Starting again... So saying hello again!

Hi all, I've been on here for a little while now but I was inactive for a little while. But I'm back and ready!

I've struggled with eating disorders for a decade and, despite 18 months of treatment, I'm afraid I simply haven't recovered. I've been told some really negative things about my disorder, some being: "If you recover you will develop another addiction, probably alcoholism." (By a GP) "It's more realistic to say that you won't recover, more manage this, maybe only purge a few time a week..." (Psychologist said that)... Maybe those kind of statements made me think recovery wasn't possible, so I gave up, maybe I can't recover, who knows...

All I know is that this is what I've Been left with, taking everyday as it comes, and trying to muddle through myself!

So in my attempt to lose weight ina healthy way, I've joined again and hope to meet some active members to follow!

I'm going to try the 5:2 diet I think, it makes me feel like I'm fasting but in a controlled way. :-)

Nice to meet you all!


  • sarahbellum09
    sarahbellum09 Posts: 32 Member
    I think it's awful the negativity you have been getting from these so called "professionals." You should try seeing a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist. They focus on the idea that if you can change the way a person thinks, then they will rethink and change their behaviors also. They tend to be a lot more positive and focus on what you need as an individual, not what your disorder needs. A Positive Outlook Can Change Your Llife!!

    Good Luck!!!
  • porcelain_me
    Thank you, I'm doing ok so far! :-)thanks for replying!
  • psse01
    psse01 Posts: 29 Member
    As a middle aged lady who has been fighting the battle for the past 20+ years I have learned quite a bit. The last thing that people struggling with addictions need is somebody telling them that they can't overcome. I would find new people for your support group...people that actually support you for instance. ANYTHING is possible if we want it bad enough...we just have to want to be fit and healthy more than we want the instant, temporary gratification that we get from the wrong foods. I know it's easier said than done but we just have to take it slow, one day at a time and LOVE yourself no matter what! Focus on all your wonderful qualities and every time you start to get a negative feeling or thought..."erase it and reverse it". I actually say "erase and reverse" out loud. I am surprised at how well that works. Positive thoughts bring positive results and YOU DESERVE to have good things...keep that in mind! Best of luck to you in your journey...keep focused on the big picture - the love of family and friends - and be kind to yourself...always!
  • maryowens1
    maryowens1 Posts: 8 Member
    Porcelain_me, good luck and don't worry. We're here on the site because we want to improve our health, so being here is doing something positive for yourself. You can't change the past, but you can be mindful TODAY. Be kind to yourself today, and treat yourself well. I joined this year and once in a while I'm either out of town or life gets so frenetic that I miss a day or two of posting. Once I missed a week. So what? I'm still here, and ready to pick up where I left off.

    I like what psse01 posted, maybe that's something to try. 'Erase and reverse!' Think long-term, keep that chin up, and don't let anyone's negative comments get you down. Make today a great day for you, and learn to forgive yourself. We are human, which means we are imperfect beings.