Looking for friends who are losing weight the second time

I lost 60 lbs last year and gained almost all of it back. Looking for others who are trying to get this done a second time!


  • Diva1205
    Diva1205 Posts: 32 Member

    I'm there with you, I gained the 80 pounds I lost, over a two year period.. Started back May 7th... Feel free to add me. :) Goo Luck
  • yahya12
    yahya12 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi l am looking to lose weight too struggling to get started please add me too like to join grp for support
  • Saratini76
    Saratini76 Posts: 115 Member
    How about those of us that are trying for the one-millionth time? :laugh:
  • sunseeker100
    sunseeker100 Posts: 90 Member
    well done on the original weight loss! I'm trying to get back on the wagon every day at the moment but really struggling by the time evening comes around...all good intentions in the morning and then just want to collapse on my sofa and eat biscuits!

    feel free to add me and we can all help each other do this for the final time!
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    That would be me!

    Lost 16lb and gained it and a little bit more too! Defo looking for ads to help me this time round!
  • adopp062715
    adopp062715 Posts: 93 Member
    This is me! I lost 50 pounds a couple of years ago. This past year because of some medicine and other life factors gained 40 of it back. Wish I would have been able to stop the gain earlier but I was in denial. Oh well. Back on the train for good!
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Me me me. Please add a note about this thread "Second time weight loss!" or something if you add me.

    In high school I dropped 50 lbs. Gained 40. Dropped 10. Gained 20, and so on. My thinnest/fittest times were senior year of high school, sophomore year of college, senior year of college, second year of grad school... yo-yo! This is my first time reaaaaally using MFP, though, and I've had an easy time of it. In the past, to drop all of the weight, I was probably eating 1,000-1,200 and working out 30 mins 5-6 times a week. the weight fell off but the deficit was too great and I burned out maintaining.
  • kendallvon
    kendallvon Posts: 170 Member
    Weight loss and I are constant companions. Had weight loss surgery in 1995 and gained almost everything back. Started again using my "tool" October 25, 2009 and it's been slowly coming off ever since. Yes, I've hit a few snags along the way, but the huge difference is that this is *not* a diet. It's a WOL. And you *don't* give up on life, or you die. Eh, works for me, anyway. :P Feel free to add this tortoise.
  • JenniferIsLosingIt
    JenniferIsLosingIt Posts: 595 Member
    How about those of us that are trying for the one-millionth time? :laugh:

    ^^this! Feel free to ad me as well I need all the support I can get!!
  • Takarameri
    Takarameri Posts: 152 Member
    That would be me. I lost 30 pounds and then gained them all back plus a few in half the time it took to lose them.
  • Elvisfan4life
    Elvisfan4life Posts: 22 Member
    Me too I lost weight on here then life got bad again and I've been away for 10 months steadily gaining a d weighed more than when started. Have been on slimming world for a month and lost my first stone now just need to keep at it
  • kids183
    kids183 Posts: 204 Member
    I lost 25 pounds a couple years back on MFP...got pregnant...lost the baby at 15 weeks...gained even more back.

    Started back on MFP in January - since then I've lost 36 pounds.

    It's TOO easy to lose track...especially because there's so many ups and downs in life!

    Always looking for new friends to help keep me on track and motivated!!

  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    Totally with you... I lost nearly 70 lbs 6 years ago, and put it all back on with back surgery and Lyrica. Starting again!
  • fit_gal
    fit_gal Posts: 167
    You can add me. I'm 5ft 8 and five years ago I weighed 175lbs. I lost 33 pounds in two months. I have since eased up on my eating regime and have gained 15 pounds. I started exercise in earnest on Monday weighing 157lbs aiming to tone up and get down to 140lbs ish :)
  • CCSavage88
    CCSavage88 Posts: 191
    I lost 33lbs and maintained it for 1yr 1/2, Although I have not gained it back, I'm restarting to drop a few more pounds...Add me =)
  • feedmedonuts
    feedmedonuts Posts: 241 Member
    I went from 180lbs-128lbs in high school, I was able to maintain that for about 6 years! The last couple years for various reasons/excuses I've been stuck at 145lbs-150lbs. I'm still glad I kept off 30lbs but I'd like to be in the 130's again. Of course, I am pregnant so I am going to gain more and the journey will be even more difficult. Feel free to add :3!
  • willieb2
    willieb2 Posts: 7 Member
    After high school I gained about 60, then I lost about 70, then gained back 55. Now I'm down 14 of that again, looking to go a lot farther than that!
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    I lost 40 or so via the older Atkins program 4 years ago , it creapt back because Atkins did nothing to change my habits per se. and once i reached goal weight i started back on things when on vacation and never went back. I gained more quitting smoking.... I ended up heavier than I started the last time. I'm now just shy of losing 40 (again) with another 15-20 to go. This time I will develop a maintenance plan and track weight. I may not log as seriously as i do now on maintenance but if I see the scales creeping up I'll be back on a deficit plan until it's fixed. That seems to be the long term issue for everyone who regains
    Add me if you like
  • SlimMe2145
    SlimMe2145 Posts: 2 Member
    I lost 39lbs in 7 months while my husband was deployed and gained 30 in a year period when he came back :( starting back again.
  • Abiel390
    Abiel390 Posts: 2 Member
    i was in top health years ago, then I ate more and more. I tried to lose weight...again and again but I "gave up" and started to eat again. I went to my doctor and he was upset... This time, I will do it for my health and happiness. So far I've lost 18 pounds in 29 days. Sounds ridiculous but I have a nutritionist following me, a trainer at the gym, and I walk all over now...5-7 miles a day. I would love to have some friends to back me up and vice verse'. I still have at least 56 pounds to go. I'm logging everything to eat now and I also have a Smart-band to help!!! :smile: