Hello everyone newbie here

hello I'm new to this site. I want to lose around a stone for the summer and have set myself a goal. I'm sure with a lot of encouragement I'll do it.


  • sue26
    sue26 Posts: 412
    you must be english (or australian?) by the stone part of the intro. Id like to lose a stone by summer too - well 12 more pounds actually. People on this site are very encoraging and helpful, im sure youll love it. feel free to add me as a friend if you like. im canadian by the way.
  • TopKat
    TopKat Posts: 13 Member
    I just joined today too and am also English. I've a fair way to go
    So concentrating on 2lbs a week. :drinker:
  • GayleyB12
    GayleyB12 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello newbies,

    I'm a newby too. I want to lose about 3 stone if I'm honest. I'm telling myself its a change to a healthy eating regime and NOT a diet!! I hope this works. Realistically though, I do need to change my eating habits. I'm a Brit but think I'll work in pounds. 42 pounds sounds much better than 3 stone.

    Anyway, Good Luck to all

    Ditto on the adding me as a friend.
  • Katybun3
    Katybun3 Posts: 172
    Hi Sue26 yes I'm English. From Beverley, East Yorkshire. My husband and I are coming to Canada in the summer (hence the diet). We are visiting our youngest daughter who moved out there 11 years ago. We have visited Canada every year since she came out there.
  • music4rach
    Hey everyone,

    I am also new hear... I want to lose about 20lbs... I lost 40 summer of 2009 and kept it off (for the first time in my life) until about 2 months ago and I am now back up 10-15 lbs... so I am hoping to lose those and a few more to be safe! I love this site/app so far...
  • sue26
    sue26 Posts: 412
    what part of canada, we are in edmonton alberta and we have a couple of feet of fresh snow this weekend/ I find the best to approach this site (for me at least) is to treat it as a game. I am originally from Notts.