All time heaviest weight ever

Good day everyone, This year I have reached a all time weight of 260 Lbs. Been reading a book The Diet Fix and recommended this site. Need to start losing been gaining like I'm on a suicide mission to kill myself eating and not exercising. Sights and smells of certain foods sends me on a eating high that I can't seem to stop. Like a out of control junkie. Sure hope this site can help?:embarassed:


  • Kingeight
    Kingeight Posts: 36 Member
    Honestly nothing can help you unless you are ready to change and take control of your actions and take responsibility for what and how much you eat.
  • DanielAdams3
    This site will help if you are ready to loose weight if you don't 100% want to it wont help look at ourself in the mirror and say do I really want to look likethis for the rest of my life I did and haven't looked back since add me if you like and if you need any motivation or help I'm always happy to help I was like you eating takeaway after takeaway and when I got to my heaviest Over 17st I said that was enough now I'm nearly under 15 stone did stop for 5months but am back and loosing weight and feeling great
    Always people on here that will help you
    Likeisaid add me and will help any way I can
  • almondize18
    almondize18 Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome and good luck! As someone who was 260 a few months ago, I totally feel you on the "am I trying to kill myself with bad food" feeling. This is a great community :)
  • Donbono1
    Donbono1 Posts: 5
    Thanks all for the messages so far. Still learning about the site so bare with me if I don.t reply too quickly. Like what I am seeing and hearing so far?:smile:
  • GeorgieGuitar
    It can definitely help you if you really want to change! Otherwise, you'll probably find yourself only half involved and not logging daily, not exercising etc... I'd highly suggest finding friends on here who can help motivate you and give you advice, it's incredibly helpful and you'll feel supported on your journey to health and happiness :)
  • lynseyscott80
    Welcome! you have made an important first step by even joining

    remember, set your targets, log all of your food (ALL of it!) and keep under that calorie goal - If you go over, add an extra workout to make up for it, log in every day & take it one day at a time.

    remember it's a marathon not a race and we're all in it for the long haul

    good luck xxx
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    This site has helped me lose a lot of weight but you definitely have to be READY to lose it. You have to be willing to put in the effort and dedication it takes. MFP works - you just have to be willing to stick with it!

    I hope you are able to find the motivation and support you need here! Wishing you all the best! :smile:
  • sowich25
    sowich25 Posts: 70 Member
    My all time high in weight was 295 about 10 years ago. I am now 235. It is a strugle to maintain this, I have gone back up to 250 only to take it back off. It sometimes feels like a roller coaster but its a ride im not getting off of. I am now trying to drop even more I wish you luck.