Finally Gonna Do It

Hello everyone! I made this account a while ago and this time, I am going to use it.

Currently, I weigh 161 pounds. Currently, I have a bit of a stomach and I am not happy with the fat on my arms and would like to go down at least from a size 12 pants to a size 10. (Women's Sizes)

My goal weight is 140.

I have tried to lose weight in the past, but my problem is that exercise does not feel good while doing it, yet it feels great after. I go on health binges such as exercising and eating right for a week at the most, then go back to my old ways of sitting all day unless I am going to class.

Another problem of mine is that I eat out of boredom, even after I just eaten a meal, I may keep eating and eating and I know that is not good for me. I also have a sweet tooth. I am great at limiting myself to one sweet a day, but I have to have a whole cupcake or something. A few years ago, before I went to a different state to school, my aerobics teacher told us to totally cut the sweets and when her "BAD" husband does bring her a carrot cake slice, she may eat a little sliver a day and place the rest in the freezer.

I also know that I need to cut the human made foods and eat more fruits, vegetables, less white stuff (white rice and breads), and decrease the size of the meat on my plate. I need to also control my portion sizes during meals. It is just that I still feel hungry.

Well I am done admitting my faults, here is what I want to do.

1. I want to start using my stationary exercise bike. I paid $300 for that darn Schwinn. I need to use it.

2. There is a gym right in my apartments. I need to stop being lazy and use it. I need to stop hoping it was right in my apartment. The gym is real nice there. Its not like it is nasty and broke down.

3. I was asking my boyfriend about wrist fitness trackers vs fitness apps. He believes I should buy a cheap app instead of an expensive fitness band.

My problem is that I downloaded these apps, looked at them for a day, never go back to them. Then there is no nagging, no reminders, so I forget about them.

I believed a fitness band on my wrist would keep me more motivated with an accompanying app. If I spent the $$$ on it, then I would use it. I will keep checking that app and feel bad when I haven't done anything or have eaten bad.

So I looked into it and the Jawbone Up 24 seemed the most appealing, especially since I wanted to log in stationary bike exercises. So I just purchased a used one on Ebay, which is about 3 months old for $75. The owner just said he couldn't wear it with his work uniform and it was just sitting there.

So yeah, excited about that. I plan on starting my workout by some walking and biking tomorrow. Today is the planning day and the day I at least start writing down what I eat.


  • Hi there! Great attitude. If you set your mind to it, you can achieve anything!
  • vamaena
    vamaena Posts: 217 Member

    I'm just starting out as well but it sounds like you're going in with a great attitude! I went through the same thing with fitness apps versus fitness bands. I downloaded tons of apps and never bothered to use them. In January I splurged and bought myself a fitbit. Wearing the band on my wrist all day drove me nuts at the time so I quickly gave up with it. In March/early April I had decided that enough was enough and I had to get my weight under control so I put that band back on. I only take it off now to shower and to charge it every few weeks. I have noticed that wearing the band reminds me to open the apps on my phone and to actually keep track of my food and exercise. Even if you can't justify the purchase of a fitness band maybe you could try wearing an elastic or bracelet around your wrist instead as a reminder to keep track until it becomes routine?

    I also have a weakness for sweets, especially chocolate. I've mostly given them up (which is pretty much taking all of my willpower to do) Over the past few weeks I started to crave chocolate to the point where I was a little scared of going to the grocery store for fear of ending up in the junk food aisle. I somehow knew I would go there and buy chocolates and just binge eat them. Instead I looked up a recipe for homemade chocolate. I told myself that if I had to take the time and energy to make it I would hopefully crave it less. At the very least I would have less guilt when I ate it since I knew exactly what was in it. So far, it's worked. After I took the time to make it, I've only eaten a small piece of it and I'm keeping the rest in the freezer. You had mentioned that your teacher would freeze treats as well, that could be a good thing for you to do too. My trainer has told me that every once in a while it's okay to indulge in moderation because when you do a lifestyle overhaul it's easy to slip back to bad eating habits if you deny yourself a treat on a special occasion.
  • Hello everyone and thanks for the warm welcomes! I believe I can do it. I have done other things I deemed impossible and succeeded.

    I am in your exact situation. Enough is enough. I am 25 years old and I am too young to be sitting around all day, gaining weight, have no kids, and all I have to worry about is school. No other obligations. So there is no excuse.

    That is a good idea. To make your own sweets and if you cannot be bothered then don't do it at all. Also the rubber band thing is a good idea.

    i already ordered the Jawbone Up 24 and I heard it is pretty good. But I also hear a lot of stories of it breaking down or suddenly not working (mainly with the plain JB Up, not the 24), but still worried.