Would love some friendship and support!

ishtar163 Posts: 25 Member
Hi! I need some supportive and understanding friends! I have been a member for awhile, but I am beginning my weight loss journey for the third time. I was able to initially lose weight through reducing carbs and running, after baby #3. Then, after having my fourth, I lost all my baby weight last year through CrossFit and healthful eating, and I was in awesome shape and felt great. Then we had a stressful move across the country, where we ate out for every meal for over a month. This was right after the holidays, where I'd gone crazy with baking and being too busy to work out. So now I've gained the weight without the excuse of a pregnancy. :( Now that the dust has settled (as much as it can, anyway, when you've got 4 kids), I want to get back to that level. Sadly, CrossFit is waaay more expensive here, and not at all in our budget. I'm trying to find something I love as much that works as well, and also trying to juggle kids and healthy eating. It's really hard to dig out of such a rut, so I would love any and all motivation, as well as providing the same to others! :)


  • Belindi2014
    Belindi2014 Posts: 17 Member

    I'm a mummy of 1 trying to loose baby weight.

    Feel free to add me ❤️
  • Sarasota_Guy
    Sarasota_Guy Posts: 82 Member
    Hey my new friend :) I totally understand, as I'm on my 2nd or 3rd attempt to lose the amount I want to lose and change my life, happily I can say so far I've really changed and am undergoing a transformation :) I'm here if you need to talk or need support!

    Of course, I can't relate the kid stuff, as I'm a guy and all LOL And my daughter just graduated :)

    Best of luck and thanks for the add! :)
  • Roughgalaxy
    Roughgalaxy Posts: 219 Member
    Hey there. You are more than welcome to add me. I'm an expecting papa and working hard to keep off the sympathy weight. haha.
  • maizerage66
    maizerage66 Posts: 367 Member
    Feel free to add me, I log daily and always show support and post motivational messages as much as I can. I love to help!