hi! I'm new....help!

Hello all,

I am fairly new to this site. Just looking for friends to support, motivate, and encourage me through this diffucult journey. I am going through a tough time right now, and a lot of it have to do with the 75lbs that I need and want to lose. Its very depressing. I want to lose the weight without doing any quick fixes. It very hard to find the time to workout with 3 kids. I do very well on the eating part because I don't have a chance to eat a lot at work, but, as I mentioned, I am struggling with the workout part for many reasons. Maybe someone can help me come up with a plan. I have a tredmill at home, a wii, and xbox kinect.

Thanks in advance for your support!



  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    The trick is to try do at lest 20 minutes a day! SOMETHING is better than nothing. Life certainly gets busy but you will feel better and have more energy if you MAKE time to exercise!
    WELCOME to MFP. You can add me if you like. I'm always looking to help motivate others that are on the same journey as me!

    Good luck!
  • jennyfair24
    jennyfair24 Posts: 273 Member
    Feel free to add me as well! The more the merrier :happy:
  • lfondots
    lfondots Posts: 216 Member
    Oh I so understand about the kids! I think that is one reason I'm now here. With kids it is hard to plan exercise. Since you have the Wii maybe get an exercise game you can do after they go to bed? Or one that they can do with you? Make it a family thing? Always good to get them started early too and the competition might be more motivating. Good Luck!
  • karau
    karau Posts: 7
    It sounds like you have some good motivation - I'm sure you will do well. Stay consistant with your treadmill and try meal replacement - it works well - I have done it for the last 2 years I have 2 kids of my own. :) add me as a friend and I can give you more info and what meal replacements are great! :)
  • h2onut
    h2onut Posts: 164
    Not sure how old your kids are but mine are 11 & 8. They LOVE to play the dance games (Wii and Kinect both have them) with me - we sometimes play for an hour and we're all sweating:). They also like watching and joining in on the Wii Fit and Zumba games - both great workouts! I've found it's either best to try to find exercise that includes them or... plan it around their sleep (get up a bit earlier or when they go to bed).
    Good luck and feel free to add me:)
  • lmcollins
    Hello, I am new to this website too!

    It is very good that you already have somewhat of a plan to change your life. You are off to an excellent start! That is the one thing that really keeps me going, and it sounds like you are the same in that respect. A simple thing as a plan gives me the daily stepping stone, and the goals to continue to lose weight, even after the first few months. In last couple of years, when I set aside a partial day to do some precooking of things like chicken or turkey, or even hamburger and packaging it in meal size storage baggies or containers goes a long way in sticking to that plan. This allows me to be able to fix quick simple meals throughout the week when we have to deal with kids, school, activities, and work. This allows me to quickly control the calorie and fat intakes on a daily basis. I do this to make sure I have satisfying lunches and breakfasts. Also, when I eat, fruits and veggies are unlimited and "free". Things like meat and pasta, no bigger than the palm of my hand. And I drink lots of water. Good Luck and Good Job on your start to changing your life!
  • MomOfThree123
    Hello all,

    I am fairly new to this site. Just looking for friends to support, motivate, and encourage me through this diffucult journey. I am going through a tough time right now, and a lot of it have to do with the 75lbs that I need and want to lose. Its very depressing. I want to lose the weight without doing any quick fixes. It very hard to find the time to workout with 3 kids. I do very well on the eating part because I don't have a chance to eat a lot at work, but, as I mentioned, I am struggling with the workout part for many reasons. Maybe someone can help me come up with a plan. I have a tredmill at home, a wii, and xbox kinect.

    Thanks in advance for your support!


    I know just how you feel! I am a single mom with 3 kids. Its hard to go to the gym and stuff like that. So I just do alot of walking! I found a track at a church near my home and I push all 3 kids in my double stroller. The stroller and kids are 130 lbs. I walk as long as they let me. Most days 1 to 1 1/2 hours. I find it easier to go out somewhere and walk with the kids rather than doing it at home because they dont run around the house like crazy. They love riding in the stroller while mommy pushes them fast! =) Good luck! You can add me as a friend if you like! I would love some friends on here!!
  • marisol7649
    marisol7649 Posts: 484 Member
    Add me as a friend. I have kinect too, what games do you have. Maybe we can do a kinect club thing.
  • nonchalantaka
    nonchalantaka Posts: 25 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP..It took me awhile to start focusing on me. I am a mother of two little girls and understand how busy life can be between the kids, work, home and other outside activities. I started slow with committing myself to a workout 3 times a week for 30 mins. I have been soo motivated that I actually did 6 days of workouts this week. I also joined on of the Challenges in the community section. Since it is hard to get to the gym I typically do at home workouts. I purchased some workout DVD's, I also use on Demand Comcast workouts on the fitness channel and I have the Wii fit. I have some hand weights, a mat, resistance band and that about sums it up. I try to focus on my eating and logging my food daily. I have only been on this site 1 week but I have meet some amazing people who are very encouraging. YOU CAN DO IT! Best of luch to you as you continue on your journey :smile:
  • gsg37
    gsg37 Posts: 23 Member
    Welcome and good luck to you. This is a great site to make yourself accountable and to make lots of friends to help motivate you and give you ideas to help you along. Feel free to add me as a friend:) You can do this!!