
hi guys, i was wondering, what's everyone doing when it comes to alcohol? outings and gathering on the weekends, do you not drink?
also, nut? i loooove peanuts, shelled ones, what if i were to eat a lot of them but still within my calorie permission?
also, eating late at night, but still within the calorie budget? does it matter what time to have the calories during the day/night?

thank you :)


  • Tigre_Lily
    Tigre_Lily Posts: 26 Member
    Well, I have my cheat days and sometimes Alcohol is involved, but I am sure one glass won't kill you. lol

    It depends on the nut and what the serving size it. I love pistachios myself and I could eat a whole bag if my boyfriend let me.

    Not really. I work from 2:30 to 11pm and it kinda screws up my eating times, but I have realized as long as I am somewhat counting calories I could eat at any time.
  • rettigo69
    rettigo69 Posts: 9 Member
    i would say not to eat anything heavy after 8ish, maybe a light snack

    as for booze i am trying to stay off it, i would download the app on to your mobile and i has a scanner you can scan the bottles of beer wine you have and will give u a good idea on cals

    thats what i do. I even ask the mar person to let me scan the bottles of wine they have that i drink.
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    Calories cant tell they say☆★☆