The "don't eat after 8" rumor? Question.

I've also heard the "don't eat less than 4 hours before you plan to go to bed."

...Now, I'll be honest, I tend to have no. idea. when I'm going to end up going to bed. Sometimes it's midnight, sometimes it's 4 AM... so if I decide to stop eating by 8, and then I end up staying up reading, watching movies, or sometimes even spontaneously going out with friends, 'til 3 or 4... what is the damage going to be as far as perhaps not getting enough nutrition? How accurate is the "8" or "4 hours" rule? Last night I didn't eat past 8, went to bed around 2, and today I woke up at 11. This means if I follow the same pattern I have about 9 hours to get my calories and nutrition in before I have to sign off food. Which, considering the typical 15-16 hour day... isn't much time.

What are your opinions on the after 8 and 4 hour rules?


  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    It does not matter when you eat.

    All the "don't eat before X or between Y" etc. pieces of advice stem from correlation and not causation.

    The reality is that you can actually go ahead and eat ALL your daily calories while sitting in bed and immediately fall asleep afterwards.

    100 calories is 100 calories at 5am, noon, 3pm, and 7pm. At not time does 100 calories magically turn into 600 calories.

    So, eat on!
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    Meal timing is irrelevant.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Eating late at night gives some people heartburn or causes them sleeping problems. If you're not one of those people then it doesn't matter how late you eat.
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    It doesnt matter what time you eat. If I stay up late and eat after midnight I will add it to the next day's diary though.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    I should also mention meal timing will only work with your own personal issues.

    An example... I LOVE late night snacking. This usually ends up in me being over my calories. Moderation goes out the door. After 9pm, I watch shows with a friend and the popcorn, ice cream, chips and salsa, sunflower seeds, nachos, etc. all come piling on.

    So, I typically refrain from eating at all after 9pm because I know for me PERSONALLY, it all goes wrong. It isn't because the calories are more, it is because I seem to not be able to control myself lol.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member

    I eat after 8pm pretty much every day. Dessert isn't usually until around 10pm.
    Just meet your calorie goal, eat when you feel like it, and eat in a way that keeps you feeling satisfied. :smile:
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    It doesn't matter when you eat. I avoid eating at work because I know when I get home I'll be tempted to binge, so I save my calories for evening.
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    It only matters if your IF ing it.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Until you are highly active, meal timing makes little difference.
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    I dont recommend eating right before a workout either. I did that last night and barfed :(
  • HeatherScent37
    HeatherScent37 Posts: 25 Member
    I personally do not eat in the evening, but that's because I have trouble controlling myself at the end of the day. I'm tired, and I don't want to measure or count or track. I get home from work at 10pm, and get right into bed where I read or watch TV. I find that when you are in bed, the temptation to snack is greatly reduced over sitting on the couch.
  • HeatherScent37
    HeatherScent37 Posts: 25 Member
    I should also mention meal timing will only work with your own personal issues.

    An example... I LOVE late night snacking. This usually ends up in me being over my calories. Moderation goes out the door. After 9pm, I watch shows with a friend and the popcorn, ice cream, chips and salsa, sunflower seeds, nachos, etc. all come piling on.

    So, I typically refrain from eating at all after 9pm because I know for me PERSONALLY, it all goes wrong. It isn't because the calories are more, it is because I seem to not be able to control myself lol.

    Yup, this is me!
  • AxelPrincess
    Hi there, it seems that i know something that can answer your question's this ----> watch the video and you will know more about foods on how to work your metabolism, you don't need to stay up late. be healthy and fit.