Daily support needed and offered!


Are you late 30's or early 40's with children, little time, a desire to lose 20-40 pounds and a need to get fit? Yes?! Can we help each other out?

I am just finishing a treatment for conditions which have prevented me from losing weight. I am hoping it will work... I am ready to commit again but afraid. I've tried 4 times to lose weight over the last 5 years without success but I finally found out why. I need daily motivation to stay on track - even for a month. I'd like to also offer daily motivation in return tailored to your needs.

Can we do this together? Let's start NOW!


  • milkysmum
    milkysmum Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I'm 37 in a few weeks, have a little boy who's almost 3 (where did that go?!) and need to lose 40/50 lbs.
    How are you doing with your motivation? If you like we could friend each other, my diary is open to friends if you do the same we are accountable to each other... How do you fit exercise in? I walk the dog a lot and try to be as active as possible with my son but it's hard when you've got a million things to do isn't it?
  • 5KNohno
    5KNohno Posts: 503
    I'm 38 and have five children, but need to lose a lot more than 20-40 lbs. 20lbs is my first goal though. I have MS so to a degree that does limit me, but after four years of using that diagnosis as an excuse, I am ready to get serious again. If you would like to friend me, I would love some encouragement and accountability. :)
  • Rugbynutter
    Rugbynutter Posts: 33 Member

    35, married, with a littel girl (3 yo). Lost 20kg a couple of years agao and am only 1 bad weekend away from slipping. I'm proud of myself for what I have achieved but it is constant work. Up at 0530 to get to the gym before work, watching what I eat etc.

    Do it, you got this.

  • Lesleycali
    Lesleycali Posts: 236 Member
    HI I'm 38 with a 3 and a 5 yr old!.

    I don't have much to lose but have gotten terribly out of shape, and just wider and bigger and flabbier. I kept ignoring it, ignoring that my jeans were getting harder and harder to get on. One day I was FORCING myself into my most favorite pair of jeans and they ripped from crotch to waistband. HAHA my kids thought this was hysterical! I realized at almost 40 things were continue to go this way unless I did something about it.

    I'm looking for MFP friends and support so I'll friend you! We can work together around the mayhem that comes with being a parent.
  • milkysmum
    milkysmum Posts: 7 Member
    Have just added you lesleycali :) I have to say after staying on the straight and narrow for a while I've fallen right off the wagon today. My DS has chicken pox - am sleep deprived and he's basically screamed for 3 days straight - willpower nil today!! Back to it tomorrow. Surely one day can't undo everything...?
  • robin388
    robin388 Posts: 25 Member
    I am 39 years old with 4 kids. Two of them are teenagers! *ugh*

    I could totally support you if you would like :)
  • confusedmom08
    confusedmom08 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I'm 36 and have 2 teenage boys and a 12 year old - I can't believe my oldest is taking his gcse's and leaving school now.
    I could offer you support and encouragement along your journey - being a full time mum of 3 autistic boys and caring for my ,mum since her cancer treatment I do understand about the lack of time.