Anyone new to T25?

I just started T25 Alpha on Monday and its kicking my butt! I am a busy stay at home mom of 3 kids, a 6 year old son, and 16 month old twin son and daughter. I gained 45 pounds with my twins and lost most of that weight but needed to lose some before my pregnancy. My goal is to lose 25-30 pounds to be at my ideal weight. I love that this workout is structured, only 25 mins, and only 5 days a week, its crazy intense and more intense than any workout I've ever done. I used to do the old Turbo Jam's by Chalene Johnson and lost 43 pounds through them years ago, but I am trying something more intense this time. Anyone else new to T25? I am extremely sore, especially my legs on day 3, I'd love to hear of others doing it and for us to help keep each other accountable!


  • Janerf1
    Janerf1 Posts: 13 Member

    I posted a similiar topic! I'm on day 4 today and OMG I really felt the Ab workout. I've had to have leg massages for the last 2 days as the stairs at work where a little bit akin to Everest. However I'm feeling better for it (I do mine before work as I've no motivation whatsoever when I get home) so I'm getting a decent sit down breakfast which is actually keeping me full until nearly lunch \o/ whereas I used to be starving by 1000. Are you doing any of the recipes? I'm just sticking to using MFP to be honest as I quite like to cook. I'll tell you though... I am dreading tomorrow! Especially as it my sections PT day too... so 3 workouts in one day.... OUCH in advance lol.
  • Hi, I am also doing it as of yesterday, created the below thread.

    For me, I think the reviews always underplay these things, make it sound like anyone should be able to do it regardless of fitness levels and then when I fail on the first outing I go back to the drawing board... However I really like the concept and structure of the thing I just hope I don't get disheartened with it. I'm not the most committed and I'l be the first to admit it, what with college, work and an active social life I am quite often busy so hopefully I'll start getting fitter and won't feel disheartened with it. Only time will tell. Definitely love the idea of 25 minute work outs though but for someone going from nothing to such an intense workout it's quite a shock to the system.
  • JoLynn1182
    JoLynn1182 Posts: 17 Member
    Good to hear others here are doing it as well. I am doing abs today, so not sure what to expect yet, total body was tough yesterday! And I am dreading two workouts tomorrow, though it is optional. I am still pretty sore but not as much as yesterday. I am not following the meal plans, its hard with a house of kids but I already cleaned up my eating habits a lot this past month and started losing weight alone that way, now with this intense exercise I am hoping the weight will come off a little faster. What is MFP?

    I know what you mean holiday, I am used to workouts in the past but since having my twins I've done light things, a little jogging, elliptical, Just Dance on my Xbox kinect, so going from that to these crazy intense workouts is a shock for me and while I am sore and they are hard, I push through it and feel so accomplished at the end of 25 minutes and feel awesome to have it done. And this isn't really for just anyone, my parents would probably have a heart attack with it, I suggest following the modifier as much as possible if your not used to this kind of exercise and are really out of shape, I following it about 1/3 of the time.
  • DianaGabriela2013
    DianaGabriela2013 Posts: 108 Member
    Can some body tell me about the diet plan for this program, is it just the basics?
    lean chicken, whole wheat, yogurt, berries, almonds, veggies, legumes avocado, olive oil..
    Or does it come with recipes, or like a specific guide to eat so much protein in every meal or something?
    Just wondering..
  • jreimund
    jreimund Posts: 64
    I'm finishing up alpha this week! I love it. It is intense, and honestly it doesn't get easier. I find the stronger I get, the harder I push myself. This is the hardest workout I have ever done!!!! I have PCOS so my weight doesn't like to change...but I'm losing inches like crazy! Looking forward to beta. Stick with it! Totally worth the 25 minutes a day!!!!!

    To the question about diet, I try to stick to lean/natural foods but I'm definitely not perfect! Shaun T suggests 1200 or 1600 calories depending on your activity level/weight/sex. I'm on 1600 and do not eat exercise cals back.
  • One2Run
    One2Run Posts: 63 Member
    It gets much easier, the further in you get. (Except for TBC). Beta is waaaaaay easier than Alpha, and the workouts whiz by faster I found. I just finished it 2 weeks ago. I only lost 3 lbs, and 5", but I didn't really have much to lose and had switched to maintenance at the beginning of beta.

    Keep at it ladies. The pain will go away. ;)
  • JoLynn1182
    JoLynn1182 Posts: 17 Member
    Good to hear! I did Abs today, it was tough, I was shaking but I pulled through! I am less sore and looking forward to it each day because I have been having so much more energy this week! I am so excited to see results from this program, its harder than I've ever worked before! And so nice to hear beta is easier than alpha! :)
  • avrilgil
    avrilgil Posts: 4
    Hi, I'm 50 and just started it on Monday, and yes it is challenging but 25mins is perfect for me. I also try to walk at least 3x per week. I have more energy and sleep much better. I absolutely love it. I'm not really focused on weight loss because I am working on my inner demons and loving myself. I just want to be good to myself for a change. I can look in the mirror and see so many things that I perceive to be wrong, but today I looked at myself and I felt pride that I am on Day 5 of T25!! and I didn't quit. I modified but I didn't quit.

    I am so proud of you ladies and you give me motivation to keep going. I know I will eventually lose weight, but today, for the first time in a long time I actually like myself. Today's workout is a double Lower body and Cardio; I completed the lower and walked for 20 mins, later today I will complete the Cardio. I love the Cardio. Lets keep going ladies WE CAN DO IT TOGETHER and I am counting on you for inspiration!!! Take care
  • seismicmuffin
    seismicmuffin Posts: 160 Member
    It gets easier! I got through Day 2 Week 4 of Alpha before I stopped for 2 weeks. I started it back up again on Monday. I really enjoy it. I'm looking forward to Beta, a lot of people say Speed 2.0 is a really great workout and their favorite. When I started Alpha the first time I followed the 1200 diet plan, I liked the recipes a lot but 1200 isn't enough for me. I did lose about 3 lbs those first 2 weeks.
  • picotons
    picotons Posts: 14
    I have done T25 for 3 months now, currently doing Beta. It DOES get better everyday that you do it. If you can't do it, just follow Tania who does the motified version. I also drink Shakology everyday as breakfast. I am currently looking for ladies to join my June Challenge group that gives you support and accountabilty. Please let me know if you want to join me!! I am also a coach so let you know if you have any questions. =)
  • Janerf1
    Janerf1 Posts: 13 Member
    Well today is my first STATurday! I measured on Monday so this is only a 5 day result posting and I'm please. I've gone from 64.5 kg to 63.6kg, waist from 87cms to 85cms, hips from 96cms to 94cms and both arms down by 1cm and one thigh down by 1cm and the other 2cms. Which is great as the tree trunks are annoying for skinny jeans!
    I've eaten well all week and have been somewhere between 1200-1600 kcals, I had a few drinks and a not so great tea last night but still I'm happy with the results so far.
    Oh and I didn't do the lower focus yesterday so I've done it after my STAT in today (not looking towards my thighs tomorrow it has to be said). I'm feeling good about this dvd series even though Tanya is annoying the life out of me! Shut up woman and stop yelling "yes"... grrr. And hopefully my No1 trousers will fit properly for my parade in 1.5 weeks (I'm British Royal Air Fprce doing the Freedom of High Wycombe Parade)
    How's everyone else coming along?
  • tinkystyle
    tinkystyle Posts: 76 Member
    I finally ordered this last night. I wanted to finish my round of turbofire and got this as a reward to myself. I'd love top have some friends also doing this workout for accountability.
  • cchang3
    cchang3 Posts: 9 Member
    I am not the type to follow a plan. I am doing Slimfast
  • kelso830
    kelso830 Posts: 25 Member
    Today was my first day of T25, looking forward to seeing where this program is going to take me!!
  • JoLynn1182
    JoLynn1182 Posts: 17 Member
    So far so good, on week 2, day 4 of T25, I only lost 2 pounds but have lost a combined total of about 7 inches all over my body in less than two weeks and my pants are fitting loser, I am happy! The workouts are getting a little easier, not sore anymore and I am balancing better, can't wait to see the results after the first 5 weeks! :)
  • dancinblonde0099
    dancinblonde0099 Posts: 118 Member
    I really enjoyed reading all these comments! I just started t25 on Monday. I'm just doing fast track for 2 weeks because i am going on vacation and want to be able to do all 5 weeks in a row. I am only following the moderator right now. I am so out of shape but even just following her i get a great burn and sweat a lot! My butt and leg muscles are so sore today I just tried to do as much as I could today in my workout. Any recommendations on what to do when you are this sore!?
  • cosmobella
    cosmobella Posts: 54 Member
    I'm on week 2, day 4 also and I've lost a whole pants size and 6 inches, but I gained 2 pounds ( I don't weigh myself anyways.) It's awesome and I'm totally addicted to it. I have 4 kids, so the 25 min thing is absolutely awesome.
  • RMZ2014
    RMZ2014 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi All,
    I just finished my week 2 of Beta and I am really pleased with the results so far. I have lost about 8 lbs with T25 and for sure 2 inches off my waist. I had been exercising for about 7 weeks before this doing much longer work outs with weights and cardio but I got stuck on a plateau for about 3 weeks and thought I needed to try something else. My diet has been 1400 cal on MFP TRYING to eat clean most of the time, so that really hasn't changed but my body has since starting this program. Although, I am 10 lbs heavier than I was a year ago I can fit into clothes I have not been able to fit into for over almost 15 years (college) 2 children since then. Shaun T knows what he is doing!

    My husband has been doing it too and is seeing really good results. He doesn't have much to lose but he is seeing a lot more muscle definition.

    The workouts are hard. I thought the alpha phase workouts were harder but I am still seeing results in Beta and it is still plenty hard. I would not say the workouts ever get easy, I don't think they are supposed to, but they do get "not quite so hard." I still have to do some modifying. I can't do a real push up to save my life and I can't do a one-arm burpee either. Just going to stay with the two armed ones for that. I could hardly do a burpee when I first started. I don't think I was flexible enough.

    Good Luck to ya'll. Just stick with it! if you need to take a break or modify just do it. Just do what you can do, if you are working hard you will get results! It is worth the money. We just bought Gamma phase for when we finish Beta.
  • JoLynn1182
    JoLynn1182 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm on week 2, day 4 also and I've lost a whole pants size and 6 inches, but I gained 2 pounds ( I don't weigh myself anyways.) It's awesome and I'm totally addicted to it. I have 4 kids, so the 25 min thing is absolutely awesome.

    Awesome, I am a mom of 3, two of them 16 month old twins so time is precious here as well, I love it only being 25 mins and your totally gaining muscle which weighs more than fat! Its hard for me not to get slightly discouraged not losing much on the lbs but I got to go by how I am looking and how my clothes feel which is much better!
  • JoLynn1182
    JoLynn1182 Posts: 17 Member
    I really enjoyed reading all these comments! I just started t25 on Monday. I'm just doing fast track for 2 weeks because i am going on vacation and want to be able to do all 5 weeks in a row. I am only following the moderator right now. I am so out of shape but even just following her i get a great burn and sweat a lot! My butt and leg muscles are so sore today I just tried to do as much as I could today in my workout. Any recommendations on what to do when you are this sore!?

    The soreness is tough, I didn't know how I was going to do the next video the next day being so sore, but the hubby rubbed my legs some and I pushed through it, sore yes, but by day 4 or 5 the soreness decreases a lot, I have not been sore much at all this week.