Losing Weight...and Body Confidence

When I started losing weight about a month ago, I loved the way I looked even with the weight on. However, it seems like the more weight I lose, the more disappointed I am. I look heavier to myself now and I don't know why. I get mad at myself for eating and I can't take compliments about my body seriously anymore. I don't know what is going on. I thought losing weight would mean gaining body confidence but that hasn't been the case. Has anyone else ever felt like this? Any suggestions for ways to overcome this? Thanks


  • SusanB620
    SusanB620 Posts: 1 Member
    your young..and probably looked great at the weight you were at....so why are you trying to loose weight? is it for health? if you are healthy that is all that really matter. You maybe putting too much pressure on yourself to look like an unrealistic stick model and making this journey of weight loss no fun. you need to celebrate you achievements and pat yourself on the back for a great job.
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    For me it was matter of not feeling like it was happening fast enough.

    Something that helped was taking pictures of myself every 2 weeks (I don't post those...NOT subjecting anyone to what's going on underneath!)...taking my measurements at the same time...and reminding myself that it took me a while to become overweight, therefore it's going to take time to get it come off.

    In the beginning I didn't look in the mirror, either...I didn't like what i saw...and am still not happy, though that's slowly changing.

    I think, for me, I was hitting the gym and seeing all these really fit people...it just seemed like the lean, fit people per capita was higher in the gym than the general population...it made me feel even bigger and unsatisfied. Going to Walmart sometimes, where the fit people per capita is MUCH lower, helps with a confidence boost, though...! (Just kidding, please don't blast me for poking a bit of fun at the "People of Walmart"...! I'm sensitive...lol)

    But it made me berate myself for my choices and for letting myself go, and I went through a period of disgust and anger at myself for getting to my highest weight...that lasted about three months til I started really seeing a difference in the way I looked and felt...

    Hang in there, lady, it'll get better...I don't claim to have all the answers or be any kind of expert, but feel free to add me as a friend...
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Sounds like you are young and have a lot of body confidence issues. I am not sure what the solution is but I'm pretty sure this is not the head-space you want to be in when dieting. I would suggest you stop trying to lose weight until you get some confidence in yourself or you risk getting into a self-harm cycle. From your picture you do not look overweight at all so this is probably not a medical need to lose weight we are talking about here.
  • amandaaalynnn57
    it started out for health reasons only. My doctor recommended I lose some weight because my BMI (just barely) classifies me as "overweight." Also I'm a dancer and the extra weight can be hard on my knees. But I guess I was just expecting to look in the mirror knowing I'm just about 10 pounds lighter and think wow I look even better. And instead I'm just disappointed
  • danahubley
    danahubley Posts: 40 Member
    I find at different points during my weight loss I have felt the same way. I think I feel this way when I lose inches from a specific area and I don't appear "balanced" when I see myself in the mirror. This never lasts long so hang in there. :smile: Your body is changing it just doesn't happen all over at the same rate.
  • Maqneta
    Maqneta Posts: 388 Member
    I just hit the 20 pound mark and still don't like the way I look.
    It takes a bit of time and patience, it'll take a bit to get use to your new look also.
  • leaf206
    leaf206 Posts: 8 Member
    hi with my experience on losing weight before . I noticed my tummy more as every else was slimmed down . so I worked harder on that area by doing sit uo s .
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    it started out for health reasons only. My doctor recommended I lose some weight because my BMI (just barely) classifies me as "overweight." Also I'm a dancer and the extra weight can be hard on my knees. But I guess I was just expecting to look in the mirror knowing I'm just about 10 pounds lighter and think wow I look even better. And instead I'm just disappointed

    Looking better generally comes from looking fitter and looking fitter comes from muscle. If you lose fat and aren't that overweight to begin with you will just look smaller and that is pretty much it. That isn't your fault or a problem with your body, that is just reality and if you were expecting something different then your expectations are what is incorrect.