Does anyone else suffer from PKD?

I have PKD (polycystic kidney disease) inherited from my Mum and while my kidneys are still working almost normal, I have been advised to eat a low protein diet which goes against what I was hoping to achieve in trying to get a slimmer, slender body.

I just wondered if anyone else on here suffers from it also and if so, is it possible to be on a low protein diet yet still building some muscle?

I hate having to take bloody pressure lowering medication and would love to get fit and eat healthily so I hopefully wouldn't have to take this medication anymore.


  • hnsr1021
    hnsr1021 Posts: 58 Member
    Sorry you haven't gotten any replies yet... My sister found out she has it last year (several people on my dad's side had it) but she has recently lost a lot of weight. I'd say probably 30 lbs since the beginning of the year. I'm sure she's doing low protein diet, calorie deficit and working out. She's not very muscular though, so I'm not sure if that's what you were wanting to hear...
  • NYstars
    NYstars Posts: 12
    Thanks for your reply. Sorry to hear about your sister, it's good she is still managing to lose some weight but the muscle side doesn't sound very good :(
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Is it possible to schedule with a more progressive Dr that stays up on current trends of treatments for certain disorders?

    I say this because I have a friend that has PKD and her Dr has put her on a ketogenic way of eating which is high fat, moderate protein, lower carb (carbs from vegetables and fruits) and she is having great progress with her health. There is research coming out that a ketogenic way of eating can reverse kidney damage.
  • cwait
    cwait Posts: 1 Member
    I have PKD! Mine is much further progressed, though, so I have had a kidney transplant. Each renal team that I've been under (Australia and UK) has a renal dietician and I've found them helpful in giving personal guidance about what's safe and possible. At various stages of the disease I've needed to be low potassium or low protein. And since being on immune suppression drugs I've appreciated help with managing diet. Can you get a referral to a dietician?