Any women out there getting fit before baby?

Happy Thursday to all! So one of the reason I rejoined MFP is to loose about 40lbs before having my second child so that I am fit before baby as I was the first time around with my daughter. So I was wondering if any other women on here are in the same boat? If so maybe we can use each other for support and motivation! Just a thought! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:


  • anorrisdyer
    anorrisdyer Posts: 52 Member
    I am also looking to lose weight before having a baby. It would be my first, though. I know the risks for both mother and child when you get pregnant and are overweight, and it scares me. I wouldn't be trying until next year, so I will be on here for some time, logging everything, haha.
  • mimismommy11
    mimismommy11 Posts: 80 Member
    Me! I was overweight with when I was pregnant with my first and never lost the weight I gained during pregnancy (or after). We plan on trying towards the end of this year, so I want to lose as much as I can before then. I likely won't be at or near my goal at that time, but I'm ok with that especially since you never know how long it will take to get pregnant (took 9 months with my first).
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    Well, hubby and I are TTC, and I'm trying to get fit, so does that count? :laugh:
  • Kaa80
    Kaa80 Posts: 2 Member
    Yes! I am in the same boat! And if we try it will be soon so I need to get to it
  • mswaters27
    mswaters27 Posts: 24 Member
    Feel free to add me! :) One of my main inspirations is to be in shape and healthy before trying to have a baby. Not sure when we will start trying, probably wont be for another year or two but I really want to have my body back and be in a routine of eating healthy and moderate exercise before I get pregnant. I know the pregnancy will be smoother and it will be a lot easier to get to an ideal weight post partum if I am not 40 lbs over weight to begin with lol
  • CassieR6
    CassieR6 Posts: 280 Member
    Love it! Glad to hear there are others out there as well! :happy: :happy:
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    That was the original plan, but it's been 6 years of disappointment, so July's ob/gyn visit will determine if we will keep trying.
  • CassieR6
    CassieR6 Posts: 280 Member
    That was the original plan, but it's been 6 years of disappointment, so July's ob/gyn visit will determine if we will keep trying.

    Wow thats tough! Hopefully the visit will result in good news!! Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • anie8989
    anie8989 Posts: 50 Member
    I am trying to lose weight for multiple reasons. My health is number one. There are so many diseases that run in my family, so it scares me to now be around my entire life.
    My fiance and I are getting married this October, and it would be nice to lose as much as I can before then. We have been told my a medium that after we get married we will start having kids right away, so if it turns out to be true, I want to be as healthy as I can be.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    You can add me to that list. No children yet and no immediate plans, but losing the weight and getting fit prior to pregnancy is one of my major motivations.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    That was the original plan, but it's been 6 years of disappointment, so July's ob/gyn visit will determine if we will keep trying.

    I'm sorry for your struggles. I can't imagine how much that hurts.

    Try to get a referral to a reproductive endocrinologist. OB/GYNs care for you during pregnancy, but don't have a lot of knowledge or necessary expertise to help with getting pregnant. I also recommend temping to track your ovulation during your cycle. Unlike what we were taught in school, most women don't ovulate on cycle day 14. If you don't know when you ovulate (temping will confirm ovulation for you), you could be missing your fertile window all together. I recommend reading "Taking Charge of Your Fertility".
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I am!

    I've never had a baby and I've never been all that overweight, but I'm working on my body before my husband and I try to get pregnant early next year. It's bittersweet - on one hand, the better shape you're in before pregnancy, the easier it'll be to get back into shape afterward (provided you don't completely throw all of your new habits out the window while pregnant) and a healthier me means a healthier baby. On the other hand, I'll have a nice body and then my bad genes will kick in and I'll have loose skin and stretch marks that will prevent me from ever getting as tight as I'll be right before I get pregnant. I know that right after the birth, I'll think, "Well, there goes all that work!" But I want kids, so all I can do is try to be as fit and healthy as I can beforehand, maintain that level of fitness throughout pregnancy, and then get right back at it as soon as the baby is out.
  • notamoment
    notamoment Posts: 190 Member
    I am!

    I've never had a baby and I've never been all that overweight, but I'm working on my body before my husband and I try to get pregnant early next year. It's bittersweet - on one hand, the better shape you're in before pregnancy, the easier it'll be to get back into shape afterward (provided you don't completely throw all of your new habits out the window while pregnant) and a healthier me means a healthier baby. On the other hand, I'll have a nice body and then my bad genes will kick in and I'll have loose skin and stretch marks that will prevent me from ever getting as tight as I'll be right before I get pregnant. I know that right after the birth, I'll think, "Well, there goes all that work!" But I want kids, so all I can do is try to be as fit and healthy as I can beforehand, maintain that level of fitness throughout pregnancy, and then get right back at it as soon as the baby is out.

    Haha ooohhh hunny hunny if your tight and fit before pregnancy, and you stay with your fitness routine throughout pregnancy i promise you the only thing that may change is your hip size. Im speaking from experience do NOT let yourself go and do NOT indulge all the time i did and phew i had alot to lose i dont even have loose skin just a fat layer im keeping due to my love of food ;) if i had more discipline i would probably be completely flat and not a soul would guess i have a child.

    My cousin was the fittest pregnant person i have ever seen, she came out of it fitting into her size 2 pants, the next day after delivery she was a 0 the only reason she went to a 2 was due to the widening of her hips. I had not a one stretch mark until my c-section, lol although now they are barely visible :) im trying to be fit for my wedding, my health, and a second baby he has been asking lately so this time around i would like to be a fit pregnant lady :).
  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    Looking for support! I lost 125 lbs before my first kiddo. He's 21 months now. I gained 60 lbs with him, and I still have about 25 to go. We want to TTC in Sept, so I need to GET GOING!!!! It's so hard for me to time manage with working out and cleaning house and preparing healthy meals. I hate going when my lil guy is awake and I don't get a long break to go during the day at work, and after he goes to bed I wanna hang out with my hubs and do housework that needs to get done. If only there were 3 more hours in the day..... ;-)
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    That was the original plan, but it's been 6 years of disappointment, so July's ob/gyn visit will determine if we will keep trying.

    We are in the same boat. My husband and I hit 6 years of trying in March this year. I wish you strength, b/c this is the hardest thing I've ever gone through. I hope all goes well at your appointment nad you are blessed with a pregnancy very soon.
  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    We aren't planning on TTC for another 2-3 years, and my goal before then is to get down to a healthier weight. I know it will be much easier/better on many levels to not be morbidly obese for TTC/pregnancy/being a parent. So even though I'm loosing weight for myself, it is also for my hopeful future children.
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    I just want to share hugs with all of those who are long-term TTC. It sucks and I hope you all get your sticky babies soon.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I am!

    I've never had a baby and I've never been all that overweight, but I'm working on my body before my husband and I try to get pregnant early next year. It's bittersweet - on one hand, the better shape you're in before pregnancy, the easier it'll be to get back into shape afterward (provided you don't completely throw all of your new habits out the window while pregnant) and a healthier me means a healthier baby. On the other hand, I'll have a nice body and then my bad genes will kick in and I'll have loose skin and stretch marks that will prevent me from ever getting as tight as I'll be right before I get pregnant. I know that right after the birth, I'll think, "Well, there goes all that work!" But I want kids, so all I can do is try to be as fit and healthy as I can beforehand, maintain that level of fitness throughout pregnancy, and then get right back at it as soon as the baby is out.

    Haha ooohhh hunny hunny if your tight and fit before pregnancy, and you stay with your fitness routine throughout pregnancy i promise you the only thing that may change is your hip size. Im speaking from experience do NOT let yourself go and do NOT indulge all the time i did and phew i had alot to lose i dont even have loose skin just a fat layer im keeping due to my love of food ;) if i had more discipline i would probably be completely flat and not a soul would guess i have a child.

    My cousin was the fittest pregnant person i have ever seen, she came out of it fitting into her size 2 pants, the next day after delivery she was a 0 the only reason she went to a 2 was due to the widening of her hips. I had not a one stretch mark until my c-section, lol although now they are barely visible :) im trying to be fit for my wedding, my health, and a second baby he has been asking lately so this time around i would like to be a fit pregnant lady :).

    Oh, I know plenty of women that went right back to their pre-pregnancy body after giving birth. My sister-in-law is one of them. However, genes play a part as well, especially with stretch marks. No woman in my family has been able to avoid that post-baby pouch of skin and scary looking stretch marks. I'm hoping my fitness level will counteract some of those genes, but I'm not counting on it.
  • asalembier
    asalembier Posts: 124 Member
    I am! We tried for 2.5 years, an d my weight fluctuated. I was at the largest I had ever been, gaining it all since 2010. Last May I decided to buckle down and conquer my weight. Lost 45 lbs so far. In January we gave up trying. Wasn't worth it. In February on our Florida vacation... surprise.. we got pregnant! Unfortunately it was a blighted ovum (never grew past conception but your body still thinks it is pregnant.). Did an induced miscarriage a month ago, and my body is now returning to normal. Time to focus back on me in hopes I can get pregnant again. I have 5 lbs to go til the halfway point, then another 50 lbs to go.
    I can't control whether or not I get pregnant, but I can control how I look and feel in the meantime
  • mzco14
    mzco14 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi there, i'm looking to drop 30 lbs before baby # 2 . Feel free to add me
  • ceceg13
    ceceg13 Posts: 25 Member
    I tell people this all the of my reasons for losing weight is to be fit before I have a baby. I can just imagine gaining more weight on top of what I have and feeling extra tired and fatigued.....yea no thxs!
  • SarahZFeig
    SarahZFeig Posts: 2 Member
    Yes! Healthier mom = healthier baby! Hopefully the healthy habits will carry after the pregnancy and will help with the weight loss after baby #1. My mom's still blaming me for her pregnancy weight 27 years later!
  • We are also looking at getting pregnant within the year. i wanted to get a healthy lifestyle going before hand. I'm doing the Brazilian Butt Lift, there are MANY programs though, and joined a challenge group at the end of April. It has kept me accountable, motivated me, inspired me, and given great clean eating tips/recipes. Because I saw so much success I decided I would start hosting challenge groups. Let me know if you are interested! These are PROVEN to work programs with money back guarantee at the end of 30 days if you don't see results. I promise if you follow meals and complete the workouts, you WILL see change! I also know people that have joined these groups and followed the plans that have gotten pregnant, after trying for months-years, within a few weeks-months of doing this because they changed their lifestyle to HEALTHY.
  • auntsammy88
    auntsammy88 Posts: 401 Member
    I am!

    I've never had a baby and I've never been all that overweight, but I'm working on my body before my husband and I try to get pregnant early next year. It's bittersweet - on one hand, the better shape you're in before pregnancy, the easier it'll be to get back into shape afterward (provided you don't completely throw all of your new habits out the window while pregnant) and a healthier me means a healthier baby. On the other hand, I'll have a nice body and then my bad genes will kick in and I'll have loose skin and stretch marks that will prevent me from ever getting as tight as I'll be right before I get pregnant. I know that right after the birth, I'll think, "Well, there goes all that work!" But I want kids, so all I can do is try to be as fit and healthy as I can beforehand, maintain that level of fitness throughout pregnancy, and then get right back at it as soon as the baby is out.

    I'm pretty much in this boat. Not trying to lose, but want to be as physically fit and healthy as possible before baby.
  • rencawdor24
    rencawdor24 Posts: 157 Member
    One of my reasons for losing weight, alongside being healthier and avoiding preventable disease is to have a healthy pregnancy and recover quicker after pregnancy, so feel free to add me!

    I have a 4 year old at the min and plan to start trying maybe later this year. Would be amazing if I could be goal weight by then, but I've still got 22lb to go, so not realistic!

    I'm also very worried about pilling the weight I worked so hard to lose during pregnancy.
  • cjames010
    cjames010 Posts: 86 Member
    I am trying to get healthy before baby! I have a four year old. It took us about 6 years of trying to get pregnant. I don't know if I'll ever get pregnant again--I'm in my 40s. But I sure hope so.
  • ashleeei
    ashleeei Posts: 35
    I am. Had a start weight of 190 and am currently 159. Really trying to get to at least 140 before trying although I don't know if it's possible as I plan to have a IUD removed in about a month.. I've never been as committed as I am now so I am hoping to lose as much as possible in the next month and am starting 30 day shred today. Also currently have no kids.
  • Chaskavitch
    Chaskavitch Posts: 172 Member
    I am!

    I've never had a baby and I've never been all that overweight, but I'm working on my body before my husband and I try to get pregnant early next year. It's bittersweet - on one hand, the better shape you're in before pregnancy, the easier it'll be to get back into shape afterward (provided you don't completely throw all of your new habits out the window while pregnant) and a healthier me means a healthier baby. On the other hand, I'll have a nice body and then my bad genes will kick in and I'll have loose skin and stretch marks that will prevent me from ever getting as tight as I'll be right before I get pregnant. I know that right after the birth, I'll think, "Well, there goes all that work!" But I want kids, so all I can do is try to be as fit and healthy as I can beforehand, maintain that level of fitness throughout pregnancy, and then get right back at it as soon as the baby is out.

    I'm pretty much in this boat. Not trying to lose, but want to be as physically fit and healthy as possible before baby.

    I'm glad there are so many other people in this same situation :) I'm not really overweight, but I want to be in the best shape I can be before we start. We are going to Costa Rica in November, so that is also a factor in my wanting to be in shape, but that's also my last cutoff. I absolutely don't want to be pregnant on my first beach vacation, but after that, all bets are off :) Just this morning, though, my husband said "I almost don't want to have kids, I don't want your body to change because I like it so much the way it is. But, really, I do really want kids..." Yet another reason to be in good shape going into pregnancy.
  • I am trying to lose some weight before having #3. It's not coming off as easily this time. My children are 5 and 10 months. Feel free to add me :)
  • tink989
    tink989 Posts: 10
    I love this post! I was overweight when I had my daughter 2 years ago and worried everyday that I wouldn't get a cute baby bump. Thankfully I did get a cute bump, but now that my hubby and I are trying for baby 2 I am trying to loose some weight. I am doing it for myself but I want to ensure I will have a healthy pregnancy.

    Add me ladies!