Anemia and IBS, OH MY!

Happy_Niss Posts: 95 Member
Be warned, I'm very open about Irritable Bowel Syndrome! Try not to be offended by language involving IBS!

Not too long ago I was diagnosed with Anemia, which sucks because Iron supplements and my IBS do not go together well. Lately it has been an issue and the pills AND liquid supplement given to me via prescription aggravating my bowels. Needless to say, there have been more trips to the bathroom.

Anyone else take iron supplements and get upset stomach? Have you found a way around it?


  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    So does this mean you pass out on the toilet?
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    Hi there

    I have anemia and celiac which gives me IBS symptoms.

    my anemia as so bad iw oudl go to hospital every month to get iron infusions (the supplements were not enough and yes they did give me IBS issues…).

    My best find ever was to get Vitamin B injections. I don't know why but for some reason they let me absorb iron - my iron just isn't a problem when i continue to get them - i can't explain it!

    Try it and see what happens?
  • LanceKarcher
    LanceKarcher Posts: 43 Member
    I assume you have IBS with the predominant symptom of diarrhea? Iron supplements in pill form or in daily multi vitamins tend to be laxative like, and probably not what you want. Why not try eating food with high iron content that you could tolerate such as: red meat, egg yolks, dark leafy greens, raisins, beans or lentils, etc.?
  • Happy_Niss
    Happy_Niss Posts: 95 Member
    I assume you have IBS with the predominant symptom of diarrhea? Iron supplements in pill form or in daily multi vitamins tend to be laxative like, and probably not what you want. Why not try eating food with high iron content that you could tolerate such as: red meat, egg yolks, dark leafy greens, raisins, beans or lentils, etc.?

    Indeed. IBS-D is my ailment and worst enemy.
    My doctor told me I would have to eat an extraordinary amount of iron-rich foods to get the iron I needed, so that's why she prescribed me Ferrous Sulf. and it is the worst tasting crap ever, and doesn't help.

    I am definitely upping my iron intake with food as much as possible!
  • rivka_m
    rivka_m Posts: 1,007 Member
    What about Slow FE? I have IBD and had anemia a while back and Slow FE was really easy on my GI tract. Maybe ask your doctor about it.

    Just curious if you eat/crave ice? That was a crazy symptom I only had when anemic, it's gone away since.
  • einzweidrei
    einzweidrei Posts: 381 Member
    My IBS bounces between C & D but seems to be on the C-side more.

    Anyway, back in the day my doctor suggested I take a multivitamin and thought it would be good to up my iron.

    The iron in there was a killer---for me, it made me so constipated---well, bad things happened! I actually had read that it was the opposite---that iron in vitamins were more likely to cause constipation than act as a laxative but it can probably cause either depending on the person.

    ANYWAY, because of that I bought gentle iron. Pill form but easy on the insides.
  • Happy_Niss
    Happy_Niss Posts: 95 Member
    What about Slow FE? I have IBD and had anemia a while back and Slow FE was really easy on my GI tract. Maybe ask your doctor about it.

    Just curious if you eat/crave ice? That was a crazy symptom I only had when anemic, it's gone away since.

    I do not, but my mother is anemic and does.
    I have a stranger craving. The smell of soil and gravel makes my mouth water. I don't know why, maybe it is because of how severe my anemia is but it is weird!
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    the soil/gravel thing is actually very common for anemics, As is eating ice, or sometimes chalk! I never got the soil or chalk, but i always had the ice thing. one hematologist tried to tell me sometime it was related the the pipes that the water came through to create the ice. Im not sure how that could be the case but interesting theory! doesn't explain the gravel/dirt or the chalk though! LOL