green tea pills

Yes, I know, pills/supplements /voodooo won't magically shed weight. I've been doing it naturally for the past six months, eating less and moving more.

that said, I'm considering these as a bolstering effect. they seem to get decent reviews, and send at least a bit more plausible than garcinia cambogia. worth a shot, if only for the supposed energy gains, if not the metabolism boost?


  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Personally, I prefer green tea as opposed to the pills. It's better in the sense that it helps me get in my daily fluid amount and give me some energy. Like you, I don't look at it as some magical fat burning nonsense.
  • dcamell
    dcamell Posts: 40 Member
    I get enough fluids, and I truthfully can't stomach the taste of green tea as a drink, prefer standard tea for an actually beverage, but know it has fewer health perks.
  • Green Tea has natural extract and its antioxidant helps for losing weight and maintain lower blood pressure.

  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    No, it has no effect, it's just a waste of money.