Yes, 1200 calorie diets work!



  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    I ate around the same calories to get out of obese range, but I actually didn't have bread until very recently (past month). For breakfast, I had low fat greek yogurt with berries and a hard-boiled egg, or cottage cheese and berries and 1/2 cup milk, and pretty much that was what I had till I got out of obese range. For lunch and dinner, 2 cups of raw veggies or 1 cup of cooked, 3 oz. lean protein for lunch, 4 oz. for dinner, 1/2 cup of starch (but limited to brown rice, corn, peas, zucchini, now I can actually eat a little pasta if desired). I don't know but I think mine was healthier, although this is not a flame. :)

    As soon as I was out of obese range, I started eating more, that calorie level is safe while you are in obese range, but not after that, and it is only because being in obese range is more detrimental to your health.
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    So in...

    Okay are a 29 year old man eating less than 1200 calories of course you are losing weight but you are also losing fat and muscle...congrats to you.

    In the long term you will notice the following as well...

    Low energy
    brittle nails and hair
    Hunger cues will diminish
    Your metabolism is going to slow eventually too

    You will do damage to your heart and muscles
    You will not be able to exercise much

    And will will eat a wad of food

    Long term you become nutrient deficient, your metabolism will adapt and make it hard to lose weight, your bones will become brittle due to lack of muscle...

    But hey you lost weight...good on you.

    As for the will goal is to be healthy and happy not weak, lethargic, unhealthy and skinny with no muscle mass...

    Self control means eating as much as I can while I still lose weight not as little as possible as a form of self punishment for gaining weight.

    There is no way as a man at 1200 calories you are getting in adequate nutrition...1200 is the bare min for a woman ...

    But hey do what works for you...flay yourself as much as you want, don't learn to eat all food in moderation and when you come off this 1200 calorie a day diet and go back to "normal" and gain your weight back because you didn't learn moderation in all foods only self deprevation you will understand why there are those of us who say no to 1200...


  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I know I will be trolled and flamed for posting this message but I am sick and tired of everyones high horse mentality when it comes to calorie counts. 1200 calories, if done correctly, is more than sufficient.

    I began my journey January 1, 2014. I just completed 5 months and have lost over 55 pounds. I went from 280 to 225 and I feel great. Average calorie count is 1050 with an initial goal of 1200. After a few months, I moved my goal to 1400 and now I am at 1600. Yes, if you plan on just eating a cheeseburger at 1000 calories for the day, your screwed and will harm yourself. But let me give you an idea of my meals.

    Breakfast is high protein egg sandwich OR oatmeal and high fiber toast. Either one is about 300 calories. Lunch is a special K protein bar at 170 calories. Dinner is either chicken breast with rice (370 calories), Large Baked potato with veggies (about 500 calories) or an extra large salad (350 calories). You see, at the end of the day, I have ample protein and fiber, good source of fuel (Carbs) and come in under 1000 calories. This leaves me some wiggle room if I want a small (and smart) dessert, some fruit with my lunch, or anything else. You see, I picked HEALTHY, LOW CALORIE foods to fill me up.

    I will repeat. 1200 calorie diets, eating garbage, will allow you to lose weight but you will not feel good. But 1200 calorie diets that are low calorie, high nutrient food is a great way to lose the weight and keep it off.

    Someone here will complain about my use of a protein bar. Many argue they are candy bars on steroids. They are meal replacements, quite tasty and have good nutrients (fiber and protein being the main ones). Regardless, you can not argue with the results. This diet has allowed me to lose over 55 pounds in 21 weeks. Right now, I average a weight loss of 1.2 pounds a week!

    So before you all chastise someone for asking about a 1200 calorie diet, troll someone who supports the 1200 calorie diet, or even worse, name call (eating disorder, stupid, unhealthy) those who use the diet, take a look in the mirror. Why do you hate the low calorie diet so much? I think if you are honest with yourself, you will realize that is comes down to will power. Doing 1200 calories is the hardest diet out there. You go to bed hungry for the first few weeks before your body adjusts. Many don't make it past the first few days. So although I applaud those of you who are eating better and losing 0.2 or 0.4 pounds a week because you think everyone needs to eat 2000 calories and just exercises the deficit off, I wish you would applaud those of us who have the will power to change and who are losing 1.5 to 2 pounds a week because we refuse to listen to those who say it can't be done....

    Let the trolling and flaming begin....

    1600 cals guys. He lost substantial amount of weight I'm guessing at 1200 cals and now he is at 1600 obviously tweaking things to get what works best for him. I'm at 1250 cals and often don't eat back my exercise cals and I'm doing just fine. I lift weights a couple times a week, yoga once a week, run a couple times a week and with summer here I'll probably start swimming too. If he says it worked for him that's great and I'm totally supportive of that. Do what works for you and you only. Congrats OP :flowerforyou:

    Yes, 1600 calories with a title of "1200 calorie diets work". And a note that "1200 calories, if done correctly, is more than sufficient"

    He also didn't mention until a later post that he was also sometimes eating exercise calories (diary not open so we don't really know how often that might be or how much that might be).

    No one says it won't work to lose weight, most of us here are talking about what that weight loss may come at the price of. And what maintainace will be like.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    No thanks. I'd rather be able to use my body to do things. I guess if you plan to do nothing but sit on a couch watching life go by then starving away all your lean mass wouldn't matter.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I know I will be trolled and flamed for posting this message but I am sick and tired of everyones high horse mentality when it comes to calorie counts. 1200 calories, if done correctly, is more than sufficient.
    Not in my world. Yeah, I did the 1200 calorie thing for awhile, and I lost weight - but it sucked trying to stick to that goal, and I ended up weighing less but still all soft and squishy. I lacked energy for workouts and life in general, likely lost muscle along with any fat that came off, and I wasn't very nice to be around.

    I'm a 46 year old chick and I've had my best success losing fat and inches eating 1800-2000 a day - why on earth would I want to restrict myself to only 1200 just because "it works"? And OP, as a man, I think you should certainly be eating more than 1200 a day.

    My current goal keeps me well fueled and strong for running and strength training, and leaves room for LIFE - weddings, birthdays, fancy dinners, holidays - no trying to eat tiny portions or skipping my birthday cake because I'm trying to stick to such a low goal. I'm in this for life, and life demands more fuel! :drinker: AND my body is closer to the goal I had imagined than ever - fat is coming off, lean, shapely muscles, firm rather than squishy all over!

    Does 1200 a day work? Sure. But if 2000 works even better, which would you choose? :smile: Give me the maximum amount of cals while still losing fat and I am IN!
  • chocolatexxmintt
    chocolatexxmintt Posts: 85 Member
    I eat at 1200 calories :) I feel fine and I'm losing weight. Slowly and surely. :D I approve this message!
  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    I don't think anyone said 1200 calorie diets don't make you lose weight. The idea is that they're unsustainable and highly restrictive. And yes, your daily meal plan seems pretty restricted to me.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    1200 calories, if done correctly, is more than sufficient.

    Yes, it is. There is no particular challenge meeting nutritional requirements inside that caloric budget.
    Really? Cause I could only barely fit my protein and fat needs in that and that only if I lived on a 0 carbs diet.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    But, I often exceed it.
    I am doing a diet of 1200 or less. Average about 1000 over last 53 days. I have lost 18 pounds and feel great. Feel free to browse my diary. I go for my proteins first, then enjoy good healthy vegetables and fruits. There have been days that I have had less than 800 calories, but felt full. Why eat extra food just to make a number?

    I am monitored weekly by our nurse at my place of work and my PCP is impressed. I have never felt so much full of energy in my life before. I have cerebral palsy which causes spastic and tight muscles along with a scissor gait when I walk and limited use of left arm. I feel so much more agile and less off balance having lost weight.

    I started on 4/15/15 with MFP at 182 lb. (5'10") and am now 164 lb. In the proceeding year I was as high as 195 lb. and nearly a 40 inch waist. Today I and fitting comfortably in 32's. I want to be down at the lower end of the BMI scale near 130 lb. and a 28-30 waist or wherever my body feels best. This weight might seem lower, but having CP, I do not have the typical muscle mass. In my teens I was around 112 lb. and that was considered normal for my CP.

    Responses welcomed!

    Your calorie goal is 800... :noway:

    What the ....??? You are a 46yo male with a goal weight of 130lbs. I'm a 52yo 5'4" female who lifts and walks/jogs/runs and I will have a rockin' bod at 146lbs.
  • teresagaffney
    teresagaffney Posts: 5 Member
    Please help I have been on a 1200 for over 12 months I gave list all the weight I wanted a part from a few pounds that just won't go. But just recently I am so hungry. I just want to eat all the time. I am craving a mixture of sweet things and bread. Any ideas anyone as I want my weight to stay off
  • jhboise
    jhboise Posts: 27 Member
    OK, I'm 5'0", at a desk most of the day, doing Pilates & riding a bike for exercise & commuting. At 1200 calories/day or a bit more, I have hovered around 120 lbs for two months, which is about 10-15 more lbs than I should be carrying; that's why I joined MFP. When I dropped down to 1000 cals/day, it was a lot easier to move the scales although it's slight, and I don't feel hungry because I'm drinking a lot of water. I can't believe that this is putting me into "starvation mode." I eat good proteins for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, along with veggies; I go lighter on the carbs. While my diet seems very restricted to some, it is working for me. At 58, I'm postmenopausal, so hormones also play a role. If 1200 calories per day is good for a larger, younger person, that's fine. I am not one-size-fits-all.
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    I'd much rather eat 2400+ cals a day of any food I want, progress rapidly at heavy lifting, and look increasingly better as the weeks go on instead of looking like a hangry skinnyfat grouch. But that's just me...
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    For weight loss, Liposuction works. Gastric bypass works. Amputation works. Bulimia works. Anorexia works. Eating nothing but sawdust works.

    You know, if done correctly.
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    But, I often exceed it.
    I am doing a diet of 1200 or less. Average about 1000 over last 53 days. I have lost 18 pounds and feel great. Feel free to browse my diary. I go for my proteins first, then enjoy good healthy vegetables and fruits. There have been days that I have had less than 800 calories, but felt full. Why eat extra food just to make a number?

    I am monitored weekly by our nurse at my place of work and my PCP is impressed. I have never felt so much full of energy in my life before. I have cerebral palsy which causes spastic and tight muscles along with a scissor gait when I walk and limited use of left arm. I feel so much more agile and less off balance having lost weight.

    I started on 4/15/15 with MFP at 182 lb. (5'10") and am now 164 lb. In the proceeding year I was as high as 195 lb. and nearly a 40 inch waist. Today I and fitting comfortably in 32's. I want to be down at the lower end of the BMI scale near 130 lb. and a 28-30 waist or wherever my body feels best. This weight might seem lower, but having CP, I do not have the typical muscle mass. In my teens I was around 112 lb. and that was considered normal for my CP.

    Responses welcomed!

    Your calorie goal is 800... :noway:

    What the ....??? You are a 46yo male with a goal weight of 130lbs. I'm a 52yo 5'4" female who lifts and walks/jogs/runs and I will have a rockin' bod at 146lbs.

    Thought the same thing... 5'10" male at 130lbs? :huh:
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    But, I often exceed it.
    I am doing a diet of 1200 or less. Average about 1000 over last 53 days. I have lost 18 pounds and feel great. Feel free to browse my diary. I go for my proteins first, then enjoy good healthy vegetables and fruits. There have been days that I have had less than 800 calories, but felt full. Why eat extra food just to make a number?

    I am monitored weekly by our nurse at my place of work and my PCP is impressed. I have never felt so much full of energy in my life before. I have cerebral palsy which causes spastic and tight muscles along with a scissor gait when I walk and limited use of left arm. I feel so much more agile and less off balance having lost weight.

    I started on 4/15/15 with MFP at 182 lb. (5'10") and am now 164 lb. In the proceeding year I was as high as 195 lb. and nearly a 40 inch waist. Today I and fitting comfortably in 32's. I want to be down at the lower end of the BMI scale near 130 lb. and a 28-30 waist or wherever my body feels best. This weight might seem lower, but having CP, I do not have the typical muscle mass. In my teens I was around 112 lb. and that was considered normal for my CP.

    Responses welcomed!

    Your calorie goal is 800... :noway:

    What the ....??? You are a 46yo male with a goal weight of 130lbs. I'm a 52yo 5'4" female who lifts and walks/jogs/runs and I will have a rockin' bod at 146lbs.

    Thought the same thing... 5'10" male at 130lbs? :huh:
    Seriously! Two inches taller than me and weighs less than I do! :noway:
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    But, I often exceed it.
    I am doing a diet of 1200 or less. Average about 1000 over last 53 days. I have lost 18 pounds and feel great. Feel free to browse my diary. I go for my proteins first, then enjoy good healthy vegetables and fruits. There have been days that I have had less than 800 calories, but felt full. Why eat extra food just to make a number?

    I am monitored weekly by our nurse at my place of work and my PCP is impressed. I have never felt so much full of energy in my life before. I have cerebral palsy which causes spastic and tight muscles along with a scissor gait when I walk and limited use of left arm. I feel so much more agile and less off balance having lost weight.

    I started on 4/15/15 with MFP at 182 lb. (5'10") and am now 164 lb. In the proceeding year I was as high as 195 lb. and nearly a 40 inch waist. Today I and fitting comfortably in 32's. I want to be down at the lower end of the BMI scale near 130 lb. and a 28-30 waist or wherever my body feels best. This weight might seem lower, but having CP, I do not have the typical muscle mass. In my teens I was around 112 lb. and that was considered normal for my CP.

    Responses welcomed!

    Your calorie goal is 800... :noway:

    What the ....??? You are a 46yo male with a goal weight of 130lbs. I'm a 52yo 5'4" female who lifts and walks/jogs/runs and I will have a rockin' bod at 146lbs.

    Thought the same thing... 5'10" male at 130lbs? :huh:

    You missed this vital piece of information: "This weight might seem lower, but having CP, I do not have the typical muscle mass. In my teens I was around 112 lb. and that was considered normal for my CP." CP=Cerebral Palsy
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    But, I often exceed it.
    I am doing a diet of 1200 or less. Average about 1000 over last 53 days. I have lost 18 pounds and feel great. Feel free to browse my diary. I go for my proteins first, then enjoy good healthy vegetables and fruits. There have been days that I have had less than 800 calories, but felt full. Why eat extra food just to make a number?

    I am monitored weekly by our nurse at my place of work and my PCP is impressed. I have never felt so much full of energy in my life before. I have cerebral palsy which causes spastic and tight muscles along with a scissor gait when I walk and limited use of left arm. I feel so much more agile and less off balance having lost weight.

    I started on 4/15/15 with MFP at 182 lb. (5'10") and am now 164 lb. In the proceeding year I was as high as 195 lb. and nearly a 40 inch waist. Today I and fitting comfortably in 32's. I want to be down at the lower end of the BMI scale near 130 lb. and a 28-30 waist or wherever my body feels best. This weight might seem lower, but having CP, I do not have the typical muscle mass. In my teens I was around 112 lb. and that was considered normal for my CP.

    Responses welcomed!

    Your calorie goal is 800... :noway:

    What the ....??? You are a 46yo male with a goal weight of 130lbs. I'm a 52yo 5'4" female who lifts and walks/jogs/runs and I will have a rockin' bod at 146lbs.

    Thought the same thing... 5'10" male at 130lbs? :huh:

    ETA: didn't catch the CP reference. My apologies. :flowerforyou:
  • aubyshortcake
    aubyshortcake Posts: 796 Member
    You seem to have your mind made up, so I'm not going to argue why I think that's a bad idea (and plenty of other people have already made valid points as to this).

    All I have to say is..If my lunch was 170 calories I'd be out of a job..due to putting my fist/foot/some annoying person's head through the computer monitor.
  • gotolam
    gotolam Posts: 262 Member
    Why does everyone keep saying that this is not sustainable? Nobody (including op) is talking about eating at deficit for the rest of your life. You use this mega-deficit to quickly shed weight for:

    1) Self-esteem/self-image/Confidence
    3) Health (yes, it is healthier to eat at a deficit rather than being obese)
    4) It's easier to workout /exercise when your 30-40lbs lighter. If you don't believe me, try weighing down a backpack with that much weight and doing your workout.

    Once the initial weight is loss, you work on getting back closer to maintenance a bit at a time.

    Fear-mongering a 1200 calorie-a-day-diet is the ultimate first-world problem. You'd think by the way these folks talk that everyone in Southeast Asia is completely bald.
  • LC458
    LC458 Posts: 300 Member
    I know I will be trolled and flamed for posting this message but I am sick and tired of everyones high horse mentality when it comes to calorie counts. 1200 calories, if done correctly, is more than sufficient.

    I began my journey January 1, 2014. I just completed 5 months and have lost over 55 pounds. I went from 280 to 225 and I feel great. Average calorie count is 1050 with an initial goal of 1200. After a few months, I moved my goal to 1400 and now I am at 1600. Yes, if you plan on just eating a cheeseburger at 1000 calories for the day, your screwed and will harm yourself. But let me give you an idea of my meals.

    Breakfast is high protein egg sandwich OR oatmeal and high fiber toast. Either one is about 300 calories. Lunch is a special K protein bar at 170 calories. Dinner is either chicken breast with rice (370 calories), Large Baked potato with veggies (about 500 calories) or an extra large salad (350 calories). You see, at the end of the day, I have ample protein and fiber, good source of fuel (Carbs) and come in under 1000 calories. This leaves me some wiggle room if I want a small (and smart) dessert, some fruit with my lunch, or anything else. You see, I picked HEALTHY, LOW CALORIE foods to fill me up.

    I will repeat. 1200 calorie diets, eating garbage, will allow you to lose weight but you will not feel good. But 1200 calorie diets that are low calorie, high nutrient food is a great way to lose the weight and keep it off.

    Someone here will complain about my use of a protein bar. Many argue they are candy bars on steroids. They are meal replacements, quite tasty and have good nutrients (fiber and protein being the main ones). Regardless, you can not argue with the results. This diet has allowed me to lose over 55 pounds in 21 weeks. Right now, I average a weight loss of 1.2 pounds a week!

    So before you all chastise someone for asking about a 1200 calorie diet, troll someone who supports the 1200 calorie diet, or even worse, name call (eating disorder, stupid, unhealthy) those who use the diet, take a look in the mirror. Why do you hate the low calorie diet so much? I think if you are honest with yourself, you will realize that is comes down to will power. Doing 1200 calories is the hardest diet out there. You go to bed hungry for the first few weeks before your body adjusts. Many don't make it past the first few days. So although I applaud those of you who are eating better and losing 0.2 or 0.4 pounds a week because you think everyone needs to eat 2000 calories and just exercises the deficit off, I wish you would applaud those of us who have the will power to change and who are losing 1.5 to 2 pounds a week because we refuse to listen to those who say it can't be done....

    Let the trolling and flaming begin....

    1600 cals guys. He lost substantial amount of weight I'm guessing at 1200 cals and now he is at 1600 obviously tweaking things to get what works best for him. I'm at 1250 cals and often don't eat back my exercise cals and I'm doing just fine. If he says it worked for him that's great and I'm totally supportive of that. Do what works for you and you only. Congrats OP :flowerforyou:

    I get so sick of hearing "do what works for you". Not singling you out, but hell, smoke some meth. That'll work too. Doesn't mean it's right. Obviously this isn't that extreme, but most consider 1200 to be unhealthy for a 29 year old male. Not sure how supporting someone on something that could be damaging their body is actually "support".

    Granted, this thread isn't even close to that as it really wasn't a 1200 calorie diet to begin with and hasn't shown success with a 1200 calorie diet at all, but still.

    Well seeing how it's HIS body and MY body I figured doing what works best for the individual only seems fitting. And no, of course I don't take offense to you "not" singling me out and suggesting to smoke meth, that's just silly. :huh:

This discussion has been closed.