hunger withdrawal

How do you deal with the withdrawal of food? I can admit I am addicted to food, always have been. So yesterday was day 1 of a new me. My goal is to get down to 145 which I have not seen since my high school years 10+ years ago. After 4 kids and horrible eating habits I have skyrocketed up to 240lbs. I cant sleep and I have no energy for anything. I am addicted to soda, I have gotten it down to about 2 20oz bottles a day. I am addicted to sweets and I know that's where my struggle lies. I can control my portion control of my actual meals and I do tend to eat less at my lunch and dinner, breakfast is hard for me because I wake up hungry after not eating since like 6pm the night before and I get up at 5am every day. So what I need help with is dealing with these hunger withdrawals. I have heard the same thing from anyone "cut your meals down to smaller sizes and eat more snacks" well that's all good but I cant think of any snacks that I wont over eat on. I love oranges and those small cuties but I usually want 2 and not one. I just get so angry when I tell myself "No Angel you cant eat that, you know you are not suppose to eat that food anymore". Its like I am talking to this evil monster in me that I have caged up who is snarling and shaking the cage demanding to be let out so that it can eat what it wants. But I hold the key and I tell the monster that it cant come out. Its just so hard, that monster is such a sweet talker and can almost usually talk its way out and will eventually win its release. So please help me! I dont want that monster to get out! I want to succeed with the new healthy me.


  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    discipline. I know it is hard. But it is actually what we have to do. Try sugarless gum. Try distracting yourself by taking a walk, bath, hobby. I tell myself this is all the calories I get and I try to space them out thru the day. We all want to eat and that is why we are here. If it is emotional, try getting thru it saying I will get thru it without this drug. I know we all like eating but we have to be willing to do the hard work. You can do it when you really want it. Keep the healthy foods around and not junk food. When I want a piece of choc cake I go to the store and buy one piece. Therefore the whole cake is not around to temp me. We have to learn to take care of ourselves and not do this destructive thing of overeating. You will get lots of support on here with friends which that is what helps me.
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    I'll probably get blasted for this reply but here goes.

    When you change from a high calorie diet to a low calorie one, or go from overeating to portion control, hunger is part of the game. Your body is used to more and sends out the hunger signals. It will happen.

    I fight through the hunger pains instead of giving in to them. I tell myself, my body is like a car with 2 fuel tanks, one a reserve (stored fat) and one the main (what I eat). When the body has burned through what I have put in the main tank it has to switch to the reserve tank and burn fat stores. So that's what I tell myself when the hunger pains start, hey, I'm burning fat now!

    But if you keep putting fuel in the main tank, the body won't need to switch to the reserve. Hence the calorie deficit.. it is the ONLY thing that will work. And EVERYTHING has calories; including fruit.
  • angel_une
    angel_une Posts: 13 Member
    I have always had horrible discipline but I am trying to get my act together and tighten my grip on it. Its a struggle and I imagine it will be for a very long time.
  • angel_une
    angel_une Posts: 13 Member
    Don't know why you would get blasted. But what you said makes sense. I would probably be a hummer with a big old tank of reserve fuel to spare lol. But I am fighting the good fight and its hard but I just have to find ways to keep myself motivated so I dont lose the lose grip I have on my eating habits.
  • clarver
    clarver Posts: 2
    If you like oranges eat as many as you want! You didn't put on weight from eating oranges that's for sure. Seriously, in the beginning if you feel yourself needing to eat constantly just pile up on fruit and veg. Strawberries, raspberries, carrot sticks whatever; if you find yourself still tempted after a meal just eat oranges until you're full. It might not be ideal but it's a hell of a lot better than just giving up and turning to the ben and jerry's. Also try drinking a lot herbal tea - I drink it in a pint glass haha
  • ruthejp13
    ruthejp13 Posts: 213 Member
    That monster's name is Ghrelin. The little angel on the other side is Leptin.

    Try some string cheese, hard boiled eggs, nuts or Greek yogurt as a snack. You want to eat protein for your snack, not fruit or other sugars. Eat fruit and other sugars with your meals or not at all. Get 7-8 hours of sleep a night. If hunger is keeping you from sleeping, eat a small snack before bed or drink some decaf tea.
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 674 Member
    If you don't mind me asking how tall are you and how many calories are you eating?

    I ask because I see people telling you to push through the hunger and I ask why? Why would you feel the need to be hungry?

    Also eating endless amounts of fruit and or veggies is not real, you cannot do this... You need to eat the appropriate amount of calories that allows you to be in a deficit AND also allows you to properly fuel your body AND be sustainable for the long haul.
  • elizabethroyce10
    elizabethroyce10 Posts: 37 Member
    I had to go gluten free... for my health. What i didnt expect? My sugary carby cravings pretty much disappeared. It takes a good week to get out of your system... I dont know if that is too much for you to do right now but that helped me. You and i are the same starting weight :)
  • elizabethroyce10
    elizabethroyce10 Posts: 37 Member
    I agree and like what she has to say
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Open your diary
  • stevee290
    stevee290 Posts: 85 Member
    Try tracking you current calories as-is and just removing 100 calories everyday until you reach your deficit goal. I did it cold turkey 4000 calories a day to 1200 the next and that week was torture. If I wasn't paying for some expensive diet program I would have given up luckily my cheapness out willed my hunger.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Don't try to cut back too much all at once. Set your MFP goals to lose 1 lb. Most people set their goals so that their daily calorie intake is around 1200. This is too low for many people. A slower weight loss is more achievable and maintainable. You want to remain healthy while you lose and achieve your goal.

    Take it slow. You shouldn't feel hungry...nibbly, yes, but no true hunger.....during this process. Have a low cal snack (fruit, raw veggies, etc) when the nibblies get to be too much between meals.

    It takes discipline and a change in habits. You can do this.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    On top of the discipline thing that everyone is pointing out, I would like to add:

    Keep in mind that hunger is not an emergency. You can not actually starve to death in a day. You will eat again soon. Repeat this in your head as often as you need to.

    I get it. Every time I diet (this time its a lifestyle change!!), the first week is hell. I'm hungry all the time. But after that, it subsides and you get used to eating smaller portions.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    If you don't mind me asking how tall are you and how many calories are you eating?

    I ask because I see people telling you to push through the hunger and I ask why? Why would you feel the need to be hungry?

    Also eating endless amounts of fruit and or veggies is not real, you cannot do this... You need to eat the appropriate amount of calories that allows you to be in a deficit AND also allows you to properly fuel your body AND be sustainable for the long haul.

    When you are used to gorging yourself at every meal, cutting down to actual portions (no matter the quality or makeup of the food) will make you seem hungry. Your stomach needs time to shrink down to a realistic size. That's why she does need to tough it out for a few days, then it will feel better.
  • angel_une
    angel_une Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks everyone! I am about 5'4 and I am just trying to even get this whole good food portion control thing under control. After years of eating unhealthy its kinda hard to cut everything bad out and fill it with the good. Every day is a new day and a challenge. But I am trying and that's all I can do. I hate it when people tell me "you cant do that, you mind as well just stay a faty" Like the other day I was at the grocery store and for the first time ever they are selling my favorite ice cream, so of course i bought it. Then I had everyone jumping down on me and making me feel like ****. I mean yah i bought, probably shouldn't have but its not like I am going to eat the whole damn thing in one sitting! I probably wont even eat half of it since I have kids in the house who also love some ice cream every now and then. So why cant I buy something I love and treat myself every now and then to maybe one scoop of my childhood favorite ice cream. The way I see it is if I restrict myself I am going to break easier because I will get so frustrated with everything. But I have been working out on my lunch and I have not had any bad morning food, except my pop but even that I have cut back drastically. So far I have lost 4lbs in a week so that must mean I am doing something right, right? This is just all new to me :(