Life after P90X, what can I do next? Hybrid options?

I am on week 12 of P90X classic and plotting my plan for whats next. I feel like I did get stronger but I hardly lost weight 5-6lbs to date and not many inches. Overall I do LOVE the program and love the definition its given my arms and back mainly. I do feel like its done very little for my midsection. Ive only lost 1 inch off my stomach area. I feel like I have muscles on the inside at this point and they are camouflaged by the fat layer on the outside. lol

I am contemplating another month of P90X classic or P90X lean, P90X classic hybrid with T25, P90X3 with T25 or P90X3. Any suggestions? What would work best for my goals? I also have BBL and Turbofire.

I am 5'3 147lbs and 22% body fat.


  • LaChinaDoll
    LaChinaDoll Posts: 168 Member
  • tonynguyen75
    tonynguyen75 Posts: 418 Member
    Next step I recommend is a real strength training program.

    If you've done P90X and aren't completely satisfied with the results, you're not going to be satisfied with any of these fly by night exercise programs ie. Insanity, Brazilian butt, or whatever it is Mike Chang is selling these days.

    Go on a tried and true weight lifting programme that focuses on compound lifts and progressive overload.
  • LaChinaDoll
    LaChinaDoll Posts: 168 Member
    I would love to. I just dont have access to a gym or the equipment. I have Bowflex dumbbell set that goes from 10 to 90lbs, a bench, a bow flex machine as well and myself. This is why I do these programs I do feel I am getting somewhere as opposed to doing nothing. I work with what I have and I do feel beach body programs are a great help to people like me that have no access to gyms.

    If you have any recommendations as to what structured program I could do with the equipment I do have I would love it thanks!
  • tonynguyen75
    tonynguyen75 Posts: 418 Member
    90lb dumb bells and a bowflex machine is a lot more than many other people have. Do you also have a chin up bar? You can do basically everything you need with that. It won't be as effective as a power rack with a barbell, however it should be enough to out do P90X and Insanity. Here's what I'd recommend you'd start with as far as exercises go:

    DB Deadlift
    DB Squat
    DB Bench
    DB Row
    DB Shoulder Press

    Chin ups/Pull ups
    DB bicep curls
    And I think you can do some face pulls or rear delt flys on a bowflex machine. That should be a good start.

    As far as a program goes you could probably break these exercises up into two days and do 3-4 days a week. Just try to increase the weight you do on each exercise every week by a small increment.
  • LaChinaDoll
    LaChinaDoll Posts: 168 Member
    90lb dumb bells and a bowflex machine is a lot more than many other people have. Do you also have a chin up bar? You can do basically everything you need with that. It won't be as effective as a power rack with a barbell, however it should be enough to out do P90X and Insanity. Here's what I'd recommend you'd start with as far as exercises go:

    DB Deadlift
    DB Squat
    DB Bench
    DB Row
    DB Shoulder Press

    Chin ups/Pull ups
    DB bicep curls
    And I think you can do some face pulls or rear delt flys on a bowflex machine. That should be a good start.

    As far as a program goes you could probably break these exercises up into two days and do 3-4 days a week. Just try to increase the weight you do on each exercise every week by a small increment.

    I very much appreciate this! I can't wait to try it.
  • anothermop
    anothermop Posts: 187 Member
    I mix in different programs between rounds of P90X. I'd do a round of Insanity, then P90X, then 6 or 8 weeks of running, then T25, then back to P90X. I'm in week 10 of this round of P90X and I'm not sure what I'll do next either. The weather is nice so maybe I'll go back to running.

    Good luck!
  • TheBunnyStrange
    TheBunnyStrange Posts: 20 Member
    there is the P90X Asylum. maybe try that to continue along.
  • sheltol
    sheltol Posts: 120 Member
    BB has plenty of options to move on to after P90X. Depending on your goal you could continue on to P90X2 or P90X+. If you liked the kenpo workout you could try Les Mills Combat. Or move towards a more cardio based program like Insanity or Asylum (these programs skyrocketed my athletic ability). Or if you are looking to build muscle there is body beast.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,662 Member
    I mix in different programs between rounds of P90X. I'd do a round of Insanity, then P90X, then 6 or 8 weeks of running, then T25, then back to P90X. I'm in week 10 of this round of P90X and I'm not sure what I'll do next either. The weather is nice so maybe I'll go back to running.

    Good luck!

    thats typically what i do

    it sounds like your primary goal is to lose fat, which means that your real work is going to be done in the kitchen... regardless of what exercise program you are on

    btw i also belong to a gym, always go 2-3 times a week while doing a beach body program. feel as tho i get a much better workout at home. if my goal was to gain weight, that would be a different story
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,662 Member
    i'm personally dieing to try p90x3

    i'd go for that.

    the asylum series is actually FUN to do. very diverse. very similair to an atheltic practice atmosphere
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,662 Member
    one of my biggest turn offs at the gym is the fact that i'm like one of three people actually busting my *kitten* in there while everyone else is on their cell phone
  • LaChinaDoll
    LaChinaDoll Posts: 168 Member
    I would love to. I just dont have access to a gym or the equipment. I have Bowflex dumbbell set that goes from 10 to 90lbs, a bench, a bow flex machine as well and myself. This is why I do these programs I do feel I am getting somewhere as opposed to doing nothing. I work with what I have and I do feel beach body programs are a great help to people like me that have no access to gyms.

    If you have any recommendations as to what structured program I could do with the equipment I do have I would love it thanks!

    Why do you not have access to a gym? Are they not affordable, or you don't have transportation or what?

    A gym, and a program like Starting Strength would probably be the best thing you could do for yourself.

    If there's no way you can join a gym (the Y is pretty cheap, of free in some cases, I think), you might be able to modify the Starting Strength a little to use the stuff you have at home.

    I actually live an hour away from the nearest gym. Taking that into would be a drag trying to get there plus who knows if they have child care too. I live in the country lol I do have a car, I'm sure I could afford it but it's just to far.
  • LaChinaDoll
    LaChinaDoll Posts: 168 Member
    I'm so thankful for your responses. I think I'm going to try and mix up what I already have. Keep a closer eye on my food. I will admit I struggle keeping my protein intake at around 80g a day. I'm vegetarian and don't eat meat substitutes.
    After my recovery week I will probably take a week off working out and just go out for a few walks or light run for that week. I've been at around the same deficit of 1800 for a while and working out hard. I've taken no breaks in between since November so maybe it's time for a little break.

    After that I think I will try P90X with T25 for cardio and probably mix it up in between. I can't handle the jumping insanity brings only reason I haven't looked into that program. T25 is crazy enough for me. I did lose 7lbs and 15 inches when I did it back in November.

    Thank you much again for taking the time to respond. Any other suggestions I'll be happy to take them. :-)
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    Google a T25 & P90X hybrid. I'm sure they have one. I'm almost done with the Gamma portion of T25 (my last workout is Friday) and I'll be finishing month 1 of Insanity this week, but I won't be going into the 2nd month until the 3rd week of June (due to vacation). Once I finish Insanity, I'm going to do a hybrid of Insanity/T25 or Insanity/P90X. I've done P90X workouts, but never did the entire 90 days.

    I've been looking at Asylum, but idk if I'm ready for it.
  • LaChinaDoll
    LaChinaDoll Posts: 168 Member
    Google a T25 & P90X hybrid. I'm sure they have one. I'm almost done with the Gamma portion of T25 (my last workout is Friday) and I'll be finishing month 1 of Insanity this week, but I won't be going into the 2nd month until the 3rd week of June (due to vacation). Once I finish Insanity, I'm going to do a hybrid of Insanity/T25 or Insanity/P90X. I've done P90X workouts, but never did the entire 90 days.

    I've been looking at Asylum, but idk if I'm ready for it.

  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,662 Member
    I'm so thankful for your responses. I think I'm going to try and mix up what I already have. Keep a closer eye on my food. I will admit I struggle keeping my protein intake at around 80g a day. I'm vegetarian and don't eat meat substitutes.
    After my recovery week I will probably take a week off working out and just go out for a few walks or light run for that week. I've been at around the same deficit of 1800 for a while and working out hard. I've taken no breaks in between since November so maybe it's time for a little break.

    After that I think I will try P90X with T25 for cardio and probably mix it up in between. I can't handle the jumping insanity brings only reason I haven't looked into that program. T25 is crazy enough for me. I did lose 7lbs and 15 inches when I did it back in November.

    Thank you much again for taking the time to respond. Any other suggestions I'll be happy to take them. :-)

    is there no jumping in t25?
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,662 Member
    Google a T25 & P90X hybrid. I'm sure they have one. I'm almost done with the Gamma portion of T25 (my last workout is Friday) and I'll be finishing month 1 of Insanity this week, but I won't be going into the 2nd month until the 3rd week of June (due to vacation). Once I finish Insanity, I'm going to do a hybrid of Insanity/T25 or Insanity/P90X. I've done P90X workouts, but never did the entire 90 days.

    I've been looking at Asylum, but idk if I'm ready for it.

    there are good reasons to be hesitant about Asylum. but from a cardio perspective, Insanity is harder.

    Asylum will definetly tax your heart, but there is a lot of talking/demonstration, so its not balls to the walls cardio as soon as you push play till the end like insanity.

    An asylum work out requires more athletecism and co-ordination to perform (think jump rope drills). you will improve quickly tho

    insanity is full of moves that pretty much anyone can do at least once. Aslyum has moves in it that not even the very athletic can perform right off the bat. there are ways to scale it down tho (such as fold the ladder so you don't have to jump as far).
  • JulesMT
    JulesMT Posts: 18 Member
    I'm a home exerciser as well. While I do own and use several BB systems (P90X, TurboFire, Insanity, Asylum, T25, Les Mills Combat and Pump), I find that I get the best results with a focused diet + Cathe Friedrich's workouts.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    Google a T25 & P90X hybrid. I'm sure they have one. I'm almost done with the Gamma portion of T25 (my last workout is Friday) and I'll be finishing month 1 of Insanity this week, but I won't be going into the 2nd month until the 3rd week of June (due to vacation). Once I finish Insanity, I'm going to do a hybrid of Insanity/T25 or Insanity/P90X. I've done P90X workouts, but never did the entire 90 days.

    I've been looking at Asylum, but idk if I'm ready for it.

    there are good reasons to be hesitant about Asylum. but from a cardio perspective, Insanity is harder.

    Asylum will definetly tax your heart, but there is a lot of talking/demonstration, so its not balls to the walls cardio as soon as you push play till the end like insanity.

    An asylum work out requires more athletecism and co-ordination to perform (think jump rope drills). you will improve quickly tho

    insanity is full of moves that pretty much anyone can do at least once. Aslyum has moves in it that not even the very athletic can perform right off the bat. there are ways to scale it down tho (such as fold the ladder so you don't have to jump as far).

    Thanks for the advice. I'll see how I do with Month 2 and then give Asylum another thought.

    And there is jumping in T25, but there is a modifier who shows you how to do it low impact, so you can take the jump out.