change in lifestyle. .giving up alcohol

Hi all.
I am a 38 year old mum of one. Embarking on a new health plan. I also want to give up alcohol completely im not a big drinker hut it really affect s me so im gna go tee total....
Anyone wanna join me???


  • sparklenglitter
    sparklenglitter Posts: 52 Member
    I in with you ! I have made my first week and have not had anything but water and ice tea. Before I started the program it was easy to drink a bottle of wine a night. After a visit with my Dr. And starting counseling, I have never felt better. We need to always remember we are what we eat and...drink.
  • KayBallin
    KayBallin Posts: 111 Member
    I don't drink. Never been drunk. I went to a few happy hours in college, but that's about it. Alcohol just doesn't interest me.

    Good luck :)
  • akern15
    akern15 Posts: 13
    Good luck! I drink once a week but have been thinking about giving it up.
  • RachelSteeners
    RachelSteeners Posts: 249 Member
    I'm with you! I haven't had anything to drink in six weeks, since being told I had pre-diabetes :/ So far so good! Nothing like the threat of diabetes to make me step away from a pint of beer or glass or wine.
  • ChronicOptimist
    ChronicOptimist Posts: 558 Member
    I've just started, and I'm hoping to give up drinking at least through June and July. I'm a medical student and sometimes a glass of wine is just really handy after a rough day of classes. But who knows, after these two months, maybe I'll feel inspired to keep going!
  • mullycathNZ
    mullycathNZ Posts: 64 Member
    I'll join you! I drink too much, too often and need to cut back for many reasons, not just the calories!

    Am planning on giving up for the month of June and then hopefully cutting right back.

    Count me in!
  • sparklenglitter
    sparklenglitter Posts: 52 Member
    the pre diabetes thing is a wate up call for sure I was told to really watch my carb intake. So far, so good. Tomo is one week .
  • jcortrightreeping
    jcortrightreeping Posts: 14 Member
    I have also given up alcohol. My husband and I are weekend warriors. We were out two nights this week and I only drank water. Very proud of myself! Turns out it isn't as hard as I thought it would be.
  • miss_millie
    miss_millie Posts: 11 Member
    I'm taking a step at a time.

    I'm quite a big drinker so I've taken the t total month challenge.

    Feel free to add me if you want to share support xx
  • mullycathNZ
    mullycathNZ Posts: 64 Member
    It's Friday afternoon and I can already feel the desire for a glass of wine tonight calling... But nope, this weekend I will meet the challenge head on!! I have no alcohol in the house (and no social ocasions planned which helps) and I have bought some soda water to drink with a slice of fresh lemon instead :bigsmile:

    Good luck everyone, hope you are all still on (off?) the wagon - never quite worked out which way that saying goes.....
