Starting to eat clean, can I get ideas

toribug Posts: 41 Member
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
I was going to start this weekend but got hit with a stomach bug and ended up on crackers,soup, and Diet Mt. Dew. (haven't ate soup in months because of the salt) But anyhow, I did this the week and half before Christmas and was amazed at how good I felt. I even lost a couple of lbs and my belly went down some. I've been eating Ezekiel bread, eggs (omega 3's), Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, salads with tuna from the pouches (not sure how safe all the tuna is), chicken, unsweetened tea, water, (i do have about a can of diet mt.dew a week) veggies, oranges, banana, grapes, nuts, and oatmeal. My biggest problem is sugar, I have an addiction to it. Candy is my downfall and Christmas got me all jacked up. I like ice cream too One of my trainers said everything she eats will go bad in 7 days and she is really small. I have found eating all this good food is really expensive. I don't eat salt, pepper, or butter. I use the spray, can't believe its not butter, and olive oil. I have been stuck since July, even gained about 8lbs. So I thought I would try this, any suggestions from those of you that are eating natural clean foods and results that you've had.


  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    I don't believe in diets but if you want a guideline of eating clean and healthy I HIGHLY suggest The Diet Solution. I am a RN and have been at the weight loss game for YEARS and have learned more since finding the diet solution than I had in all the years combined. You are off to a good start but if you only knew what toxic chemicals were in stuff like the margarine you'd never put that in your body! I also learned how harmful soy is. I was an avid soy milk drinker since I'm lactose intolerant but wow what a mistake! Anyways, check it out. There are some amazing recipes and ideas for eating clean.
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    i work at whole foods market, and i know how some people call it whole paycheck. but i usally spend 150 dollars every two weeks and that includes toiletries and shampoo and stuff along those lines. If you actually get their brand, its like the generic kind, it is just
    as expensive as getting the other brands at grocery stores. all their food is natural and organic, and ive eaten like this for 6 or so years. their fruits are expensive so i buy the frozen of that, but veggies and all that other stuff is great. I cant comment on things like animal products as i am vegan, but i know theyve got healthy ones, not that its all good, they do have my weekness, peanut butter cookies, and i try to stay out of that aisle. haha. not that im trying to get you to shop at whole foods, but any of the farmers markets or natural food stores they have the best stuff.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Check out The Primal Blueprint Cookbook. There should be lots of good ideas in there :)
  • I love sweets, especially chocolate. My rule of thumb is that I require myself to eat 5 veg/fruit BEFORE I allow myself to consider eating the sweet stuff. Usually I am full enough I'm not nearly as tempted. I only buy or make portion controlled servings and I keep very few sweets in the house. If you don't bring it home you can't eat it. I lost 50 lbs and have kept it off a year and a half using these strategies.
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    i just finished my 1st week. I FEEL GREAT. even my hair looks better. I have not had a drop of caffine, unnatural sugar, starch etc etc.
    I started out for 3 days just juicing veggies and fruits and eating chicken in a homemade broth...I then added in all natural foods including all meats, fruits and veggies. I will do Greek yogurt but that is my only dairy I am allowing for now.
    So today I had
    1.5 banana mashed with 1 egg and skillet up into a pancake
    .5 banana with almond butter
    some mixed raw nuts
    some grapes
    Vietnamese resturant I did make your spirng rolls but instead of paper I used lettuce to wrap up chicken, cucumbers, sprouts, nuts and mint..they were so clean and yummy
    Chiobana greek yogurt with some honey
  • try buying loads of frozen veggies when they're on sale - that way you can just steam them (in microwave or one stove) for dinner :)
    for the sugar cravings, try and eat fruit instead. bananas work wonders!
    as for the icrecream craving: get some slightly over ripe bananas, peel and cut into bug chunks, freeze them overnight then put it in the blender & blend until it's the consistency of soft serve. you can add whatever you want (even if it's not that healthy) - vanilla extract & choc chips, raw organic cacao powder, vanilla bean, nuts etc. Always add honey for the sweetness.
    happy health-making!
  • I'm not touting any one store, but the person who works at Whole Foods has a point. You can find stuff that's non-GMO and isn't all that more expensive than the other brands.

    I go to the store a lot more often these days, and make sure I have fresh apples at all times. I get the honey crisp ones and usually in the afternoon I'll get a craving for sugar and the apple takes care of it QUICK.
  • I told DH we were going to start eating clean in 2011... I ordered a recipe book called Squeaky Gourmet... I just got it this past Saturday and the recipes look great and super simple... Almost all the items are simple to find ones and won't have you going to different stores just for 1 item... I highly recommend it... It go great reviews on Amazon... Check it out...
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