New to the gym?

Hi all. Just looking for some advice.

I've just joined my new local gym and I am looking for some advice on how to go about starting to exercise.

I am very unfit, overweight and it has been years since I used a treadmill. Is there any tips on how to get started in to loosing weight, what machines etc would help me shift the weight before I start to tone etc?

I'm very unfit right now and overweight, I'm 5'1 and 244lbs. My goal is to loose at least 64lbs of that so joining the gym I'm hoping is going to help me!

Thank you all!


  • kinmad4it
    kinmad4it Posts: 185 Member
    Most gyms will offer some introductory sessions with a trainer. Having someone in actual real life talk to you and assess you will be on much greater benefit than anything anyone can offer here from merely reading a few lies of text.
    Ask at your gym and see about some sessions with one of their qualified instructors and good luck on your journey.
  • JCLondonUK
    JCLondonUK Posts: 159
    I agree it'd be a good idea to book some sessions with a trainer. Otherwise you're likely to mooch about a bit aimlessly and not get real benefit from your gym membership and the time you spend there.

    Once you've learned what you want to know from the trainer, you'll have a plan of action and feel more confident about what to do when you're there (depending on your goals) and you can carry on alone.

    Have fun,