New and Full of Potential, But in NEED of Support !!

:ohwell: I previously used this site, but quickly became unmotivated and fell off of the wagon! I find MFP to be extremely helpful in tracking my progress, however I am in need of a support system so that I maintain motivation to utilize the tools. If anyone else is imperfect and can relate, Please allow me to introduce myself........ My name is Beth, I am newly married:love: and 7 months pregnant :sick: . A doctor visit last week revealed that I have gained 16 pounds in the last 6 weeks :noway: , apparently this is No Bueno ! Since I am no longer working and have been put on bed rest for the next 2 months, at least, I have to cut back on the Slushies :sad: !! This is quiet a daunting task considering I am normally extremely active and I also quit :smokin: smoking as soon as I discovered that I was pregnant, which was less than 3 weeks into our "Married Life" and the day after my husband's birthday. Needless to say I have been a busy Bee! So PLEASE help me in my Conquest for Sanity amidst the Chaos ! Thank you ! :flowerforyou:


  • CarterGrt
    CarterGrt Posts: 289 Member
    Welcome back!!!

    I think pregnancy is one of those times where it is easy to just assume that all bets are off. As a man, I can tell you that I would gain 100 lbs so I empathize. My aunt was told in month 4 that she had gained all the weight she was supposed to gain for her entire pregnancy.

    It is a challenge as mobility and confort diminish in the last months of pregnancy. I think it might help to prepare a bunch of healthy (healthier anyway) snacks in advance and have them ready and "around" so that when you feel tired and reach out, you have something better to find.

    Good Luck and Congratulations!!! Lots of life changes, but wonderful ones. And, what wonderful times you have ahead of you.

  • WildRed
    WildRed Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you for your support, helpful advice and male perspective. See ya around ! :happy:
  • princess4mimi
    I also want to extend a Warm and Hearty welcome back to you, I myself am a runaway member returned with new knowledge and understanding of this website and all the tools it has to offer. So I can relate with you. :)

    I also agree and want to piggy back off what Carter mentioned. I think he had some great advice, with the possible challenges that you may have to face and planning ahead should be beneficial in helping to stay on the wagon, or wagons. Great future to you and your family!! Welcome back again!!! :smile:
  • itsbella
    itsbella Posts: 1,101
    Welcome and CONGRATULATIONS mommy!!