Questions about body fat percentage!

So I have a few questions about what visually represents certain body fat percentages. I know that its impossible to be entirely accurate on what yours is, but when it comes to goals I've heard its the most reliable way to know that you are achieving a healthier weight without just relying on what the scale says. It's hard to create a goal when there are no good references for what it should be for what you want to look like and what you think you would look good. I don't know if I am starting a thread that has already been covered multiple times before, and I apologize if I am.

I am curious at about what body fat percentage a mans body looks like this.

I used to have a body sort of like him when I was in swim in high school, but I can't remember what weight or any of the specifics (which I know really don't matter but I'm obsessed with numbers so please humor me) and I'd just kind of like to have a goal and some kind of a guide to go by.

I know we can't get it completely right, but any guesses are welcome, I'm sure more of you people out there in internet land know a bit more than I do!

I invite others to post pictures if you'd like and try to figure out what their body fat is.

Thanks in advance to anyone who decides to reply!
