgery doesnt scare me so much but I am concerned about post op and being able to do the diet. I don't drink a ton of diet soda but I do enjoy that morning Diet Dr. Pepper and it makes me sad to think I can't have it! Pathetic, i know.
  • Spaced_pout
    I had gastric bypass surgery 7 years ago. I have never regretted my choice. You should be very proud of the courage it takes to know you need drastic help, and to seek it out. I still struggle with my weight from time to time but within reason not the 438 pounds of my youth. Good luck and know that you are never alone in your struggle.
  • catecholamine
    catecholamine Posts: 71 Member
    I had Duodenal Switch. Part of the DS is the sleeve. It's tough. It's the hardest thing I've ever done. I had to completely change my relationship with food in every way. It's HARD. But almost 70lbs down since January.
  • Teriguen
    Teriguen Posts: 2 Member
    thats awesome! Congrats!
  • Spaced_pout
    I drink diet soda. (Not the first post op year) It's a vice I sneak in once and a while. Carbonation that first year feels like death.
  • lisameister13
    lisameister13 Posts: 10 Member
    This is a big step, but it sounds like you're doing it right. Remember that this is a weight loss tool and that you still have to put in the effort with diet and exercise. By losing all that weight already, you've demonstrated that you can do it! Hang in there, be positive, and make sure you have someone you can really talk to -- don't let emotional eating be in control! Good luck!!
  • annesoucy57
    Do what you think is right for you, also get medical opinion to guide you in your decision. Best of luck