Hey everyone, Im 23 from Groves,TX

This is actually the first time Im taking losing weight seriously. Im a mother of a 2yr old and he is my world and he is the reason why I wanted to get fit and healthier. Ive always planned losing weight but when the time came I just never did anything but now being at my heaviest I hate looking in the mirror. I dont really talk to alot of ppl cause friends usually come and go and my family are some what supportive but I just hate how they put me down. Most of the time time theyre like "you really need to lose weight and wear pretty clothes" (that makes me feel bad) and then once I tell them I lost this many lbs theyll say "oh good...keep going" (im thinking wow thanks) idk if thats just me but yeah........

I guess im just trying to meet new ppl who is on this journey as well


  • kristysaurus
    kristysaurus Posts: 91 Member
    I just restarted trying to lose weight, myself. I lost about 50 lbs in a year and a half and then gained back ten.
    I am still trying to lose a lot! At my heaviest I was about 270 and 5"9 so 9 totally get when you mean about the comments!
  • aleism
    aleism Posts: 25 Member
    Feel free to friend me! :)
    I am 23, 5'5" and have about 80 lbs to my goal weight and I struggle to maintain a good routine.
    Seems like everything is so crazy in my life right now - yet not that crazy at the same time.

    I don't get any negative comments from friends or family or anyone but myself really.
    I am my own worst enemy in so many ways.
  • JimTs
    JimTs Posts: 23 Member
    Hi there.
    Feel free to add me too if you want. I was 137 Kg (that's about 300 pounds) 4-5 years ago. Now i am 88 Kg and i want to lose some more. It was kinda hard at first because i didn't used to workout. I do now though.
    Anyway, no one believed that i would be able to lose that weight, i guess they didn't (even i didn't actually) know how much willpower i have.

    P.S. 27 years old, 1,78cm.
  • wendii0112
    wendii0112 Posts: 3 Member
    Yeah Ive lost weight before when I was 15yrs old like 30lbs to be exact but gained it back and got pregnant and never lost the baby wait and not eating healthy made me gain even more...Im just ready for a change.
  • izlopez13th
    izlopez13th Posts: 4 Member
    Hello. Name is Irma :) 23 here. I am living in Port Arthur/Beaumont. Going to school. Starting all over but i been up and down. Good luck. I know it is hard work.

    BTW. Hello Wendy.