Gluten Free

I have a gluten intolerance (not quite celiac's) and I need a low calorie, GF breakfast item. If I eat one more yogurt, I'm going to barf.


  • vamaena
    vamaena Posts: 217 Member
    You could have boiled eggs. Make a bunch at the beginning of the week. 1 large hard boiled egg is about 77 calories. I also buy Qia (it's a mixture of buckwheat, chia seeds and hemp seeds) it's gluten, wheat free, with no added salt, it's vegan, and high in fibre with decent protein (6g/2TBSP). I mix it in oatmeal but you can also have it alone. I add boiling water and let it sit for a few minutes since it puffs up. I then add some almond milk to it.
  • brilliantcoe
    brilliantcoe Posts: 35 Member
    I eat GF. I have egg whites and veggies plus GF toast or polenta for a breakfast. I also really like Questbars. But right now I am back on a nonfat plain greek yogurt and fruit kick. Love these summer fruits!
  • blkane1984
    blkane1984 Posts: 23
    I'm gluten intolerant as well. My breakfast depends on time. I eat breakfast at work during the week. I guess I'm in a rut because my breakfast nearly every workday is 4 oz non-fat greek yogurt over some type of fresh berry. I like the yogurt because it keeps me satisfied until I eat lunch. Once in awhile, I throw in some chopped walnuts. On the weekends, I scramble up some eggs and maybe a couple of slices of bacon. You could hard boil some eggs and eat one with a banana or something. Also, how about a smoothie?
  • fooninie
    fooninie Posts: 291 Member
    I'm GI and I eat oatmeal...eggs, toast, bacon... my favourite breakfast is Quest bars and a banana right now. I'm a protein bar/shake junkie though. I love quest bars with a good coffee. ;) Welcome to the GF club.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    i'm allergic to wheat. sometimes i have half a cup of erewhon corn flakes or rice cereal (they're no added sugar) with a cup of non-fat milk. there's also egg beaters or a morningstar farms sausage if you're looking for protein, and oats (a few celiacs have problems with oats, but not many) are good made with all non-fat milk, sweetened with stevia.
  • brilliantcoe
    brilliantcoe Posts: 35 Member
    i'm allergic to wheat. sometimes i have half a cup of erewhon corn flakes or rice cereal (they're no added sugar) with a cup of non-fat milk. there's also egg beaters or a morningstar farms sausage if you're looking for protein, and oats (a few celiacs have problems with oats, but not many) are good made with all non-fat milk, sweetened with stevia.

    Is there a gluten free version of Morningstar farm sausage? My experience is that Morningstar Farms products are NOT gluten free. If you are truly gluten intolerant this is not an option. Got glutened and ended up with a week long painful rash only diminished by steroids and benadryl when my sister in law served me textured vegetable protein which is made of wheat. Read ingredients and get educated if you truly have an allergy.