4 years 5 months out from gastric bypass...questions!

susabeannee Posts: 14 Member
I had gastric bypass (roux n y) in January of 2010. I've gained back 13 pounds from my lowest of 128...in speaking to the Nurse practitioner today she said to keep my calories to 1100 and my protein at 90 grams. I can't for the life of me figure out how to eat that much protein on 1100 calories. I have the additional issue that I don't like a lot of meat and I can't do milk, but I can do greek yogurt, cottage cheese, etc. I need to get this 13 pounds OFF! I did get into bad habits with sweets and grazing...I tend to nosh on pumpkin seeds, cereal, pretzels and sometimes candy. I KNOW this is bad, and I'm now tracking my food again.and trying to snack on raw vegetables. I'm also trying to increase my activity. I am in the process of quitting smoking, as I started again after 18 years quit 2 years after my surgery. My goal is to get healthy. I am actually happy at 134...but I really liked 128. If anyone has any ideas please let me know!



  • tinag322
    tinag322 Posts: 4
    I would suggest drinking protein shakes. The Premier Protein shakes are pretty good and they have 30grams in one shake.
  • ATXHeather
    ATXHeather Posts: 218 Member
    Can you buy some unflavored protein and sprinkle it on what you are already eating? Add a spoonful to your yogurt, cottage cheese, etc. Do you like smoothies? That a perfect place for some protein powder. I like Metabolic Reset in Vanilla. Eggs are a really good source of protein if you don't like meat.
  • twopeas2
    twopeas2 Posts: 81 Member
    How tall are you? Are you constantly putting on weight, or are you stable at your current weight?
  • lge6000
    lge6000 Posts: 1
    I would suggest adding unflavored protein powder to your food and/or drinks. I had gastric bypass surgery 3 months ago and am suppose to get 80-90 grams of protein daily, which is almost impossible considering that I only eat 700-900 calories per day. I add a scoop of Unjury unflavored, or Unjury Vanilla, protein powder to a 6 ounce glass of 50-calorie orange juice each morning. This gives me a jump start on my protein intake. Good luck to you!
  • susabeannee
    susabeannee Posts: 14 Member
    I weighed 128 at my lowest. I think my average weight has been 134. I gained over the winter but always kept it to my "danger" weight of 137-138. I'm seeing "creep" now and hit 142 as of Monday. Interestingly enough I weighed 138 today. I am five foot 2 inches tall. At 134 I wear a 6 and I'm good with that, but I really liked weighing 128. My husband doesn't like me that small though as he says I look "frail". I have a medium build and tend to carry my weight around the middle...and if I could be a vegetarian I would be.

    I don't do protein powder well, but I can tolerate the eas soy protein. I actually mixed some in with greek yogurt and a tablespoon of cooca and it had 36 grams of protein!! It tasted sort of like chocolate pudding.

    I have noticed that since I've started walking and concentrating on more protein I am less hungry and able to keep my calories within range. I think I need accountability more than anything....and just have to concentrate on that protein. I also discovered cottage cheese again which I think might help.

    Feel free to check out my food diary and critique. I can use it! LOL!
